Why do we have two hands, two legs and one face?

सीतानाथ समारम्भां रामानन्दार्य मध्यमाम्।
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे श्रीगुरू परम्पराम् ।।

Very great question you have asked !!

See, their is a very common saying, “As Father As Son".

What ever be the appearance of a father around same will be the appearance of a son (avoid genetic variations). Means, if father have 1 face, 2 hands and 2 feet than son will also have same phenotypic appearance. If a father have just double of above mentioned than his son will also follow the same.


According to Vedās and other scriptures the original personality of godhead is same like human in the form and a myth will also be bursted that lord is totally Nirakaar according to Vedās;

जे ब्रह्म अजमद्वैतमनुभवगम्य मनपर ध्यावहीं।
ते कहहुँ जानहुँ नाथ हम तव सगुन जस नित गावहीं॥
करुनायतन प्रभु सदगुनाकर देव यह बर मागहीं।
मन बचन कर्म बिकार तजि तव चरन हम अनुरागहीं॥

(Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānas 7.13.6)

Vedas are telling to Śrī Rām:~ Let those who meditate on Brahma (the Absolute) as unborn, the one without a second, perceptible only through intuition and as beyond the ken of mind, preach and believe like that. We, for our part, O Lord, ever chant the glories of Your visible form. O All-merciful and All-effulgent Lord, O mine of noble virtues, this is the boon we ask of You: may we love Your feet, casting off all aberrations of thought, word and deed.

What vedas said in Rāmāyan they are following that;


ब्राह्मणोऽस्य मुखमासीद्बाहू राजन्यः कृतः ।

ऊरू तदस्य यद्वैश्यः पद्भ्यां शूद्रोऽजायतः ॥

(Rigved, Mandala 10, Sukta 90, Richa 12)

From that Paratpār Par-Brahma, Brahmins came from his mouth, Kshatriyas came from his two hands, Vaishya came from his thighs and Shudra came from his feet.

(One thing should be noted that बाहू has been used in Dwi-Vachan means indicating two arms)


प्रजापतिर्दश हस्त्या अङ्गुलयो दश पाद्या द्वा ऊरू द्वौ बाहू

(Aitereya Aranaka 1.3.5)

The creator has ten finger in his hand, ten in his feet, he has two thighs and two Arms.


लोकानां तु विवृद्ध्यर्थं मुखबाहूरूपादतः ।

ब्राह्मणं क्षत्रियं वैश्यं शूद्रं च निरवर्तयत् ॥

(Manusmriti, Chapter 1, Verse 31)

For the purpose of the growth of society, he (Par-Brahma) created Brahmin from his mouth, Kshatriyas from his two hands, Vaishya from his thighs and Shudra from his feet.

(Here again बाहू has been used which indicates two arms of Supreme Being)


नमुक्तो नापि नित्यस्तु जीवादन्यः परः पुमान् । द्विहस्तं ह्येकवक्त्रं च शुद्ध स्फटिक सन्निभम् ॥ सहस्रकोटि वह्नीन्दुलक्ष्य कोट्यर्क सन्निभम् । पीताम्बरधरं सौम्यरूपमाद्यमिदं हरेः ॥

(Brihad Brahma 1.13.16,17)

Beyond the liberated and eternal councilors, the Supreme Soul, having two hands and one face, is resplendent like crores of suns. And in that sun resides primeval (original) form of God wearing yellow robes (पीताम्बर).



रामात्संजायते कामः कामाद् विश्वं प्रजायते । तस्मात्धनुर्धरात्सर्वे द्विभुजा मूलरूपिणः ॥

(Atharvaveda Pippalād Shākhayãm)

Kama is generated from Shri Ram and the world is generated from Kama itself, and kama being a part of Dhanushdhari Shri Ram, all the creatures are two armed in their original form.

(Quoted by Śrī Rām Charan Dās in 1750 in ŚrīRām Navratan SārSangrah)


यो विश्वचर्षणिरुत विश्वतोमुखो यो विश्वतस्पाणिरुत विश्वतस्पृथः। सं "बाहुभ्यां" भरति सं पतत्त्रैर्द्यावापृथिवी

(Atharvaveda 13.2.23)

(यः) जो [परमेश्वर] (विश्वचर्षणिः) सबका देखनेवाला, (उत) और (विश्वतोमुखः) सब ओर से मुख [मुख्य व्यवहार वा उपाय] वाला, (यः) जो (विश्वतस्पाणिः) सब ओर से हाथ के व्यवहारवाला, (उत) और (विश्वतस्पृथः) सब ओर से पूर्तिवाला है। (एकः) वह अकेला (देवः) प्रकाशस्वरूप [परमात्मा] (बाहुभ्याम्) दोनों भुजाओं से (पतत्रैः सम्) गमनशील परमाणुओं के साथ (द्यावापृथिवी) सूर्य पृथिवी को (जनयन्) उत्पन्न करता हुआ (सम्) यथावत् (भरति) पुष्ट करता है ॥


आनन्दो द्विधः प्रोक्तो मूर्तश्चामूर्त एव च ।
अमूर्तस्याश्रयोमूर्तः परमात्मा नराकृतिः ।
स्थूलं चाष्टभुजं प्रोक्तं सूक्ष्मं प्रोक्तं चतुर्भुजम्।
द्विभुजं परात्परं प्रोक्तं तस्मादेतत्त्रयं यजेत्॥

(Nārad Panchrātra Ānand Samhitā)

The Ananda (Bliss which is the essential nature of Bhagavan) is of two kinds - one is Saguna-Brahm and another is Nirguna-Brahm. Of these two, Saguna-Brahm has a form like a Human and He is the basis of the Nirguna-Brahm. There are three kinds of Human-forms of Bhagavan, Sthula (gross), Sukshma (subtle) and Paratpar (the most superior). Sthula-Brahman is the god with eight arms (i.e. 8 armed Bhuma-Vishnu) and is visible, but the form of Vishnu who has 4-arms is subtle i.e. He is Sukshma-Brahman, However the God who is of two-armed (i.e. Lord Ram in his eternal form), is the most superior (परं च द्विभुजं रूपं). Therefore, All these three forms of Lord are worshipable for all.


सर्वशक्तिकलानाथं द्विभुजं रघुनन्दनम् ।।
द्विभुजाद्राघवान्नित्यात्सर्वमेतत्प्रवर्तते ।

(Nārad Panchrātra Anant Samhita)

The two-armed Shri Rama in Saketa is the Lord of all powers and Kala-s. From that two-armed eternal Shri Rama alone, all the forms of Lord and entire cosmos came forth!


द्विहस्तमेवऋञ्च शुद्धस्फटिकसन्निभम्।
मरीचिमण्डले संस्थं बाणाद्यायुधलाञ्छितम्।।
किरीट हार केयूर वनमाला विराजितम् ।
पीताम्बर धरं सौम्यं रूपमाद्यमिदं हरेः॥

(Nārad Panchrātra Padma Samhita)

"In the Sun (the divine light/effulgence), there is the original primeval-form of Shri Hari having one face and two hands with bow and arrow who wears Pitambara"

(Quoted from Kalyan Kalpadrum)


नमस्ते अस्तु धन्वने बाहुभ्याम् उत ते नमः॥

(kṛṣṇa-yajurvēda 4.5.1)

"May our salutations be to Your bow and salutations to Your two hands (which wield the bow and the arrow).”

(बाहुभ्याम् has been used in Dwi-Vachan, indicates two arms)


नरतीति नरः प्रोक्तः परमात्मा सनातनः ॥
नृणाति मापयति आनन्दमिति नरः नरति व्याप्नोतीति नरः।


That is, one should know the human form of the eternal God who pervades all beings.


य एष एतस्मिन्मण्डले पुरुषस्तस्य भूरिति शिरः एक शिर एकमेतदक्षरं भुव इति बाहू द्वौ बाहू द्वे एते अक्षरे स्वरिति प्रतिष्ठा द्वे प्रतिष्ठे द्वे एते अक्षरे तस्योपनिषदहरिति हन्ति पाप्मानं जहाति च य एवं वेद॥

(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 5.5.2)

Of this Purusha, who is in the solar orb, the syllable 'Bhuh' is the head, for there is one head and there is this one syllable; the word 'Bhuvah' is the arms, for there are two arms and there are these two syllables; the word 'Svah' is the legs, for there are two legs and there are these two syllables. His secret name is Ahar. He who knows this destroys evil and leaves it behind.


द्विभुजौ द्विपद द्वि नेत्रे वक्त्रमेकन्तु मन्यताम् । अन्यथा कथनेन चैव वरस्यापि चिदात्मनि ॥ चिद्रूपं परमोदारं जीवेशयोः सनातनम् । द्विभुजं मधुरं भूत्वा कारणरूप मेव च ॥ दोर्दण्ड चण्ड कोदण्ड शरचण्डं महाभुजम् । कन्दर्प कोटि लावण्यं रमणीयं मनोहरम् ॥

(Shiv Samhitā, 5th Patal, Chapter 4)

जीवात्मा भवबन्धन से छूट कर जब भगवद्धाम में पहुँचता है तब उसको अपने प्रभु के समान ही दिव्यरूप प्राप्त होता है, जो दो भुजा वाला, दो पांव वाला, दो नेत्र तथा एक मुखारविन्द वाला होता है। अन्यथा कथन से तो चिदात्मा परमात्मा के स्वरूप का भी भ्रमित ज्ञान हो सकता है जीव तथा ईश्वर का नित्य सनातन सच्चिदानन्द द्विभुज मधुर स्वरूप ही है, वही कारण का भी महाकारण है । अपनी प्रबल प्रतापी भुजाओं में प्रचण्ड कोदण्ड धारण किये हुए महान् भुजा वाले प्रभु का करोड़ों कामदेव से भी अधिक रूप लावण्य सम्पन्न परम रमणीय मनोहर स्वरूप है।


So from above all scriptural shlokās it has been proved the the original personality has human like form means he has two arms, two legs, one face etc. human features. Many of us might get confused that Śrī Rām & Śrī Krishna both are two armed than who has been called up here? So according to Vedas Śrī Krishna is non other than Śrī Rāma himself;

यो रामः कृष्णतामेत्य सार्वात्म्यं प्राप्य लीलया । अतोषयद्देव्मौनिपटलं तं नतोऽस्म्यहम्।।

(Atharvavedā Shrüti Krishnōpanishad 1.1)

That Śrī Rāma, who transformed (incarnated) himself (incarnated) as Krishnā, attained Sarvaatmakta (सार्वभौमिकता) by his very lilā (divine exploits, pastimes); and thus deities-sages-masses were completely satisfied on this earth. I make prostration before that same Śrī Rāma.

And in Śrī Krishna samhita , lord Krishna himself telling about the Parattva of Śrī Rām to Shruti's;

तत्रास्ति मत्कारणमद्वितीयम् रामं परब्रह्म विशुद्ध बोधम्। विधीश नारायण शेष पूर्वकम्, अहं च तं वर्णवितुं न शक्तः॥

(Śrī Krishna Samhita 3.5, Lord Krishna to Shruti)

Once the Shruti's asked Lord Krishna, Lord! Tell me who is greater than you? Shri Krishna replied: My ultimate cause is the unique and pure Lord Sri Rama, to whom Brahma, Shankara, Narayana, Shesha and I are not able to describe.

परान्नारायणाच्चापि कृष्णात्परतरादपि। यो वै परतमः श्रीमान् रामो दाशरथिः स्वराट् ॥

(Vashistha Samhita, Chapter 26, verse17)

The one who is beyond Śrī Hāri Nāräyana, who is beyond even Śrī Krishnā, who is the most Paratammamvarat Paramatma, that is Dashrath's son Raghavā.

So, Sri Rām is being the cause of all causes shines in the Sāket with Maharāni Siya Ju Sarkar. From him alone everything came into existence wheather Gods, universe etc. anything.

Let's see the Paratpār Swaroop of the Lord of Sāket Śrī SītāRām;


नारायणं नारसिंहं वासुदेवं वाराहं तत्सर्वान्त्समात्रान्त्सीतं लक्ष्मणं शत्रुघ्नं भरतं विभीषणं सुग्रीवमङ्गदं जाम्बवन्तं प्रणवमेतानि रामस्याङ्गानि जानीथाः

(Yajurvedā Shākhayam Rām Rahāshya Upanishād 1.7½)

Lord Śrī Hari Nārāyana, Lord Narasimha, Lord Vāsudev (Śrī Krishnā), Lord Vāraha etc. All are the parts (अंश) of Lord Śrī Rāma. Lakshmāna, Shātrughna, Bharata, Vibhishana, Sugriva, Angad, Jambavant and Pranav (Om ॐ) are also mere portions of Lord Śrī Rāma.


श्रीमद्वाराहोपनिषद्वेद्याखण्डखाकृति ।त्रिपान्नारायणाख्यं तद्रामचन्द्रपदं भजे ॥

(Krishna Yajurvedā Shākhayam Vārāha Upanishad 1.1)

One who (alone) is known by Śrīmad Varahopanishad, who is form of eternal bliss, who has been manifested (known) as Narayan in Tri-Pāad. I worship that Śrī Rāma's lotus feet.


जगु पेखन तुम्ह देखनिहारे। बिधि हरि संभु नचावनिहारे॥
तेउ न जानहिं मरमु तुम्हारा। औरु तुम्हहि को जाननिहारा॥

(Śrīmad Rāmcharit Mānas 2.217)

Hey Ram! The world is visible, as you are its watcher. You are the one who makes Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar also dance. Who else is going to know you when they don't even know your essence?


सर्वांल्लोकान् सुसंहृत्य सभूतान् सचराचरान्।
पुनरेव तथा स्रष्टुं शक्तो रामो महायशाः॥

(Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa - 5.51.39)

Annihilating all the worlds including the elements, their created beings, as well as the entire mobile and immobile creation, the highly illustrious Shri Rāma is capable of creating them over again in exactly the same way.


ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेशाद्या यस्यांशा लोकसाधका: ।
तमादिदेवं श्रीरामं विशुद्धं परमं भजे ॥

(Skanda Puran, Uttar Khand, RamayaNa MahAtmya, 1.3)

“Salutations to that Rama who is the most superior, the primeval lord of universe, and free from all the vices. Brahmā (Brahmaa), Viṣṇu (Vishnu) and Mahesa (Shiva) who are sustainer of the world, are just parts of Lord (Śrī) Rāma .



सारद कोटि अमित चतुराई । बिधि सत कोटि सृष्टि निपुनाई ॥
बिष्नु कोटि सम पालन कर्ता । रुद्र कोटि सत सम संहर्ता॥

(ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa 7.92.3)

“He is as sharp as countless millions of Saraswatis-s and possesses the creative skill of a myriad Brahmā-s. Again, He is as good a preserver as billions of Vishṇu-s and as thorough a destroyer as billions of Rudra-s.”


वासुदेवादि मुर्तिनाम् चतुर्नाम् कारणं परम्।
चतुर्विंशति मुर्तिनाम् आश्रय श्रीरामः शरणं मम।।

(Brihād Brahmā Samhitā 2.7.8, Śrī Hāri Nāräyana to Brahmā)

The supreme cause of the four vyuhas, such as Vāsudeva. Śrī Rāma, the shelter of the twenty-four avtars, is my refuge.


यस्यांशेन एव ब्रह्म विष्णु महेश्वरा अपि जाता महाविष्णुर्य्यस्य दिव्यगुणाश्च । स एव कार्यकारणयोः परः परमपुरुषो रामो दाशरथिर्वभुव॥

(Atharvavedā Shäkhayam Vedsaropanishad, uttarakhand)

Whose Portion (Ansh) are Brahma Visnu and Mahesvara, Whose divine Guna is Mahavisnu, The only one who is the cause of all causes, The one who is higher than the highest, such is Śrī Rāma, the son of Dasratha.


कलायाः पुरुषः साक्षाल्लक्ष्मणो धरणीधरः ॥ कलातीता भगवती स्वयं सीतेति संज्ञिता तत्परः परमात्मा च श्रीरामः पुरुषोत्तमः ।।

(Yajurvedā Shäkhayam Tārsaropanisad 1.3/4)

It is said that Lakshman, the holder of the earth, has arisen from Kala and Kalatita is Goddess Sita herself. And beyond that is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Purushottam Sri Rama.


सकस्त्वं पुरुषः साक्षात्प्रकृतेः पर ईर्यसे ।
यः स्वांशकलया विश्वं सृजत्यवति हन्ति च।।
अरूपस्वमशेषस्य जगतः कारणं परम्।
एक एव त्रिधारूपं गृह्णासि कुहकान्वितः ।।
सृष्टौ विधातृरूपस्त्वं पालने स्वप्रभामयः ।
प्रलये जगतः साक्षादहं शर्वाख्यतां गतः।।

(पद्मपुराण पातालखंड २८|६८)

आप (श्रीराम) प्रकृति से अतीत (परे) साक्षात् अद्वितीय पुरुष कहे जाते हैं। जो आपकी अंशकला के द्वारा ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, रुद्ररूपसे विश्वकी उत्पत्ति, पालन एवं संहार करते हैं। आप अरूप होते हुए भी अखिल विश्व के परम कारण है। आप एक होते हुए भी त्रिविधरूप धारण करते हैं। संसारकी सृष्टिके समय आप ब्रह्मारूप से प्रकट होते हैं। पालन के समय स्वप्रभामय विष्णुरूपसे व्यक्त होते हैं और प्रलयके समय मुझ शिव (रुद्र) का रूप धारण कर लेते हैं।

Please Chant SitaRam SitaRam SitaRam

Hail to Śrīmad Goswami Tulsidas Ji 🚩

Hail to Ānand Bhāshyakār Śrīmad Jagādgurü Ramānandacharya 🚩

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