Bhagvat Dharma

Veerendra Ekbote

        Bhagvat Dharma as the name suggests is the eternal religion instructed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Bhagvan Krishna himself to mankind having in it the universal truths and teachings which transcend the philosophical differences and barriers of the existing world religions of the present world and anyone who practices Bhagvat Dharma irrespective of his religious and socio-economic status as per the instructions of the Supreme Lord becomes eligible to transcend the 3 modes of material nature because it assures or guarantees the Sadhak (practitioner) or Bhakta (devotee) to associate with Bhagvan or Supreme Lord in Bhagvat Dham or Vaikuntha wherein he lives an eternal life by crossing the material ocean of repeated birth and death.

        Bhagvat Dharma contains the essence of all Vedic literatures and is based on the philosophical teachings of Vedanta Sutra, the Bhagvad Gita and SrimadBhagvat Purana which were all written by Sage VedVyas who is also known as the literary incarnation of Lord Krishna for he dissipated the essential Vedic knowledges to the people of Kaliyuga because after the disappearance of the Supreme Lord Krishna there was absence of real spiritual knowledge and true renunciation on the earthly planet, therefore SrimadBhagvat Purana appeared on the scene which was first delivered to Parikshit Maharaj by Shukdeo Goswami, the son of Vyasdeva which guided the people of Kaliyuga on the path of Bhakti or devotional service and to attain the spiritual world by the mercy of the Supreme Lord.

      Bhagvat Purana starts with the enquiry of Sages, the advent of Kali after the Mahabharat War, Parikshit Maharaj, the grandson of Arjuna, being cursed by the son of a Bramhin for insulting his father Shamika Rishi,  the first Canto also contains a short description of the 22 scheduled incarnations of the Supreme Lord Krishna. In the subsequent Cantos the Bhagvat Purana gives description of the Spiritual world. It describes the qualities, features and form of the Supreme Lord in the spiritual world alongwith his liberated associates, it describes about the creation of Lord Bramha and the instructions given to him by the Supreme Lord. Lord Bramha creates the 4 Vedas from his 4 heads, then from his various body parts he creates the 7 sages, Daksha and Narada. He then creates the 4 Kumaras who refused to create progeny and therefore Lord Bramha got agitated and in an angry mood Lord Bramha created Lord Rudra from his forehead to assist him in further creation and annihilation of his cosmic creation. The 4 Kumaras then visit Vaikuntha after meditating upon the Supreme Lord but are stopped by the gatekeepers of Vaikuntha namely Jay and Vijaya who are cursed by the 4 Kumaras that they will be born as enemies of the Supreme Lord 3 times in different ages. Bhagvat Purana contains theistic Sankhya Yoga of Kapila who is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord. The stories in Bhagvat Purana are all recorded authentic history and not mythology which occurred during various Yugas, Mahayugas and Manvantars. In the 4th Canto of Bhagvatam the history of sacrifice performed by Daksha is described in which his daughter Sati felt insulted for not inviting her husband Shiva for the sacrifice and so she self-immolated herself which angered Shiva which destroyed the sacrifice of Daksha. Similarly the history of Dhruva Maharaj, the history of Prahlad Maharaj, the history of the Prachetas, the history of King Prachinabarhi, the history of JadBharat and Maharaj Rahuguna,  the history of Maharaja Vena and Pruthu Maharaj, the history of Maharaj Rishabhdeva, the history of Gajendra Moksha who fought with the crocodile for 1000 celestial years until he was saved by Lord Vishnu, the history of the sons of Diti and Sage Kashyap namely Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu who were killed by the Vishnu incarnations of Lord Varaha and Lord Narsimha, the history of Bali Maharaj, the performance of SamudraManthan by Devas  under the leadership of Indra and Danavas under the leadership of Bali Maharaj as per the instructions of Lord Vishnu for the extraction of nectar. During Samudramanthan Lord Vishnu himself appeared as Kurma incarnation to save Mandar mountain from drowning. From Samudramanthan the 14 Ratnas which emerged were shared between the Demigods and Demons and finally when nectar appeared in the hands of Dhanvantri who inaugurated medical science in this world, to distribute that nectar to the Devas Lord Vishnu appeared as Mohinimurti to decive the demons, however the 2 demons Rahu and Ketu disguised as Demigods were recognized by Surya and Chandra and then Lord Vishnu immediately severed of their heads by his Sudarshan disc. Lord Vaman incarnation appeared to Devmata Aditi and Sage Kashyapa to end the dominance of Asuras on the earthly planet. Lord Vaman asked for 3 pieces of land to Bali Maharaj who offered everything to the Supreme Lord. Lord Vaman then plunged Bali Maharaj and the demons to the Patala planetary system and gave the earthly planet to the Kashyap race (Caucasoid) or Vedic Aryans under Sage Kashyap to rule.

       The present Vivasvan Manu Epoch is governed by Vaman incarnation during which the Solar dynasty and Lunar dynasty are predominantly ruling the earthly planet. During the present Vivasvan Manvantar the river Ganges which until now was existing in the upper planetary system was brought on to the earthly planet by the rigorous meditation done by Emperor Bhagirath after he pleased Lord Shiva to hold the flowing Ganges into his matted hair when she falls on the earthly planet and make way for her safe passage on the earthly planet to wash away the ashes and liberate his forefathers, the sons of Sagar before it finally merges into the ocean from where it then travels down to the lower planetary system where she is known as Tripathaga or travelling the 3 planetary system. The history of Ambarish Maharaj, the history of Lord Parshuram and his 21 times Kshatriya annihilations, the history of Lord Ram and his destruction of Ravana and rescue of Mother Sita from the clutches of demon king Ravan, the history of 28 Mahayuga during which the predominant Chandravamsha dynasties of Kuru, Yadu until the events which occured during the Mahabharat War is described in the 9th Canto of SrimadBhagvatam where genealogy of various kings and their dynasties is mentioned. The 10th Canto of SrimadBhagvatam is fully dedicated to Lord Krishna and his pastimes in Vrindavan, Mathura and Dwarka which is the most important part of Bhagvat Purana for it mentions the names, forms, features, attributes, pastimes and paraphernalia of the Supreme Lord Krishna in detail. The 10th Canto of Bhagvatam is like a biography of Lord Krishna in which devotees relish the pastimes of Krishna Katha to increase their devotion unto the Supreme Lord..

       All the places, events and occurrences which are described in the Bhagvat Purana are located in Bharat or India. All are recorded histories since the start of creation and are related to the various devotees of the Supreme Lord and some places belong to the demons that were vanquished by the various incarnations of the Supreme Lord because the Supreme Lord Krishna has himself said to Arjuna in the Bhagvad Gita that Oh descendant of Bharat whenever there is predominant of vice and decline of religious principles I descend millennium after millennium to protect Dharma and vanquish the miscreants. The Buddha incarnation that appeared after Lord Krishna also descended in Bharat (India) in 6th cent BC to stop animal killing in Vedic fire sacrifices and was a reformation movement in the Vedic religion based on rejection of authority of Vedas.

      Bhagvat Dharma faced resistance from Buddhism since its inception till the revival done by Shankaracharya of Vedic religion. However Shankara presented Adwaita Vedanta which was monotheistic and was based on impersonal realization of the Supreme Absolute truth wherein the cause and effect of the cosmic manifestation was Bramhan realization and the individual Soul merged in Bramhan to lose its spiritual identity. Therefore it was rejected by all the prominent Vaishnav Saints and Bhagvat Vedantist like Ramanuja, Madhva, Nimbarka, VishnuSwami, Vallabhacharya and ShriChaitanya Mahaprabhu who in the present age from 12th century onwards revived and enriched Bhagvat Dharma by spreading Bhakti movement amongst the masses and presenting their theistic personal realization of the Supreme Absolute truth by confirming the spiritual truths as mentioned by VedVyasa in his Vedanta Sutra, Bhagvad Gita and Bhagvat Purana that the Supreme God is a person and the cause of all causes. He is omnipresent and omniscient possessing spiritual attributes and qualities and is the Supreme controller. The individual Souls always remain independent and eternal and are part and parcels of the Super Soul or Bhagvan and serve him eternally in the spiritual world as per their devotion or remain in the material world due to their free will, however when they surrender to the Supreme God in devotion they become eligible to enter the spiritual world once again to serve the Supreme Lord eternally.

|| Krishnas tu Bhagvan Swayam ||

|| Hari Bol ||



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