" Namaste Narasimhaya" (JALEBI Music CD)

Location: Rome, Italy
Views: 197
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**NEW*** JALEBI Music video! "Namaste Narasimhaya" in honor of Sri Narasimhaya Dev! ♥♬♥ "SRI NRSIMHADEVA KI JAYA !!!" ♥♬♥

ENGLISH: A traditional Indian song with a modern soul sound in honor of Sri Narasimha Dev, (a manifestation of Krsna) who protects those who call His name. Everyone knows that if God wants to protect you no one can harm you! Can I get a witness!? Yes, Lawd! : )

ITALIAN:  Una canzone tradizionale indiana con un suono moderno soul in onore di Sri Narasimhaya Dev (una manifestazione di Krsna) che protegge tutti coloro che chiamano il Suo Nome nell'ora del bisogno. Tutti sanno che se Il Signore vuole proteggerti nessuno può farti del male. Sei d'accordo? Si! Signore! Hare Krsna! Namaste, baby! : ) ♥♬♥

JALEBI Music band members:
Shirley Marie Bradby aka MiraBai Devi Dasi (lead singer)-Ramananda Roy Das (bass guitar and other instruments)-Yasoda Nandana Das (guitar, musical composition, and various instruments)

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