Name / Initiated name
Abhaya das BVKS/ Ferdo Fulgosi
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
2004, by an native American shaman.
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
Bhaktivedanta Cultural Center Rijeka, Croatia
Divya Prabandha Das
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
I'm a graphic designer from Croatia. In the youth I have been a bit of a rolling stone, although I have never been aggressive or law breaking guy. I have been sniffing around for mysticism and spirituality all of my life at least on a theoretical level, I never had guts to plunge into it, I was just reading, observing and speculating. That's until a few years back, when my long time girlfriend broke up with me, and I saw myself rushing down the depression slippery slope. I knew I had to do something fast and remembered a friend which tried for a long time to get me involved with American native shamanism. I got in, and had beautiful experiences with that for four years. In the meantime I got acquainted with some devotees and found their philosophy in accordance with spirituality of American native people. I found vaisnava sadhana to increase the results of American native dances. That is until I met H.H. Sacinandana Swami who's instructed me to decide for only one process because one can't dig two wells at he same time as deep as if one was digging only one well. I rebelled thinking I didn't need to decide, the two processes were compatible. But I realized it was already decided for me, and I only could comply. :o) So, here I am, a vaisnava, quite happy with MY OWN decision. ;o)
I am a foster parent to my nephew (13), so I'm tied up in my own country without the possibility of moving abroad for at least next five years. I have never been married and I don't have any other children of mine.
I'm a part of our community's harinam team, I am trying to learn mrindanga and Harmonium - time permitting :o). My other service is occasional child care during Sunday feasts, cleaning the Preaching centre
we would like to invite to join our group, servant,
P.a.m.h.o. A.g.t.S.P.
Grazie mille per il tuo saluto dalla Croazia. Ho avuto la fortuna di venire in Croazia al Campo Estivo nel2002 a Premantura, Pola e nel 2003 nell'altro Campo Estivo vicino Fiume. I seminari tenuti da S.S. Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja, da S.S. Sacinandana Maharaja, da S.S. Candramauli Maharaja, da Purnacandra prabhu, ecc. sono stati molto interessanti. I kirtana erano estatici. Amo molto cantare e danzare nei kirtana.
Ancora Haribol!
Ti auguro il meglio e tanta forza spirituale in Coscienza di Krishna!
Gopi Rani Priya dasi (BSDS)
(ex Gopi Priya dasi)
Hare Krishna!
Every human being needs to cultivate the spirit, irrespective of his beliefs. All need devotion. It is only spirituality that can purify the heart and mind of man. The second requirement is morality. Morality helps to purify Vaak (speech). The third is Dharmikam (Righteousness). All righteous deeds done by the body or hands sanctify a man. It is through spirituality, morality and righteousness that the three instruments get purified. Only the one who has achieved this triple purity can realise the Divine, if any of these instruments are impure, he cannot realise the Divine.