Biography of H . H. Jayapataka Swami

The success of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in spreading Krsna Consciousness around the world starting from North America basically is definitely an amazing achievement for a great personality empowered by the Lord Himself  to fulfill an almost impossible mission in Kali Yuga in a very short time, but this success of Srila Prabhupada is also because of the inspiration that His Divine Grace have given to young people in the western societies during a very important  era in the 20th century full of conflicts and transformation. Among these young people inspired by Srila Prabhupada to carry on this task, is His Holiness Jayapataka Swami that in 1968 surrendered totally to His Spiritual Master Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and to Sri Sri GaurNitai, the most merciful incarnations of the Lord Himself in this era. Srila Prabhupada: "I went to your country with a mission & you all good souls were sent by Krishna to me."


The Supreme Lord Krsna is most pleased when instead of glorifying His Lordship; we glorify his devotees or the servants of His servants. So please allow me to write this text of glorification and the realization about our Spiritual Master HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja who during  this year 2011 we are celebrating His 62nd Sri Vyasapuja and 43 years as  a devotee of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and disciple of Patita Pavana Jagatguru Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya 108 Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Although I am afraid to commit any offense or omit important details, I feel encouraged by different God brothers to present part of the  biography of our beloved Guru Maharaja, and also present a few realizations gained from having worked directly with HH Jayapataka Swami this past few years. By His mercy my life has changed completely, and the conceptual understanding of this world and our purpose in this human form is conveyed through Guru Maharaja and the Shakti of Srila Prabhupada, while HH is preaching, traveling and working tirelessly for everyone to become Krsna Conscious in every town and every village

I was planning to present this small article by points but in fact all the points it will all interact together, each aspect and subject has something from the other since all refers to the same person who is none different from His preaching, thoughts or attitude therefore I will write something about His life as a devotee, His qualities that inspire us and activities.

Once I, (TMKD) interviewed His Holiness Jayapataka Swami (HH JPS) for a magazine that that I will publish soon. Here I am adding some of the same to all of you.

HH JPS: There were devotees sitting in a circle doing kirtan. One devotee in the group turned to me and looked at me. When I saw the tilak then I was overwhelmed with fear. I was like somebody who saw a ghost or something. All the hairs on my body were standing on end. It was like you see those pictures of a Cat with shhhhh (sound expression). That's how I felt. All my back, everything was like electrical shock. I just turned and I ran as fast as I could. I ran about 2kms.  And then I asked Myself:  who am I running for, who are those people, what is this? It was just like a spontaneous reaction. Then I went back but the devotees were gone. I asked around and they said those are Hare Krsnas. So I was looking around for them.

There was another time before this when one devotee wearing a western dress, T-shirt, pants with shaved headed and sikha. No tilak. He was like a hippie or something. I don't know what he was. He came up to me and handed me a paper and it said "Hare" - the Supreme Pleasure potency, "Krsna" - the Reservoir of All Pleasure, "Rama" - the Supreme Pleasure. Chant this Mantra and you'll be happy. You get high forever. He gave the address, I tried to find the place, and I couldn't find it. I must not have been ready then.

TMKD: Do You know the name of this person?

HH JPS: No, I don't know. He didn't talk to me, he just was walking around and handing people this paper. There was no kirtan party. Even I got the paper, immediately I was attracted, wanted to find but I couldn't find the temple. When I saw this devotee chanting with tilak that's when I got this big reaction.

TMKD: And after that time how long it took You to join the movement?

HH JPS: From the time I saw the devotee, that wasn't such a long time. FromThe first time when I received the paper maybe 6 months or a year. I didn't get connected till later. I thought who this people were. I never saw them again. But the second time I think it was within a month or two because I saw one poster and it said that there was a Ratha Yatra, I think Festival of the Chariots. At the bottom it says you come and get a vegetarian meal for 25cents donation. So then I went to the temple and got the vegetarian meal. After 7 days of visiting ISKCON on the day of Ratha Yatra, HG Jayananda Prabhu shaved me up and I surrendered. "What I did!", I said in my mind I'll
try it out fully for 2 months and then I'll re-evaluate whether I'll stay or not but my desire was to surrender. But just, you know, like my intelligence said, "Come on, how you can do it so quickly". So I said, all right, I'll try it out, if I don't do it fully how I will know what it is like. And after 2 months if I don't feel any change and I can reconsider. But then I was not looking back after that.

TMKD: What was Your feeling when You met Srila Prabhupada for the first time?

HH JPS: After the Ratha Yatra in San Francisco in 1968, then I wanted to go and see Srila Prabhupada in Montreal. Then I flew to New York and from New York I went up to Montreal. In New York I saw 26, 2ND Avenue temple, then I Went to Montreal. That time there were only 3 temples in the world - San Francisco, New York and Montreal. So when I first saw Srila Prabhupada, he came for giving Bhagavad-Gita class in the evening. There were about 25 to 30 people there, to hear his class. When I first joined, because I was doing yoga and different things so I could see people's auras. So then when Prabhupada came to the room, it was like his aura filled the whole room. There was yellow, white color, very soothing. I was so amazed; I've never seen anybody with aura like that. Everybody has green, red, blue, and
different but I never saw something that was so big. At the end of class Srila Prabhupada said, "Who's that? That time Gargamuni had also come from San Francisco, he said "This is Bhakta Jay", my nick name was Jay. That's what everyone calls me, not by my legal name; Gordon John was my legal name. Jay was what everyone called me. So then Srila Prabhupada said, "Have him come for lunch with me tomorrow"

TMKD: When Your father left his body, did he leave anything for You?

HH JPS: Just a message that he was very pleased with me. My father disowned me for that but after about 8 years he accepted me back. For 8 years he wouldn't write to me, wouldn't talk to me, I was no longer his son. I had one brother who died. I met him...then soon after he died. He told the priest that he's most proud of me. That he had not treated me properly but he's most proud of me that I had made something out of my life. That priest read that out during the funeral. Other brothers and sisters were there, they were surprised. I couldn't make it to the funeral. I didn't get the information, so it was too late. (It is good to see how HH JPS got the respect of his father for what he was doing at the last days of his life and this shows how those who leave their home to surrender to the lord are highly protected by His Lordship) ii end of interview.

The life story of our Gurumaharaj is very long since it I very Rich in Activities, Lectures, Marathons of book distribution, Festivals, as a Associate of Srila Prabhupada, as Preacher, Pujari, Administrator, Temple President, GBC, Various Committees Member, Member of World Organizations, Kirtan Leader, as a Lecturer and Writer and many more but it is important that we start from talking little bit from His early days so I am adding part of His biography that is made with the help of few devotees.

His Holiness Srila Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja appeared on the Ekadasi day after Rama Navami in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, America (09-04-1949). We can see few coincidences (although there is no coincidence) that the place of his birth gives an early indication of his future achievements. Within the name Wisconsin, is the name ISKCON! And Milwaukee literally means a place where important people meet. (We do not know the truth behind this nor the real plans of the lord but we just make our analysis and conclude like this) Guru Maharaja's special connection with the Lord and His holy name was apparent from his very childhood. In fact, even His name, Gordon John, as Guru Maharaja pointed out very happily could be pronounced as Gour Dhan Jan (the follower of the wealth of Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu). (Would this be also
true? I prefer to keep it to the devotees to think in it) When Guru Maharaja was only two years old, He almost drowned in a lake while swimming, but was miraculously saved by the mercy of the Lord. Guru Maharaja's mother also recollects a very revealing incident that took place in the church, one Sunday. When Guru Maharaja had gone along with His mother and uncle to the church, His mother suddenly noticed that her son was missing and there was also a little commotion near the altar. When they went close, they found Guru Maharaja, still a very little boy, standing in front of Lord Jesus, with His arms outstretched in front, saying, "Oh, Lord, hallowed be thy name!" Though born in an affluent family, the riches and the lifestyle did not influence Guru Maharaja.

When in primary school, His extraordinary intelligence was recognized by the school authorities, who advanced Him to a higher class skipping some years of education. His Holiness studied mythological books as soon as He could read and His interest in philosophy and spiritual matters was astounding for a young child. At eleven, when He was affected by a skin disease at the suggestion of His grandfather, He cured himself by invoking the holy name of the Lord.  He was also in the top 1% of the students taking the American University admissions exams and was offered scholarships by several major universities. His Holiness accepted admission into Brown University. A guest lecture in the university on eastern philosophy awakened in His Holiness,the mission for which He had appeared, and He began the search for a Guru.

As He was preparing to leave for India, by the will of the Lord, He met the disciples of His Divine Grace. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and joined them on Ratha Yatra day in San Francisco. His Holiness then went to Montreal and met Srila Prabhupada. During those days He accepted ordinary jobs in order to raise funds for the temple. (HH Jayapataka Swami once had to do all the main services at once like being Temple President, Pujari, Cook and Cleaning and Working outside at the same time) Being the son of rich parents, He endured various hardships and became close to the common workingman, also showing His pure dedication to carrying out His spiritual
duties during extreme trials. He was then initiated by Srila Prabhupada as Jayapataka dasa brahmacari, which means "Victory Flag". Srila Prabhupada told Him that He would be the Victory Flag of Lord Krsna. (this also made me meditate little bit that there is no coincidence in this, because Srila Prabhupada gives him the name of Jayapataka that means the Victorious Flag of Lord Jagannath and HH Jayapataka Swami met ISKCON during Jagannath Rathayatra, this shows the will of the Lord behind every spiritual activity of a Guru as when He gives Harinam to his disciples) Following Srila Prabhupada's order He helped to establish the Toronto and Chicago temples.

 In 1970, Srila Prabhupada sent Him to India to establish ISKCON on behalf of Him.  (If HH Jayapataka Swami would be an ordinary person Srila Prabhupada would not send Him with this important task in a very difficult country for North-Americans, this also brings to my mind what once Guru Maharaj told me about something happened to Him in Canada that the wife of the Temple President at that early day wanted that Gurumaharaj would marry and not remain as brahmacari, maybe to help as grihasta. But Srila Prabhupada replied that Jayapataka das brahmacari would be directly under His personal care and Srila Prabhupada said I have important plans for Him. So He will remain as brahmacari) He, along with the other devotees already in Calcutta, would perform Kirtan, enroll Life Patron Members, deliver
lectures, and perform public and private programs in various homes. In the same year, 1970, on the holy day of Radhastami, His Holiness was initiated into the renounced order of life, (sannyasa) by Srila Prabhupada. He was given the name Jayapataka Swami. (Srila Prabhupada told personally Gurumaharaj that He wanted Him to be among the first 12 sanyasis in ISKCON and Guru Maharaja accepted this austerity when he was only 21 years old) Soon, He took the service of being the President of ISKCON Calcutta, and in this capacity, He helped organize two gigantic programs, where, over 30,000 people gathered to hear Srila Prabhupada every night.

In 1971 land was obtained at Sri Mayapur Dham (HH Tamal Krsna Goswami worked hard for it) for constructing the world headquarters of ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada assigned Him to develop the project as his life's mission. "I have given you the kingdom of God, now you develop it," Srila Prabhupada told him. During the initial development of Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir, the presiding Deities were brought to Mayapur and His Holiness recognized Them from a dream He had years before while preaching in the West. On one occasion, Srila Prabhupada told His Holiness that He had formerly been born in India as a devotee and associate of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu and that He
and other devotees had taken their birth in the West to assist in spreading the Krsna consciousness movement there. (This story is recorded and I had the opportunity to see it in a video where His Grace Sri Netaji das was telling the story about this event where Srila Prabhupada requested his father to help in making HH Jayapataka Swami an Indian citizen, this makes our dedication and surrender more and more) The early days in Mayapur were difficult. Guru Maharaja was given a very small amount every week with which He had to cover all expenses including food for the brahmacari. To meet to the challenge of the situation, Srila Prabhupada requested HH Jayapataka Swami to develop the agriculture in ISKCON land so we can be self-efficient and Guru Maharaja followed this instruction and use to utilize modern methods of farming for a good produce and ISKCON became less dependant in this area. Also Srila Prabhupada requested Him to learn Bengali language.

As Guru Maharaja expected, his application of modern techniques, yielded a crop much better than all the other farmers and He, out of His natural kindness, shared the secrets with the local farmers who were all very pleased to have His guidance. During this time, Guru Maharaja also manufactured all by Himself a bio-gas unit to save on cooking expenses, which was greatly appreciated by Srila Prabhupada. Guru Maharaja organized the ISKCON Food Relief program in India after the Bangladesh war to feed the refugees and hungry people. This program has continued for over a decade, feeding an average of around four million plates of nourishing Krishna prasadam every year to the needy without discrimination. The people and children would eat so much that Guru Maharaja would be very afraid that the children would die because of a stomach burst! But by the mercy of Lord Chaitanya no untoward incident happened. Every year almost there is a big
flood in the area of west Bengal and Bangladesh, so during the 1978 flood in Bengal He did a remarkable job, sometimes risking His life for distributing prasadam to the affected villagers. Ever since then, the food relief program, headed by His Holiness, has continued to provide this much-needed service. All this selfless service caused several prominent Indians and tens of thousands of villagers to petition the Indian government to grant him Indian citizenship. In 1978, after the disappearance of Srila Prabhupada, His Holiness began accepting disciples on behalf of the Gaudiya Sampradaya. He is at present one of the initiating spiritual masters (Guru) of ISKCON and a member of the Governing Body Commission, as well as divisional trustee for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. He is also the Minister for Congregational
Preaching, Convener of The Sarasvata Gaudiya Vaisnava Association (SGVA), Life Chairman of the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust (BSCT) and Vice Chairman of The World Hindu Federation (WHF).

"Preaching is my resting time."

Accepting the Parampara of traveling constantly, that began with Narada Muni, who was cursed to be unable to stay in one place for very long, HH Jayapataka Swami began traveling to various countries in the world beginning from 1979. Today HH attends to India, (and all the Indian subcontinent, (Nepal, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh) Malaysia, North & South America, Australia, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and particularly Middle Eastern countries as well as Africa ( basically South Africa and Mauritius) and most recently has been very active in Russia, His Holiness is also meeting the necessity of traveling to Russia, Eastern Europe and to places where ISKCON centers have struggled with problems and with maintaining the faith of the devotees in those countries. He is almost always requested by the GBC to be a GBC in zones where many problems exist and must be solved) spreading Krishna consciousness in every town and village. Though traveling constantly around the world, spending very few days in His most Dear Dham, HH Jayapataka Swami told me once that nevertheless feels that He never leaves the Dham because he goes from one temple to another temple in cites around the world. Srila Prabhupada mentioned once that some of the parents of His disciples cursed him to always remain traveling and never stay in one place. It was also the dharma of sanyasis to constantly travel and not remain in one place for very long. Srila Prabhupada once called Guru Maharaja and other sanyasa into his room and said that He was passing on the curse of constant travel to his sanyasa disciples. Though there were other sanyasis in the room, when Srila Prabhupada said this He was looking at Guru Maharaja and He took this as a personal instruction for himself. Guru Maharaja accepted this curse from Srila Prabhupada as a blessing from the Lord to give Him strength to always travel and preach everywhere. This continuous traveling has made Guru Maharaja expert in ticketing and traveling and making him sometimes to make 3 round the world tours to attend many programs everywhere and this causing the KLM vice chairman to tell Guru Maharaja that He is one of the most well versed persons in the world in routing and rules without being a travel agent or airline worker. Once I asked Guru Maharaja that we should make his schedule ahead in months or organize it better, so we can have good service and not rushing at last moment, than Guru Maharaja said that only the lord knows the plans of everyone and that his plans are already made him but The Lord does not reveal it to him so we understood that is better to surrender
more the to Supreme Controller and planner since whatever Guru Maharaja does it for the pleasure of the Lord and we should be instruments in His hands. Thirty-five years of continual work and preaching is not easy for any person who doesn't stop traveling, who ignores all the inconveniences of this heavy schedule. Giving absolute importance to His seva to Srila Prabhupada, Guru Maharaja gives only secondary concern for personal health. Guru Maharaja has amazing energy and sleeps very little. He has great resistance to height, weather changes and timing. Very rarely does Guru Maharaja take rest before 1.00 am, but He is always ready for Mangalarati and Japa walking with devotees in every city His Holiness visit.  When we once asked Guru Maharaja to please take more rest and take care of his health, Guru Maharaja replied: "Preaching is my resting time."

Srila Prabhupada offered Sridham Mayapur and India as the guru-datta-desha for preaching. However, inspired by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada who traveled to the west to spread Krsna Consciousness to the whole world, Guru Maharaja also takes this compassion and love that Srila Prabhupada has to deliver people in every place possible, always trying to be soft with the beginners to help them become more attracted and inspired in Krsna Consciousness. Many times in one week GM visit seven countries or different places distant one from each other and still He doesn't stop or take rest, while for the traveling secretary is a very heavy duty to resist this heavy schedule that is why we see that every time we need to train a new devotee to serve Guru Maharaja while the previous one takes rest, but as all they says: it is a nectar and great experience" and still many devotees fight between each other to get the mercy to travel with Guru Maharaj. I personally never saw HH Jayapataka Swami saying "OK now we will stay one week here and take some rest, not even when He is sick, we keep fighting
with GM for his health and to remain in one place to have some treatment but no, His Holiness cares more about His mission as international preacher than about His health.

HH Jayapataka Swami is the longest standing sanyasa in ISKCON today. HH has awarded the sanyasa order to 16 devotees so far. Two of them are His direct disciples, and one has recently become reinitiated as a full disciple, while the others are his god brothers.  The list of the names of the Sanyasa Disciples of HH Jayapataka Swami are: Their Holinesses:

Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja,
Bhanu Maharaja,
Prabhavisnu Maharaja,
Bhakti Vikas Maharaja,
Mahavisnu Maharaja,
Gopal Krishna Maharaja,
Mukunda Maharaja,
Bhakti Vrajendranandana Maharaja,
Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja, (JPS)
Bhakti Vaidurya Madhava Maharaja,
Bhakti Raghava Maharaja,
Gauranga Prema Maharaja.  (JPS)
Bhaktisidhanta Swami (JPS)
Bhaktivinode Swami (JPS)

While sanyassa devotees were initiated but are disciples of other Spiritual masters who left the planet. I will add their names soon.

Congregation Preaching & Namahatta.

As a minister of Congregation Preaching Guru Maharaja has set up a world wide system to teach devotees how to make more people Krsna Conscious, as well as teaching them how to organize house programs. Through His office, He has made many books so as to make the preaching more systematic and organized. He encourages devotees to attend congregational preaching courses and gives seminars on this topic in many countries around the world. This service remains close to His heart. His Holiness is at the forefront of Namahatta preaching in India as well as in other parts of the world. cknowledging His keen interest in this area, He was given the role of Increasing Congregation for Srila Prabhupada Centennial celebrations in 1996.

His Holiness works tirelessly and preaches dynamically in India and around the globe. He has learned many foreign languages and has wonderfully accepted the original Vedic culture, mainly the culture of Mahaprabhu's Bengal which helps him more and more in his preaching activities. One of the main activities Guru Maharaja focuses on is the development of Namahatta preaching centers inspired by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and we can see hundreds of houses in the world who practice Krsna Consciousness ongregationally in their houses and neighborhood (mainly on the Indian subcontinent, Russia, Europe and Malaysia and Middle east).

Festival's Maharaja #1 in the world.

It is impossible to talk about Guru Maharaja without talking about His performance in the big festivals of ISKCON, His Kirtans with the melodious sound of His BIG Kartals, chanting with devotees around the main streets of the world. It is impossible to talk about Guru Maharaja without mentioning His devotion for Their Lordships Jagannath Baladeva and Subhadra. He is present in almost all the Rathayatra festivals worldwide. HH Bhaktitirtha Maharaja wrote once that "His Holiness Jayapataka Swami is the Festival's Maharaja # 1 in the world "  since Guru Maharaja is always invited to participate in the Rathayatra festivals everywhere and we can see how Guru Maharaja inspires thousands to participate in this festival of chanting and dancing before the chariots of the Lord of the universe. Guru Maharaja is always invited to lead big Harinams - Kirtans in most of the cities in the world, basically during anniversaries, inauguration, Deity Installations and Rathyatra as it is part of his nature to preach on the main streets of the main cities, many times after traveling from continent to continent with almost not resting  and with changes in the time Guru Maharaja goes directly from the airport to the procession site and still has energy to perform his duty to dance and chant before the Lord with association of devotee, many devotees says that this is one of the activities that makes HH Jayapataka Maharaja be deserver of the title of extraordinary person. Once I had long time without seeing Guru Maharaja and suddenly I was watching news on CNN than I saw the reporter talking about big Hindu festival in South Africa and I saw Guru Maharaja leading the procession with Kirtan during Jagannath Rathayatra and it was really overwhelming, Who doesn't know HH Jayapataka Swami with his Huge Kartals and turbant chanting and dancing in most of the great festivals of ISKCON worldwide if He became a devotee of the Krsna during Rathyatra day. All is connected since the beginning with his personality and ability in Kirtans, Festivals, Harinams, etc...

As a writer.

Due to the intensity of His traveling and varied services all over the world, HH Jayapataka Maharaja hardly gets time for writing. Still, He has given translation and commentary to Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura's Bengali poem 'Vaishnava ke?' To counteract the speculated ideas of Rtviksm which have no basis on sastras, His Holiness made a book called the Rtvik-maya-vada-sata dushani which give 100 points supporting the importance of accepting initiation from the current link in a Sampradaya.

His Holiness is adept in the principle of yukta vairagya and uses all modern facilities for spreading Krsna Consciousness. When the -mail facility came into being, HH directed His disciples and others interested to keep in touch with him through E-mail as He traveled around the world. An E-mail conference was also formed where devotees could ask Him Krsna conscious questions. These questions and answers have been compiled into a book called the "Spiritual Truths from Cyberspace". HH also writes for various articles and conferences. If we would have to make them in books all what Guru Maharaja have been writing to conferences and disciples definitely we would have hundreds of books published. He is also assisting in the publishing of Srila Prabhupada's books in different languages. His Holiness's translation of the Caitanya Bhagavat, 'Prabhupada Remembrance" and many transcribed lectures await publication. and is currently preparing other important works including Caitanya Lila, a book containing many pastimes of Lord Caitanya from different biographers such as Vrindavan Bhajana (a poem written by Srila Prabhupada), Sri Krsna Bhajanamrta and Godruma Kalpatavi.

Sarasvata Gaudiya Vaisnava Association (SGVA) - Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust (BSCT) - The World Hindu Federation (WHF).

It is important to mention that Guru Maharaja, following the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, works with other ISKCON devotees to improve the relationship of Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir with all the Gaudiya maths in the Holy Dham. His Holiness is the Convenor of Sarasvata Gaudiya Vaisnava Association (SGVA) which annually holds meetings in Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi auditorium to work together with the Vaishnava leaders to implement the teachings of HDG Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada and to improve the conditions of the devotees in the Holy Dham, acting in the spirit of a united family. At the same time Guru Maharaja works with other.

The SGVA was created to fulfill the desires of HDG Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati Thakur, so that all his disciples and followers would cooperatively work together to spread the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to the entire world. Srila Prabhupada established the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust (BSCT) with one of its objectives being to promote unity in the Saraswat (disciplic family). The BSCT took the initiative for convening a meeting of all disciplic descendants of HDG Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada. They decided to form a formal association under the name of Sarasvata Gaudiya Vaisnava Association (SGVA), with the purpose of fulfilling 0the well known desire of Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur - that his followers cooperatively preach the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, while developing Vaishnava communities in the Holy Dham.

Most of the direct disciples of Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur appreciate this working together approach, which began through the initiatives of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, It is important to mention that since HH Jayapataka Swami learned Bengali, He gained the respect of the local Acaryas and devotees and this was one of the reasons that made Him the closer to the Vaishnavas in the Holy Dham. Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavan appointed him as chairman of the BSCT.

Guru Maharaja is also the Vice Chairman of the World Hindu Federation and I have personally assisted HH in few opportunities. Once in Lumbini Nepal I could see the appreciation for Guru Maharaj  from the WHF leaders, since after the end of the general meeting one of the leaders came and told GM, we are very proud of you maharaja, we want you to help us because you have succeeded in doing what we cannot do easily,  which is to bring people to Sanatan dharma because we face the crisis in our religion that our people are going to join other faiths attracted by some money or by force so please help us, Than HH Jayapataka Swami replied : it is not because me but it  is because the Bhagavad Gita and my Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada. Than a year after the general meeting of the WHF was held in Mayapur bringing hundreds of leaders to our ISKCON Mayapur showing the respect and appreciation that these leaders have for our Guru Maharaja and for Srila
Prabhupada's movement that now a days  have in the Hindu community.

Mayapur activities and festivals.

In relation to Mayapur - many things we can say but I will try to resume Guru Maharaja's activities. HH Jayapataka Swami participate in almost all the areas and act as GBC and Co-director and takes part in most of the festivals and their organization as well in future projects like the Vedic Planetarium and the  improvements of all the areas and all the holy dham as well as help in promoting Mayapur and fund raising programs around the world and is part of many committees to make Mayapur worldwide famous with spiritual tourism promotion and improving the infrastructure of the whole area of Navadwipa Dham as was the desire of Srila Prabhupada Gaura Purnima festival is part of the life of Guru Maharaja. HH never missed one festival (a record as we could see in the last Srila Prabhupada night in Mayapur during the Gour Purnima festival 2002) from the main festivities to the small ones, Guru Maharaja leads an important team so things are done properly, increasing in quality year after year.

Parikrama: one of the most auspicious activities organized by Guru Maharaja and Mayapur devotees, This is one of the most pleasing for HH JPS, that shows His strength and experience in the Holy Dham of Navadwipa, thousands of devotees foreigners and Indians gather to experience the nectarean pastimes of the Lord narrated by exalted devotees a long with HH Jayapataka Swami during the Sri Navadwipa Mandal Parikrama. And in each place Guru Maharaja with senior devotees narrates the amazing pastimes of these holy places; definitely this activity is one of the most pleasing to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.  And after the Gaura Purnima festival Guru Maharaja leads a group of devotees on safari (first was Ganga Safari) to the main holy places in India. The result of this transcendental tour is amazing, when we hear the  realizations of devotees after visiting each Tirtha.  This safari have been done under the leadership of Guru Maharaja for places like the Ganges, Orissa, Vrindavan, Southinida, West Bengal in general from the Darjeeling until the delta along with hundreds of foreigners devotees, in fact Guru Mahraja want to show to the local people how foreigners chant the holy name and are inspired by Srila Prabhupada to visit India and have association of the holy dham. Caitanya Lila is part of the festival of Gaur Purnima festival where devotees assist to the rooftop of the lotus building to hear the nectarean lectures of the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with His associates in the holy dhams, this activity is now part of the festival always awaited by devotees from different parts of the world and HH Jayapataka Swami is very expert in these transcendental pastimes of the Golden Avatar.

Shantipur: This is one of the most auspicious festivals on earth, is in the house of the Supreme Lord Sri Adwaita Acarya where Gauranga Mahaprabhu along with Nityananda Prabhu visited this house and took prasadam with devotees and gave special blessing to all those who go to that place and take prasadam would get Krsna Prema, so the descendant number 14th from Sri Adwaita Acarya ( Sri Prasanth Goswami) have requested personally HH Jayapataka Swami to organize and lead a group of devotees to feed more than 50.000 pilgrim annually on that same day ( 3 days before Gaurpurnima festival) I am 108% sure that this is one of the main things that inspire us to be under the lotus feet of Guru Maharaja in this transcendental seva to the Lord and his devotees. Nitai pada kamala, from the times of Srila Prabhupada HH Jayapataka Swami always wanted to have preaching programs in the Ganges so he made arrangements to get a boat and Srila Prabhupada installed Sri Sri GaurNitai and in this way the preaching through the villages near by the Ganges started.

Pandal programs: These are one of the main programs that Guru Maharaja organize and participate in India and Bangladesh since in this way thousands have the opportunity to hear the glories and chant the names of the Lord Besides all the festivals that Guru Maharaja is always requested to attend, Guru Maharaja is also expert in deity installation rituals. So, many times His Holiness has led these activities in many temples and locations. In West Bengal HH have made an amazing work with his disciples and spiritual nephews basically through the preaching and Namahatta programs as well Book distribution, Prasad distribution, Pandal programs, School programs and Spiritual artistic programs and as examples of the result of these activities in such a poor areas like  Siliguri and Haridaspur we can find one of the main temples in West Bengal that were recently inaugurated by Guru Maharaja  accompanied by many senior devotees and we cannot forget Kanainathshala ( a holy place on visited by Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu on the bank of the Ganges) there Guru Maharaja along with many devotees have made an important ashram and it is frequented by devotees few times a year and especially during Ganga Safari with hundreds of devotees and foreigners devotees as well.

Vedic Planetarium: Together with his God brothers, His Holiness is closely monitoring and developing Sri Mayapur Dham into a spiritual city, unparalleled in human history, as envisaged by the previous Acaryas. From here, it is predicted that the message of Love of Godhead will inundate the entire world and a great temple will be built in this spiritual city. So Guru Maharaja along with many of senior devotees are working hardly to make reality this project revealed by Sri Nityananda Prabhu. HH is a very active member of the GBC and have been serving in many areas in the world as a GBC in charge or Zonal secretary or GBC committee member and have been chairman as well of the GBC and his areas includes most of the continents. As an Administrator  Guru Maharaja is  very good in this area who always presents many proposals for resolutions to increase the veracity of ISKCON and who works very hard with other GBC members to improve a system of justice, organizing ISKCON and its dealings with devotees and authorities. I personally have seen how Guru Maharaja begins working ahead of the GBC meetings in Mayapur. His Holiness plays the main role as host and ensures things are done properly, giving the best attention possible towards implementing systems to improve the conditions and relationships between devotees around the world. HH Jayapataka Swami also has a very heavy task to protect ISKCON properties and its reputation. By working with other god brothers, disciples and devotees in general so as to address the latest issues associated with the Ritvik philosophy, he risks himself in this service to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON.

JPSOffice in Mayapur.

Guru Maharaja has established an office to provide better service to his disciples (both diksa and siksa), god brothers, and well-wishers. He has expertly implemented a technical way of maintaining a system of databases to aid in caring for the devotees, as well as providing Krsna Conscious news constantly to devotees via email, websites and printing works. He always try to see how to improve the systems of attention to His followers and well-wishers and try to update all the equipments of His office as well oversea new systems that makes faster the replying of huge amount of snail mails and E-mails, also through his office Guru Maharaja co-ordinate most of his activities around the world and the relationship between other areas in the world, JPSOffice in Mayapur is worldwide Headquarter office for his service and intercommunication with all his disciples around the world.

Inspiration for his attitude and activities.

I would like to share with the readers some of the aspects from the personality of Gurumaharaj that inspire us the most and that I have heard personally or at least read in some books or have seen them in some video resentation and also some of the realizations that some God brothers of HH have said about Him. Guru Maharaja is an extraordinary person and I am always impressed by His activities, efforts, and His renunciation in many ways. Whatever He does it is not for Himself but for Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON, as His very life is dedicated to serving the devotees and to pleasing Gauranga Mahaprabhu. The long list of disciples that Guru Maharaja has, shows the dedication and work He does around the world to inspire people, and it is due to His purity and sincerity as a devotee, servant and intimate associate of Srila Prabhupada, that makes Him be attractive to too many devotees to join Him in spreading Lord Caitanya's message around the world. Guru Maharaja is a very caring father for all His disciples and He is always worried about the well being of all those who meet him at least once. I have seen in His Holiness Jayapataka Swami a very dedicated role in rotecting devotees who are in need, taking care as diksa guru and as siksa guru. Guru Maharaja also takes care of the children in ISKCON and works closely with many devotees to improve the attention and the education given to them. He works to implement systems to avoid any kind of abuse to the students or children and works to establish an annual budget for them as well have them always in his annual budget and help.

Months back I visited HDG Nayananda das Babaji (God brother of Srila Prabhupada) and He was very happy that Guru Maharaja have instructed his office to offer help to Babaji on monthly basis and once there Babaji requested me the following things and he said, "I have a request from you, that you learn Bengali and speak Bengali as nicely as your Guru Maharaja speaks" and this inspired me a lot. Babaji always use to tell me "try always to serve Him and surrender to him, I appreciate him too much because He have helped me a lot and help us in building the small temple of Sri Sri Gaura Gadadhara, at that time I felt happy to see a great Vaishnava glorifying HH Jayapataka Swami, and I remembered that also Gurumaharaj also was helping DG Lalita Prasad Brother of Srila Bhaktisidhanta Thakura Prabhupada during his early days in Mayapur.

He always inspires people to perform seva and chant the holy names of the Lord. He always protects Srila Prabhupada's properties and Krsna's laksmi, inspiring people to spend their money in Krsna Consciousness. He is continually preaching to other people, nations and religions and assisting at large congresses and events. Nothing could make him decrease neither his faith nor his strength and desires for preaching the message of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu not even the murder attempt that HH Jayapataka Swami survived in Spain. His Holiness always tries to encourage devotees to open centers and temples so as to spread Krsna Consciousness, with devotees gathering together to worship the Lord and establish workshops for chanting the Mahamantra. His purity and association carries a very important meaning in our lives. In order to make his preaching activities possible, I have seen amazing things while traveling like Guru Maharaja's last minute arrangements to travel to reach his destination and fulfill his duties as a devotee. He is very merciful with his disciples as well as with those who make a lot of mistakes. He doesn't want anyone out of ISKCON since the fight against Maya is very heavy and He always insists that ISKCON leaders should try to reform devotees instead of removing them.  For this Guru Maharaja is always trying to give His best for the cause of justice in our movement. He is a General in this army against Maya. We can see this when He chants Gauranga loudly. This has become part of His personality along with the Kirtans with his huge Kartals. Whenever we travel with Guru Maharaja on tours in India we see the reception and respect He receives from other Sampradayas or schools of different understanding. Also I remember when Guru Maharaja was glorified for engaging more people around the world in Sanatan dharma and Guru Maharaja humbly said that it is only due to the Gita and Srila Prabhupada, this act of humility also inspires us a lot. Once I asked him what should be my attitude towards our God brothers in Bangalore while the Ritvik issue was prominent. He told me, "You just be spiritual and behave as a Vaishnava". Seeing the attitude and compassion of Guru Maharaja towards others even if they offended or misbehaved with Him, inspired me a lot as a disciple. He never considers anyone as his enemy. Instead, He talks and acts in a very wise way as He is totally surrendered to the Lord.

At the beginning of my visit to Navadwipa Dham I visited many spiritual centers (Gaudiya Math) and had a darsan with HH Srila Govinda Maharaja (Successor of HDG Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Maharaja). He asked me who is your spiritual master and when I told him HH Jayapataka Maharaja His Holiness told me "Ah! Jayapataka Maharaja is one of us; He is part of the Dham, a Dham vasi, and one of us". This inspired me more and more and I am proud to have him as our Guru Maharaja. Other things that impresses me is that knowing how Indian society is organized by casts ( we do not follow this system as per the mercy of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, all those who chant the Mahamantra Hare Krsna and render devotional service are considered devotees qualified for His mercy  and therefore devotees are beyond casts or color) many local people and devotees take shelter as diksha disciples of Guru Maharaja who was born in the west with in an American body, this shows His purity and that devotees sees in him his real identity and as a servant of the lord who took birth in the west for the purpose of preaching the glories of the Sanatan dharma and basically Krsna Consciousness. Guru Maharaja took the duty of being a GBC in South America and in some Yatras with large preaching centers, along with his God brothers and disciples. Once a devotee explained that before Guru Maharaja arrived in South America someone told them that they would all be in good hands since HH Jayapataka Maharaja carries the mercy of Lord Nityananda. And, in fact Guru Maharaja made many, many devotees since the first day he arrived in the Latin-American continent. In the USA Guru Maharaja is identified with the Panihati festival, performing an important service for the Lord and devotees in Atlanta year after year. HH  has a very mystic relationship with deities basically in Mayapur and it is very hard for us to discover this intimate Rasa but most of us have seen that something beyond our perception is always there and the many things that Their Lordships manifest to Guru Maharaja. As Book distributor is one of the leaders worldwide and basically during the Srila Prabhupada Centennial Marathon always He was among the leaders. When Guru Maharaja serves Srila Prabhupada he serves him with the utmost dedication and happiness.

Krsna is always present with Guru Maharaja even when He goes with devotees for swimming He instruct them to play the HARIBOL game by chanting the names f the Lord while transferring the ball. And when he use to make teams for book distribution also he use to create teams with names of Krsna and his associates. Many incidents happened that we can recollect about HH Jayapataka Swami and his extraordinary achievements but one come to my mind as particular that in some place in South America the government have sent a security agent to put drugs in the temple and make the police to arrest devotees and close temple but when that police came and saw Guru Maharaja arriving immediately was attracted by His personality and immediately changed His mind and surrendered and now is Guru Maharaja's disciple, this hows how a representative of the Lord can make miracles, and protect devotees. Once I went to Atlanta and when Guru Maharaja saw me there as for the first time in Atlanta He went to the kitchen and brought Prasad for me and I protested that I have to go and serve him but he said, NO I want to serve you, you I are a Vaishnava and is my duty to serve Vaishnavas, this incident I can never forget. Other story that inspired me too much was when HG Jananivas Prabhu told me that once Srila Prabhupada said in Mayapur, " If I have to do the seva that Jayapataka is doing I would do the same", this shows that Srila Prabhupada was satisfied with Guru Maharaja's service to the Dham, During the glorification of HH Tamal Krsna Goswami in Mayapur after his passing away, one Maharaja said that few days before HH Tamal Krsna Goswami told him that he would like to spend the rest of his life with devotees as Jayapataka Swami, Bhakti Charu Swami and Sivaram Swami. This was amazing to hear for us that day.

Other thing that also inspire us about HH Jayapataka Swami is when we read all the letters that Srila Prabhupada use to send to Him about Mayapur and the festivals where He is always expressing happiness for the work of our beloved Spiritual Master. Once I was invited to visit an officer in the Prime Minister Office in Delhi and since I came there the Officers use to always Glorify Gurumaharaj and talk about the respect and admiration they have for Him. From my side other things what I have seen in the office is that Guru Maharraja doesn't spend the money from the donations of devotees asically those collected during initiations but instead He have created a charity account to help other temples and poor centers as well to give donations to institutions in ISKCON that requires money and help and most recently He have given and important amount for the protection of the children of ISKCON. In many places in the world Gurumaharaj is always invited to organize and participate in retirement programs for devotees basically in Australia, Russia, Europe and South India, this shows how Guru Maharaja is always trying to use all the methods possible to make devotees have Guru- Sadhu- Sanga. We would write books and books about HH Jayapataka Swami if we have to add all his achievements and glories and services but for this occasion I hope have presented important part of his life and seva to Srila Prabhupada, again I offer my humble respects to our Gurumaharaj and our God-uncles and God brothers and wish the best tour Gurumaharaj for this Vyasapuja celebration.

On October 23rd at ISKCON Juhu Bombay Mandir, HH JPS suffered a brain hemorrhage which paralyzed him partially and affected his brain and was taken immediately at Mangal arati time to the Hinduja Hospital. Doctors gave him 2% of chance of survival, but as this news shocked the whole Vaishnava community, thousands were chanting for his benefit and praying to Lrod Narasimhadeva for his protection and recovery, while many were performing special yajnas and doing special parikrams in holy dhams and offering all the tapasias for Gurumaharaja health, which makes that the Supreme Lord Gauranga reciprocates with all of the prayers and made a miracle with Gurumaharaja tha brought him back to the preaching field, even with some physical limitations as he is now in wheel chairs undergoing many hysiotherapies for his full recovery. On December 20th he was discharged from Hinduja hospital and then admitted at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital till 28th of March, where he joined his annual safari tour group to Tirupati via Bangalore, At Tirupati Dham they were for 2 days then went to Madras for a short program then went to Mayapur Dham. While in Bombay as soon as Gurumaharaja felt strength to preach, he went on to give lectures at Mira Road temple, Juhu Temple, New Bombay programs for Gaurpurnima celebration and the very much commented the Pune Yatra program with almost 5000 devotees that are organized by HH Radhanath Swami's disciples.

As you all may know, after this incident in his health HH JPS never stopped travelling, whenever doctors will allow him to visit his zones and his disciples all over the world, no matter the distances, he is there and also participating in the GBC meetings, either in Bombay or in Mayapur. You can all read the letters sent by his God brothers to see how dedicated he is and how all are impressed that while others would be retired or idle, now he is still serving till last breath. No matter the limitations of the body our Guru maharaja is working and preaching and making thousands to chant the holy names of Krsna everywhere.

Many thousands of devotees were initiated even after his health problems and many more feel more inspired by his spiritual potency and dedication to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

The work of the Temple of  Vedic Planetarium is maybe one of the most important sevas of Guru maharaja and he is there to look after it and to help his gob brothers and devotees in general to look after it, also the management of Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir is taking some time of Guru maharaja as it is needed to upgrade the services to the world community of devotees.

Now there is a plan to improve the office of Guru maharaja with new team and better vision, in order to fulfill the demand of the devotees in having better service and better connection with our divine Gurumaharaja.

Ys Tustimohan Krsna das.

This is an other life story about HH JPS read by Her Grace Malati mataji during one of the vyasapuja celebration, I sent it to her and she added few things she knows.

Jayapataka Swami was born John Gordan Erdman on April 9, 1949 (the ekadasi after ramanavami) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA to John Hubert and Lorraine Erdman. He was born into opulent surroundings, his father's father being the founder of a large paint factory, which was a multi-million dollar concern at the time of his birth. Later HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja was glad to see that his name - Gordan John (Gour Dhan Jan) - already suggested what Srila Prabhuapda confirmed, that he and two other devotees were formerly associates of Lord Caitanya and that they had taken their birth in the west to facilitate spreading Krishna consciousness around the world.

When Jayapataka Maharaja was eleven years old, at the suggestion of his grandfather he cured himself of a skin disease by calling on the name of God. At 14, he graduated almost effortlessly in the very top of his class from St.John's academy, a college preparatory school. He was offered full scholarships including tuition, books, fooding, lodging plus incidental expenses by several major universities around America. He accepted admission into Brown University. There, as a fresh enrollee, he was so much moved by a guest lecture on the life of Buddha that he lost all interest in his studies and began searching for a spiritual teacher. After some time of searching and austerity he concluded he would have to got o India to find is teacher.

As he was preparing to leave for India, he met the devotees of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, founder acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, doing kirtan and distributing BTGs at the park. When one devotee approached him to take a copy of the BTG, he was stunned to see the tilak on his face and experiencing some strange feelings he began to run. After running a few minutes, he stopped to contemplate on what he had seen and how he had been so much affected. It was the experience of seeingsomething after a long time, a re-awakening of something that had been dormant and hidden from his memory. He walked back to the park but by then the devotees were gone!

There began his search for the Hare Krishna devotees. Since ISKCON was not very well known, he could not find them for a long time. It was finally during the Ratha-yatra preparations in San Francisco that he found the location of the ISKCON center. He came to the temple where HG Jayananda prabhu was making the ratha cart for Jagannatha. HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja was drawn into service of the Ratha by Jayananda prabhu. Later he met Srila Prabhupada who encouraged him by inviting him to take prasadam with him and making sure he got more than just generous servings.

In just two months after visiting ISKCON, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja decided to commit himself to the principles of ISKCON. Jayananda prabhu shaved his head and everyone was surprised to see that within two months of coming in contact with ISKCON, he had shaved up and joined in. In 1968, Gordan John took first initiation in Montreal, Canada and was given the name Jayapataka dasa brahmachari and he was very soon awarded 2nd initiation in New York.

Several years later, while discussing a difficult situation in Mayapur, Srila Prabhupada remarked upon the name 'Jayapataka' as follows:
Jayapataka Maharaja: You gave me the name Jayapataka. I hope that name comes true, that there will be victory.

Prabhupada: It has already become so.

Jayaptaka Maharaja, (then Jayapataka dasa) began to render a number of services for ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada. The first most important was the service as the president of ISKCON Montreal. Srila Prabhupada wrote him in a letter, "For the present I think you cannot leave Montreal. Your service is much too valuable there."

While in Montreal, His Holiness was was engaged in the service of printing books and dispatching them to other ISKCON Centres around the world. In a letter dated 6th October 1968, Srila Prabhupada wrote him, "I am interested in starting the press, so if you can manage it will be very nice." His service to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust continued in India and continues until today as he is one of the trustees of the BBT.
Later, on the instruction of Srila Prabhupada, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja ent to Toronto to open a center there. When Jagadish took over the Toronto center as president he wrote to Srila Prabhupada enquiring about his service and Srila Prabhupada told him to go to India on a long visa as "we have a great deal of work to do there".

Jayapataka Maharaja's flight to India gives already the hint of his expertise in traveling with the most mileage and least expense possible. He flew for 48 hours in what was the "cheapest flight in history" flying Montreal - London - Brussels - Bombay - Calcutta.

At Calcutta, Jayapataka Maharaja began to learn Bengali by going out to buy fruits and vegetables. Along with the other devotees, he conducted house programs, organized pandal programs, and personally went out on nagar Sankirtan  and book distribution though there was so much violence in the city.

Soon the devotees found a new place in Mayapur and Srila Prabhupada arrived 29th August 1970 in India. When he arrived, it was known that Srila Prabhupada had already given sannyas initiation to 9 persons in the US. Srila Prabhupada one day called Jayapataka das and asked him if he would take sannyasa and in response he said, "Yes, Prabhupada whatever you like".

Thus on the day of the most auspicious Radhashtami in 1970, in Calcutta, Srila Prabhupada personally performed the fire yajna and Jayapataka dasa got his sannyas initiation. This 12th sannyasi disciple of Srila Prabhupada would be enceforth known as Tridandi Biksu Jayapataka Swami.

Arriving in Mayapur and eternal service to the holy Dham When ISKCON got a land in Mayapur HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja went there on the instruction of Srila Prabhupada. When he first arrived in Mayapur, understanding that he was in the holy land, he offered his obeisances and then dipped his head into the cool Ganges mud to get the blessings, recollecting how Akrura, when he entered Vrndavana, saw the lotus footprints of Krsna in the holy mud of Vrndavana.

There were 5 other devotees with HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja in Mayapur. As funds were short, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja began engaging in agriculture. He studied several books, learnt different methods and got the best crop. Local farmers were surprised and wanted to learn from him. This helped build a lasting relationship with the local people. Maharaja taught them modern techniques of agriculture and the farmers taught him Bengali. He began to give classes in Bengali where his few listeners would correct him in his language and soon he began to perfect his knowledge of the language.Jayapataka Maharaja had wanted to learn even in 1968 when he was in the West but it did not seem necessary there. His desire was fulfilled automatically when he was sent down to Bengal by Srila Prabhupada.

Life in Mayapur in the initial days was very austere and full of different types of dangers. Devotees would sleep on the floor of a grass hut. Since they were living on their own crop, they would have to eat the same vegetable for three months. Once when Srila Prabhupada was there a large cobra was found in his toilet. Prabhupada called out to Jayapataka Maharaj and he very quickly managed to save Prabhupada. Eventually they got a three-room warehouse built by the main gate.

Jayapataka Maharaja soon began to oversee construction work in Mayapur and the artistic lotus building was built. But envious circles began to give the devotees a lot of trouble. With permission from Srila Prabhupada and the police, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja kept a gun for protecting ISKCON devotees and property. As adevotee who was with him at that time remarked, "He (Jayapataka Maharaj) was a great shooter".

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