Dublin, CA
Birthday: September 11
Dublin, CA
September 11
Name / Initiated name
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
I have been following the Study Gita forum by ISKCON Chennai for a while and got interested in the movement after commencing to read Bhagavadgita As it is by Srila Prabhupad
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
I used to live in Bahrain before where there was not much opportunity for worship in temple. Recently I have moved to San Francisco where I hope to visit the ISKCON temple
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
I am interested in Self Realization through deep understanding of scriptures specifically - Bhagavad Gita and Slimed Bhagavatham
What are your expectations from this community?
Expectation is to grow spiritually and learn from like minded people
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
I would like to take part in activities at the center and know of more ways where I can add value