
Wrong actions lead to disgrac

"A man who has no biased and scheming relatives to disgrace his family lives very happily in this world, like a tree that stands alone in a village. That single tree, full of leaves and fruits, becomes sacred to the village, and because it stands alone, without a jungle of relatives, the people honor and revere it.

"Of course, those who have many courageous relatives and who are devoted to religious principles also live happily in this world, free of distress. Powerful, prosperous people who love and take care of their friends and family live by helping and depending on one another, like trees in a noble forest.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhima's Lament

Possibly the most important reason for the aspiring devotee to wear tilaka is to remind himself and others that we all are the Lord's servants. Just as the policeman's uniform reminds him of his duty, tilaka reminds the aspiring devotee that he must act properly as a Vaisnava. Tilaka also helps remind him that he is a representative of his spiritual master and the entire society of Vaisnavas and that he should glorify, not disgrace, them by his actions.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => The Significance of Tilaka

Biased and scheming relatives bring disgrace to family and cause of Unhappiness
Courageous Relatives who are  devoted to religious principles are cause of  Happiness
Srila Prabhupada came to save us from this disgrace by opening temples were the whole world can live in and he said closing a temple is considered a disgrace and always insisted that once we open a temple we should ensure it is not closed.
People born in Bharat Varsa are expected to lead the world but one not knowing the philosophy of BG is a disgrace to one, ones family and Bharat Varsha.

Who is a disgrace to the Vaisnava dharma, and what is the cause of disturbance in the society?

“One who accepts the signs of a renunciate, before he actually becomes detached, is certainly the cause of disturbance in the society, and is a disgrace to the Vaisnava dharma.”

(Sajjana Tosani 2/7)
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