Gaura-Shakti- Sita Ram

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Gaura-Shakti Performing Sita Ram at Hamilton Hindu Samaj Temple

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  • आद्या सा प्रकृति सीता आद्यस्तु पुरुषोत्तम।
    गुणातीतो भवान्नित्यो नित्यभुता सनातनी।।

    That first nature (आदि प्रकृति) is Sita and the first is the best of men.( श्रीराम ही आदि पुरुषोत्तम हैं). Transcendental to the modes of nature, you art eternal, ever-being, eternal.
    Maha sundari tantra

    सर्व कार्य नियन्त्री च सर्वभूतेश्वरी ।
    अनादिरव्यक्तगुणा महा नन्दा सनातनी ॥
    You are the controller of all actions; you are the supreme goddess of All the creatures; you are eternal and without a beginning; you are invisible, subtle, unmanifest, attributeless and without any definitions; you are an embodiment of great beatitude and felicity; and you are ancient, eternal and universal.
    -SriRama to Mata Sita, Adhbhut Ramayana

    श्रीरामो भगवान पुर्णः कलाभिः पुरुषोत्तमः।
    कोटिलक्ष्मीसहस्त्रणाम् अशंनि जनकात्मजा।।
    एतयारेव दिव्यांशो राधाकृष्णात्मकौ ब्रजे।
    अन्याश्च सकला गोप्यस्तदंशाशां उदीरिता।।
    द्वारिकायां रुक्मिणीयं महालक्ष्मी महेश्वरी।
    अन्याश्च सत्यभामाद्यास्तदंशा सहजात्मिका।।
    Shri Ram is bhagwan of all kalas. Thousands of maa laxmi emanates from maa sita. From divine portions of shri Sita Ram, Radha Krishna does lila in vrindavan. All Gopis, mahalaxmi Rukmini, bhu Devi avtar satyabhama are all parts of maa sita.
    ~adi ramayan

    गोलोकोऽयं स एवात्र दृश्यते पुरस्तथा।
    सीताऽऽभिलासपसंभुत्यै रामेण विनिर्मितः।।
    The highest lok "golok" had been created by shri ram only to fulfill maa sita's wish
    ~shri shuka samhita

    तस्मिन्साकेतलोके विधिहरहरिभिः सन्ततं, सेव्यमाने दिव्ये सिंहासने स्वे जनकतनयया राघव: शोभमानः । युक्तो मत्स्यैरनेकैः करिभिरपि तथा नारसिंहैरनन्तैः कूर्मैः श्रीनन्दनन्दैर्हयगलहरिभिर्नित्यमाज्ञोन्मुखैश्च ॥ यज्ञ: केशववामनौ नरवरो नारायणो धर्मजः श्रीकृष्णो हलधृक् तथा मधुरिपुः श्रीवासुदेवो ऽपरः । एते नैकविधा महेन्द्रविधयो दुर्गादयः कोटिशः श्रीरामस्य पुरो निदेशसुमुखा नित्यास्तदीये पदे ।। इत्यादीनि बृहद्ब्रह्मसंहितावचनानि सङ्गच्छन्ते । अत्र नन्दनन्दनशब्दः नन्दं नन्दयति विविधोक्त्या शोकत्याजनाद्वर्धयतीति मथुरानिवासिपरः । श्रीकृष्णशब्दो द्वारकानिवासिपर इति न विरोधः ।

    (ब्रह्दब्रह्म संहिता

    "RAghava (Śrī Rāma) shines with SitA on the divine throne in world of SAketa (AyodhyA) where BrahmA, Shiva and Vishnu constantly worship him. He (Lord Rāma) is surrounded by many divine fish incarnations, monkeys and also by plentitude of the Narasimhas or Narasimha incarnations, tortoise incarnations, and sons of Sri Nanda, i.e Sri Krishna, Haya, Gala, and Hari. They all are eager to receive the orders of Lord Rama. Keshava, Vamana the foremost persons, Narayana, Yudhisthira, Shri Krishna, Haladhrik BalaRAma and VAsudeva, the enemy of the demon Madhu as well as various kinds of Mahendras and millions of Goddess Durgas, eager for advice, remain always in front of Sri Rama (Śrī Rāma) near His feet". Here, the epithet Nanda nandana signifies that form of Lord Krishna, who delights Nanda and dwells in MathurA, while Sri Krisna refers to the one who resides in DwArika.

    श्रीरामो भगवान पुर्णः कलाभिः पुरुषोत्तमः।
    कोटिलक्ष्मीसहस्त्रणाम् अशंनि जनकात्मजा।।
    एतयारेव दिव्यांशो राधाकृष्णात्मकौ ब्रजे।
    अन्याश्च सकला गोप्यस्तदंशाशां उदीरिता।।
    द्वारिकायां रुक्मिणीयं महालक्ष्मी महेश्वरी।
    अन्याश्च सत्यभामाद्यास्तदंशा सहजात्मिका।।

    Shri Ram is bhagwan of all kalas. Thousands of maa laxmi emanates from maa sita. From divine portions of shri Sita Ram, Radha Krishna does lila in vrindavan. All Gopis, mahalaxmi Rukmini, bhu Devi avtar satyabhama are all parts of maa sita.
    ~adi ramayan पुर्व खंड, अ 25

    जानक्यांश आदि सम्भुतानेक ब्रह्माण्डकारिणीं। सा मुलप्रकृतिर्ज्ञेयां महामाया स्वरुपिणी।।

    ~ All shaktis are originated from Maa Sita's ansh kala and she playfully creates infinte universes. Sarveshwari adi jagatjanni maa sita is hence called as adi Devi and mul prakruti and is independent ruler of all.
    (śrī Mahā Rāmāyanam)

    ज्ञानं सीतानाम तुल्यं न किञ्चित्, ध्यानं सोता नाम तुभ्यं न किचित् । भक्तिः सीतानाम तुल्यं न काचित्, तत्त्वं सीता नाम तुल्यं न किञ्चित् ॥ ६ ॥
    नान्यः पन्था विद्यते चात्मलब्धी, नान्यो भावो विद्यते चापि लोके । नान्यद् ज्ञानं विद्यते चापि वेदेष्वेवं सीतानाम मात्र विहाय ॥ १०

    ~ There is no gyana equivalent to The name of Sri Sita, There is no Bhakti equivalent to Sri Sita Nama and There is no Tattvam Equivalent to Sri Sita. The one who Recites Her name with Love, That person has got The Greatest gyana, That Person is the Greatest Bhakta and That Person Knows The True Tattvam of Vedas. That Gyana of Vedas, devoid of Love for Her name, is of no value. For Self realisation and Realising The Supreme Atma, Sita Nama is the only way, There is no other gyana or way in the vedas. Therefore, All wise ones should Recite Sita Nama.
    (Sri Brahma Ramayana 66.9-10)

    आद्या सा प्रकृति सीता आद्यस्तु पुरुषोत्तम।
    गुणातीतो भवान्नित्यो नित्यभुता सनातनी।।

    That first nature (आदि प्रकृति) is Sita and the first is the best of men.( श्रीराम ही आदि पुरुषोत्तम हैं)

    Transcendental to the modes of nature, Thou art eternal, ever-being, eternal.

    Maha sundari tantra

    सर्वशक्तिमयी सीता गुणातीतो चिदात्मिका।
    निमिषार्द्धे जगत्सर्वं क्योंकि विकरोति।।

    Maa Sita is omnipotent (सर्वशक्तिमयी)and transcends the modes of nature. Because she transforms or creates the whole world in half a moment.
    Brahma samhita

    सर्वदेवम समुत्पन्ना सर्वदेवमयी ईश्वरी।
    सर्वपोरूषवल्ली च सर्वधर्म अधिकारिणी।।

    Maa Sita is the Goddess from whom all the gods originates and contains all the gods. She is the one who grants porush (धर्म, अर्थ, काम, मोक्ष) of all men and the authority of all religions.

    Rudrayamal tantra

    सर्वे अवताराः श्री रामचंद्रेचरणेखाभ्यः समुद्भवन्ति तथा अन्य कोटि विषृणुश्चतुर्व्युहश्च समुद्भवन्ति एवमयपराजितेश्वरपरिमिताः परनारायणादयः अष्टभुजा नारायणादयश्च अनंतकोटि संख्यकाः बुद्धाजंलिपुरा सर्वकालं समुयाक्ताः।

    Atharvved Viswambar upanishad .

    All avtars have originated from foot prints of shri Ram. Even Narayan has emerged from Shri Ram himself. Sarveshwari adijagadamba maa Sita and sarveshwar swaym bhagwan shri Ram are engaged in playtimes in ayodhya where all devas give salutations to the Sita Ram yugal sarkar.
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