
Yukta Vairagi

Yukta Vairagi (Utility is the Principle)
It was Rupa Gosvami, however, who enunciated the principle of renunciation through using things in the service of Krsna:
anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah 
nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate
prapancikataya buddhya hari-sambandhi-vastunah
mumuksubhih parityago vairagyam phalgu kathyate
When one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krsna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness. On the other hand, one who rejects everything without knowledge of its relationship to Krsna is not as complete in his renunciation. – Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 2.255–256
>>> Ref. VedaBase => TQD 9. A devotee is without material possessions, akincana.

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