Jaya Radhe (The Girl's Got It All) (JALEBI Music)

Location: Rome, Italy
Views: 174
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Jaya Radhe (The Girl's Got It All)  (JALEBI Music)

This genre-busting and trendsetting JALEBI Music video presents a transcendental and fun-loving song about Srimati Radharani, the quintessence of divine feminine charm and beauty who uses all her "transcendental wiles" to capture the heart of her beloved, Krsna! No doubt about it Jaya Radhe has got it all! : )


♥♬♥🙏🏼JALEBI Music band members:

  • Shirley Marie Bradby aka MiraBai Devi Dasi (lead singer)
  • Ramananda Roy Das (bass guitar and other instruments)
  • Yasoda Nandana Das (guitar, musical composition, and various instruments)

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