Hare Krsna dear devotees
As for the so called success of C-3?
It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita in the "yam yam vaapi smaram bhaavam.. " sloka how to travel to different planets of the universe. You simply have to meditate on the presiding deity of the planet you want to travel to at the time of giving up the earthly bodily form, which is in any case unsuitable for the environments on other planets. Mechanical travel is a sheer waste of time and energy along with taxpayer's money.
If you read the books of Prabhupada, the American and Soviet space program was at its peak when he wrote those books.
I'm simply echoing his statements in his landmark books especially "Easy Journey to Other Planets". For example if you want to enter the dazzling sun globe. You simply need to meditate on the predominating deity of the sun whose name is mentioned as 'Vivasvaan' in chapter 4 Bhagavad-gita. As such we will aquire fiery bodies that are suitable for the sun's environment. Likewise, if we want to travel to distant planetary systems such as Janaloka, Maharloka, Siddhaloka or even Brahmaloka, we simply have to meditate on the presiding deity of those planets while giving up the body so that we are able to take birth on those planets. Anyhow, mechanically, it is not possible to travel to these planets even with the speed of light.
Although, the eternal planet of Lord Krsna which is never subject to destruction, is much beyond even the eightfold coverings of this universe, we can reach there also if we think of Krsna only at the time of death as explained in the Bhagavad-gita: "Anta kaale ca maam eva smaran muktva kalevaram yah prayaati sa mad bhaavam na 'sty atra samsaya." Bhagavad-gita 8.5
Translation: Those who think of me only (Krsna) at the time of giving up their bodies attains my nature, of this there is no doubt.
Hari Bol