All Discussions (47)

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Krishna, aim of my life

Eyes open in hope to admire You,
Smile comes in hope to feel You,
Tears come in hope to touch You,
Heart beat’s in hope to love You,
Emotions flow in hope to find You,
Oh Krishna! I will live forever in hope to serve You.

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On a moon night

On a moon night

On a full moon night,

the moon shone very bright.

It was cold and calm,

but the blue moonlight kept the night warm.

The night was silent, silent than ever,

yet the air was filled with melody which was heard never.

It was so magical and pleas

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His Divine Grace

On the disappearence day of H.G Srila Prabhupada, being grateful to Him for His causeless mercy, I tried to write some lines glorifying Him.

His Divine Grace
In this dark world of ignorence,
where there is only vice and grievance;
You descended to give

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How Far I AM!


I don't have why two wings to fly?

I don't have why enough tears to cry?

To the source of sound – high above the sky?

Making an ocean to swim it across by?


"Oh Lord! Oh Lord!" calling You! Why?

I was fool, left You, this world to try?

Again & agai

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This Mind (Poem)

Why, must I, possess this mind,

It adheres to anything, of any kind.

No prudence it exhibits, no strength of will,

It fails to remain, unattached and still.


From my duties, it makes me shy,

From works auspicious it diverts my eye.

My ally or enemy; its tr

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