Dedication to Aindra Prabhu: Kolkata Rathayatra: Ekalavya Das and Friends on Kirtan Truck: The Complete Movie!

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As a dedication to H.G. Aindra Prabhu, we present comprehensive edited footage of our kirtans at Sri Kolkata Jagannatha Rathayatra Mahotsava.Ekalavya Das and Inspiration Explosion are joined by many young friends on a special kirtan truck during Kolkata Jagannatha Rathayatra - July, 13, 2010.This video shows different features of the Rathayatra and focuses on our kirtan truck.The music team features:Ekalavya Das: Vocals and TrumpetPradyumna Singh Manot: KeyboardsGopinatha Das: BassKochuda: BongosArif Khan: DjambeChaitanya Manot: Vocals and Kartallas.Little Gopal: Vocals, kartallasVictor: DjambeMany more friends helped with mrdunga, and kartallas included a group of young gurukulis from Mayapur who were dressed up as the Pancatattva and some local Kolkata youngsters dressed up as Hanuman and Ganesh.

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