How to Clean - Bath Brass, Copper & Silver Deities / Paraphernalia

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How to Clean / Bathe Brass, Copper & Silver Deities and other pure metal Paraphernalia. After extensive research and testing we have discovered a non chemical, non abrasive, cheap but effective, fast and very easy way to clean our Brass Deities and other Paraphernalia using common household ingredients. We were so impressed with the ease, effectiveness, cheap and safe outcome that we felt it imperatively beneficial to share this. 1. Mix a teaspoon of salt to a 2-3 table spoons of pure lemon juice. A small quantity goes a long way. 2. Add plain flour to the mixture until it becomes a smooth consistent running paste. You can also use self raising flour where the added bicarbonate of soda aids the cleaning process. If you add self raising flour you will notice a reaction fizz as you mix. 3. Gently apply the paste to brass, silver or copper. 4. Leave for a few minutes to react. Before it dries wash with plenty of warm water. 5. Make sure to wash off all the paste totally. This is a very important step. 6. Please use a new toothbrush to gently scrub away the ingrained paste on paraphernalia that has lots of grooves or intricate work. 7. Wipe / shine with a soft cloth. 8. You may apply a little oil to maintain the luster for an extended period. 9. Please feel free to share these tips and please send us your blessings. Source:

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