
Thought Of The Day

So the Krsna consciousness movement means to practice in this life how to enter Krsna's family. You enter Krsna's family as you like. There are five rasas: santa-rasa, dasya-rasa, sakhya-rasa, vatsalya-rasa, and madhurya-rasa. That is reflected in this world also, the same. Tejo-vari-mrdam vinimayah. This..., this material world is reflection of the spiritual world. Chayeva yasya bhuvanani bibharti durga [Bs. 5.44]. Here there are rasas, santa-rasa, dasya-rasa. Here also there is master and servant; there is friend and friend; there is father and mother and the son; there is beloved. Everything is there, but they are imitation, chaya. They are not reality. So if you want real friendship, then make friendship with Krsna.


"If you come to Me..." Krsna is saying to us, indicating Arjuna, that "If you come to, come back to home, back to Godhead... Why you are rotting in this material world, temporary world?" "No, I have got so many responsibilities, Sir. How can I join You?" So Krsna says, sarva-dharman pari...: "Give it up." "Then, I'll be in trouble?" "No, you'll not be troubled." Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah. Krsna is giving assurance.



By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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