Cow Dung Protects Phone Against Radioactvity

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On a recent visit to the ISCOWP farm, HH Bhakti Ragava Swami, head of the Om Sri Surabhi International Campaign, is putting cow dung on his phone after a discussion about the latest news of certain cell phones catching on fire. From the Times of India Mar 2011 TOI spoke to associate professor in physics department, KN Uttam, about the nuclear radiation and ways to prevent it. He said some traditional Indian practices can help in minimising the effects of Gamma rays, the most harmful rays emitted in nuclear radiation. "Traditional methods like keeping onions in pockets and applying a layer of Cow Dung on the outside walls of houses absorb the harmful gamma rays," Uttam said. "Cow dung, in fact, can absorb all the three rays -- alpha, beta and gamma. Among these, alpha rays cannot penetrate the layers of cloths whereas beta falls after hitting the same but the Gamma rays penetrate the body tissue and is the most harmful," he added. If the outer walls of houses are coated with thick layers of cow dung, it will absorb the gamma rays and in turn people would be safe, said Uttam who has worked in the ministry of science and technology and MHRD. Source:

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