
Why is Krishna Really Blue?

Question: Why is Krishna Really Blue?

I found a article from last week which gave an impersonalistic interpretation as to why Krishna is blue.

Here is the article:

In Hinduism, Gods like Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, Lord Ram and Lord Shiva are shown as having blue or dusky skin. The color of the skin is shown as either blue or sometimes black. Hindu religion is full of symbolisms and the blue color is also a symbol. Most avatars of Hindu gods are also shown in blue color.

Blue is the color of the infinite. All Hindu gods are an attempt by the human mind to give form to the formless Brahman (God). The color blues symbolizes immeasurable and all pervading reality – formless Brahman.

Swami Chinmayananda talking on the subject says that whatever is immeasurable can appear to the mortal eye only as blue; thus the cloudless summer sky is blue to us because the endless distance of space is interpreted by the physical eye as blue in color. 

The blue color thus teaches us that what appears as Lord Vishnu, Krishna and Shiva is the all pervading reality. Brahman (the Supreme Reality) takes a particular form to satisfy the human mind.

So why is Krishna blue? I would like to submit the correct, bona fide answer to the site where I found article so that people can receive true, authentic spiritual knowledge.

Thank you very much.



Answer: To Wonderfully Attract Everyone

The article you have read is not in accordance with the Vedic conclusion because it states that God is formless and that it is only the human mind which attempts to give form to the formless God. This is totally incorrect. It is clearly stated in the sruti-mantras, the Sri Isopanisad, that God has a form:

pūṣann ekarṣe yama sūrya prājāpatya
vyūha raśmīn samūha
tejo yat te rūpaṁ kalyāṇa-tamaṁ
tat te paśyāmi yo 'sāv asau puruṣaḥ so 'ham asmi

"O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe, O regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the progenitors of mankind, please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I."--Sri Isopanisad Mantra 16

Krishna or God is real person. All of the Vedic wisdom comes to the point of Krishna. He is vividly described as a real person, with a real body, with real activities. Because He is the Supreme Controller He can manifest any color according to His own choosing. The blue-black color He sports is not a symbol of formlessness. To manifest that amazingly splendorous blue-black form, which attracts everyone, is another one of His wonderful pleasure pastimes.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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