Krsna Phula Dola, Salila Vihara

Krsna Phula Dola, Salila Vihara

A summer boat festival for the Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. In the Krishna Balaram mandir in Sri Vrindavana the devotees fill the large marble court-yard with water, make a pontoon boat for Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundara's pleasure and take Them (the utsav vighraha) around the pond with kirtan and loving sentiments.


Buddha Purnima - Appearance of Lord Buddha

Lord Buddha

It is said that because Krsna was constantly performing various types of sacrifices and was inviting the demigods from the higher planetary systems,the demigods were almost always absent from their consorts.

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Appearance Day of Srila Madhavendra Puri

Madhavendra Puri's love of God was very uncommon. Simply uponseeing a dark raincloud he would fall down unconscious. Day and night he imbibed the spirituous liquor of Krsna-prema, and thus remained intoxicated, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes raising a tumultuoushue and cry. Nityananda also behaved just like a madman, falling down on the ground, his body agitated by waves of ecstasy. Aslava belches forth from avolcano, loud laughter erupted from his mouth while his whole body, as if in the throes of a great earthquake, trembledviolently.

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Disappearance Day of Sri Paramesvari Dasa Thakura

Sri Paramesvara dasa Thakura appeared in a family of physicians. His Sripat is at Atapur, which was on the Canpandanga branch of the Howrah-Amrah rail line. Rail service on this line has been discontinued. Direct bus service is available from Howrah station; it is about a 2 hour journey from there.

Atapur was previously known as Visakhala. Sri Sri Radha-Govinda are still residing at his Sripat. In front of the temple are two Bakul trees and in between them is Paramesvara Thakura's Samadhi mandira.

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Appearance Day of Sri Sri Radha Ramana Devji

Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami and The Appearance of Sri Radha-Raman.

The all merciful Lord Sri Gaur Hari, as He travelled from village to village throughout the south of India, continued to distribute love of Godhead wherever He went. Hearing the nectarean names of Hari from His lotus mouth, thousands and thousands men and women felt relief from the blazing fire of material existence. Various wretched, miserable and fallen souls lives were completely rejuvenated and thus they became virtuous and happy. While causing rains of love of God to fall anywhere and everywhere, without consideration of time or place, Sri Gaurasundor came to the ancient holy place of Sri Rangakshetra on an island in the middle of the Kaveri river.

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Appearance Day of Sri Srinivasa Acharya

Srinivasa Acharya was a member of the party that 1st brought the books of the 6 Gosvamis from Vrndavana to Bengal & Orissa. He converted King Birahambira to the Vaisnava religion & helped organized the 1st Gaura Purnima festival.

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