The Vedas that criminalize meat-eating as murder are not mythology but are in fact the words of the Supreme Creator Himself, God, also known as Krishna. In this video, I prove this point beyond any reasonable doubt. Having studied the Vedic scriptures for the last 51 years, I invite anyone to prove me wrong in the comments.
In this video, I refer to a book entitled The Hidden history of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo and Dr. Richard L. Thompson which is the abridged edition of FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY.
These two brilliant authors prove beyond any reasonable doubt that modern scientific theories about the origin of humankind amount to nothing more than speculation. Such scientists declare that although their theories can’t be proven as fact today in the future their theories will be proven as fact and they really expect people to accept such dishonesty.
The Vedas provide perfect answers to all questions on the origin of life, the universe, and God the Supreme Creator. View the video and see. You’ll not be disappointed.
The perfect Vedas - Compiled by the greatest of all sages Srila Vyasadeva
Location: Malaysia
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