In the next verse Lord Krsna is explaining that even His own four handed form is no dearer to Me than a brahmana. Within himself a learned brahmana comprises the Vedas just like how I within Myself comprise the demigods.
Acharyas explain that according to Nyaya shastras the knowledge of an object needs Pramana . You need Pramana or proof. The goal is to know Krsna but what is the proof that Krsna is God? Something like that. In order to get Pramana you need shastras, Vedas. And brahmanas comprise all the Vedas. Right? And Lord Krsna needs the help of the Brahmanas to establish His position as God. Hahaha.......In this world Ofcourse since lot of ignorance is there. To reveal Himself in this world, Lord Krsna needs the help of the Brahmanas. But this kind of help that Lord Krsna needs is actually not for Himself but it's for ignorant people. Right? He is already God. So, He doesn't need to establish to Himself that He is God. So, He has to establish it to the ignorant and He needs the help of the Brahmanas to remove their ignorance. Therefore the help is finally rendered to us. That is Krsna's compassion.