How to naturally help mental focus

Hare Krishna Prabhu,

Dandavat Pranam. 

My question is what are ways to naturally stimulate mental focus? I'm currently a college students and with stress and work and daily rounds, it is becoming harder to stay awake to study. In the US doctors right away prescribe drugs such as amphetamine salts or beta blockers to "relax" but that's not sattvic and has too many side effects. 

I've been trying ayurvedic remedies such as Ashwagandha but may need more. Any possible recommendations?


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  • Hare krishna,
    To concentrate in any thing this is important that our mind should be focus. Mind can be controlled by controlling prana ( breath). So do regular pranayam exercise. You will surely find change in your concentration with in 2or3 weeks. And if still ur mind diverts then u can consult aryuvedic doctor who can provide some medicine to control mind.
  • hare krishna! 

    We can concentrate on studies only when our brain is calm. For studying college books number of hours of studying is not important but quality of study is essential.

    For calming of brain chanting will definitely help. There is other method which help temporarily is breathing exercise. Take deep inspiration and hold the breath as long as possible and slowly release the air. Do this for a few times. While doing this remember Krishna. This will soothes your  nerves and you can concentrate on studies. 5 to 6 hours of sleep is also essential for calming your brain. During Exam time take b-complex tablets(one per day) it will help the brain. Remember brain consumes 80% of energy of the body. so, you should take proper prasadam. During night you should not have heavy prasad (only light- less oily) this will keep you awake.

    Study in scientific manner instead of memorizing. For every thing there is a reason. if you remember the reason it will be easy remember. This is not for history and literature......

    I hope this will help you.

    beera prabhu das


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