Cosmic cycles of the Vedas: Dawn of a new Golden Age

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Since our situation in this age is so complicated, there is also great opportunity for spiritual advancement through the process of bhakti-yoga and especially through the performance of sankirtana. By chanting mantras, one has the opportunity of directly connecting himself to the spiritual energy, and thus make quick advancement. What would take thousands of years of practice of Ashtanga-yoga in Satya-yuga to achieve can be quickly obtained in our age. This opportunity makes this era actually quite fortunate, to the extent that beings from higher planetary systems desire to take birth in our planet during this age. Is exactly this possibility of quick spiritual progression, combined with the presence of souls coming from higher realms that leads to the predictions of a Golden Age in the midst of our modern age, a glimmer of hope for the ones that are not interested in experiencing the rigors of the later stages of this age. This combination of people from this age that attain enlightenment through spiritual practice and elevated souls from previous eras and higher planetary systems has the potential to gradually turn the tide of materialism, leading to a revival of spiritual values, combined with growing material prosperity. This is a trend that tends to continue for some time as the Golden Age takes hold, a global spiritual awakening that can lead to a very fortunate period.

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