Who Is Crazy? by Bhaktimarga Swami


Our very happy venture to Stratford came to a closure. My companions, Vallabha and Gabriel, and I arrived at the home of a sweet Ukrainian couple and their family. More chanting and feasting were featured here in the cozy setting with friends around. The group meets regularly.

The talking portion of the program was my responsibility and today’s topic was, “Who Is Crazy?” The theme here could sound like a loaded question but frankly the term ended up being the topic of an essay by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, decades ago. Most of us are familiar with the phrase.

Sometimes our orthodox followers of Vaishnava culture are considered “crazy” due to our radical rejection of common, pop-culture. The public has, at least in our North American past, labelled us as a dangerous cult because we do not follow society’s “norms.” We were judged as evil, due to our rejection of meat-eating, gambling, intoxication and casual sex policies.

So, I explained to our group in the home of Igor, that I personally was targeted for being crazy at age twenty, when I walked away from a promising career in the arts. I had one month to compete my first year in college when I abandoned it for the life of a monk. Now, that might be considered crazy since I was doing well in the program, but I had to go with my heart. The thing that made the most sense to me was the powerful message of the Bhagavat, which was related to one’s true identity. “I am not the body. I am spirit. I am meant to search and to serve.” That made total sense, compelling me to do the sanest thing I ever did in my life.

Monkism isn’t for everyone. However, it was a perfect fit for me. As for the question, “Who is crazy?” It is a relative question.

Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/04/sunday-april-17-2022.html

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