
Where is the difficulty?

So where is the difficulty to understand God? There is no difficulty. If actually one is sane man, if he has got some brain substance, not stool substance, then he can understand God in every step, every step. Every step. Raso 'ham apsu kaunteya prabhasmi sasi-suryayoh sabdah khe... Everything is explained there. Why they speak lies, that "I have not seen God." Why don't you see God as God directs you to see? Why do you manufacture your own way? You cannot see God by your own way. That is not possible. Then you will remain always blind. That is happening at the present moment. The so-called philosophers and scientists, they are trying to see God in their own way. And it is being supported by rascals that "You can find out in your own way to see God." That is not possible. You cannot see God in your own way. You have to se God by God's way. Then you can see Him. It is not possible to see God in you... What you are? Just like if I want to see President Nixon, can I see him in my own way? Then how you can expect to see God in your own way? Is it not rascaldom? I cannot see even an ordinary man in big position in my own way. I have to apply, I have to take the sanction of the secretary, appoint some time, and so on, so on, and I am expecting to see God in my own way. And these rascals are supporting this view that "You can see God in your own way. As many ways you invent, they're all bona fide." This is rascaldom.

So the world is full of rascals and fools. Therefore God consciousness, Krsna consciousness, has become a vague idea. Otherwise, if one wants to see God as Kuntidevi is requesting, that "You remain always...," one can keep God always within his heart. He's always there. Therefore we have to apply as it was done by Maharaja Ambarisa: sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayor vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane. We can use our senses in Krsna consciousness. First thing is that we have to fix up our mind on the lotus feet of Krsna. Then... Mind is the center of all sensual activities. If your mind is absent, in spite of having your eyes, you cannot see; in spite of having your ears, you cannot hear. Therefore mind is considered the eleventh sense. There are ten senses -- five working and five knowledge-acquiring -- and the mind is the center. So indriyani parany ahuh. Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gita. Indriyani parany ahur indriyebhyah param manah [Bg. 3.42]. Krsna is explaining that we take the senses are very prominent. But beyond the senses there is another, superior thing. That is mind. Beyond this mind, there is intelligence. And beyond this intelligence, there is soul. So how they can appreciate existence of soul if they cannot understand the psychological movement of the mind? Behind that mind there is intelligence. They... Ultimate, utmost, they can approach to the intellectual platform. But one has to go beyond the intellectual platform to understand what is soul, or what is God. Otherwise, it is not possible.

So everything is there, but we have to understand through the right channel. Therefore Vedic information is tad-vijnanartham sa gurum eva abhigacchet samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham [MU 1.2.12]. This is Vedic injunction, that if you are actually serious about understanding that supernatural transcendental subject matter, you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Thank you very much. (end)

Prabhupada's lecture.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.39
Los Angeles, May 1, 1973

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