What Success Really Looks Like

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Published on May 8, 2017 NEW VIDEO ALERT: I am passionate about helping you succeed and live your dreams! SIGN up here for FREE access to a smart app that will deliver valuable business insights and help you grow. Are you an entrepreneur, businessperson or owner? You can join for FREE here with just your email (It will take 10 seconds) https://www.9spokes.com/connect Please share today! Excerpt from an article from Entrepreneur: So many people seem to have this romanticised version of what being an entrepreneur consists of. They’re bombarded with social media humble-brags of people working from the beach -- they read articles about newly minted billionaires -- and don’t even get me started on TV. It all looks so easy, doesn’t it? Well, let me let you in on a secret. It can actually be really hard, stressful and exhausting. But, being an entrepreneur can also be incredibly liberating, exhilarating and unbelievably rewarding. Now here’s the thing. Most of the time, it’s all of these things (and so many more) at the same time and often all on the same day. Yes…living the life of an entrepreneur has many, many ups and downs. The key to effectively surviving them is: Realizing that it’s normal to experience highs and lows, both long and short-term; Not giving into the myth of “overnight success”; Remembering that neither ups nor downs are permanent; and Sharing your ups with others can help take you even higher. Do these four things and you’ll be on a steady climb upward, even though you’ll still have to deal with a few “bumps” along the way. Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBu1194ZIKM

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