Live in Relationship, Cohabitation

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Cohabitation, "live in relationship", where man & woman live together without getting marry, in such relationship every one is at loss.On the other hand there are traditional marriages, where husband works to earn for basic necessities of life for family & wife manages household affairs, takes care of elders, parents, children & children takes care of them in their old age, this culture is in favor of both man & woman & whole society.but now a days people have given up this joint family culture, more over they have started cohabiting, have started living together without marring, not even interested in begetting children, but this leads to all sorts of miseries for both man & woman & for whole society.There is proverb that says "when cow's milk becomes very cheaply & easily available then no one takes effort to maintain cow & fulfill her necessities. similarly when women & sex would become so easily & freely available then no man would be interested in serving & respecting a we have seen in western world, many pregnant women, when their boy friends leave them, then they takes refuge of Government for financial aid, especially in such conditions, when they can't even work to maintain them selves &when their boyfriend leaves them & they alone have to take care of kids, have to work in home & office as well.Similarly when man also become cheaply & easily available then woman also does not perform her prescribed duty, she does not takes interest in maintaining family, managing house, taking care of kids, not at all interested in serving parents. she is not afraid that when her man would leaves her then she would not be able to get any other man to enjoy.In present days people are frequently changing their partners, boy friend / Girl friend, lot many temporary relationships, no more life long relationship as before.In this material world there is simply illusion of happiness but practically there is no happiness, its like mirage of water in desert & even if there is any happiness in enjoying sense objects then that also for very short duration, very temporary & very when boy & girl meet each other, they misunderstand lust with love, desire of ones own sense enjoyment is lust where as selfless desire to serve is they misunderstand, they think its true love & they can live happily with each other for life time but just in few years the love & happiness disappears & both starts to dislike each other or at least any one of them & starts to look for love from someone else, thus any one of them steps back from commitment,thus the relationship brakes up & man searches another woman or woman searches another man. in this way they keep on changing their partners.It is also harmful for society, say any husband wife are dedicated to each other, then this third person comes in between & starts alluring , agitating the mind, this some times becomes reason for divorce.The loss in this sort of relationship is that any one among them, one who wants to continue the relationship feels cheated, its very disappointing for him / her & many a times person goes into depression & sometimes it results in abortion, suicide, murder as well & there is no pressure of society on man & woman to keep relationship for life time. members of society do not encourage couple to remain both man & woman find themselves lonely in their old age & after death they have to suffer in hell for violating the rules & regulation of sex life given by GOD.Sex is allowed only for the begetting of children, not for enjoyment. One can indulge in sex to beget a good child for the benefit of the family, society and world. Otherwise, sex is against the rules and regulations of religious life.

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