Gita Jayanti 2010 Brisbane

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Date: Sunday 19th December 2010The "Gita Jayanti" special event was celebrated at the Shri Laxmi-Narayan Mandir in Brisbane with about 100 Devotees, despite the rainy season. Devotees from the ISKCON Brisbane Temple recited the full Bhagavat Gita Shlokas from 1.00pm to 4.00pm, followed by the Pravachan by respected Pundit Tripatiji on the "Advent of Gita Jayanti". The Bhajan Team also pleased the Lord and all Guest Devotees with sweet Kirtan and Bhajans of the Supreme Lord. The Maha Prasadam was sponsored by Mr & Mrs Patel of Brisbane. The Holy Book "Gita" was also donated by the Hare Krishna Devotees on this auspicious day. May Lord Krishna bless everyone. Hare Krishna!(Video coverage and editing by Ashmita Singh)

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