What we saw by Bhaktimarga Swami


Walking by yourself through foliage can be a beautiful experience. It's the green that is your company and maybe even your canopy. But tonight, by my two sides, are friends of the Bhakti Academy, Uday and Ambarisha. Always eager for an adventure are these two younger chaps.

Our spontaneous decision to go to a local ravine was enough to satisfy anyone who wants to buld up gratitude for what the Creator has done for us. The colours, smells, textures, and tastes cannot be purchased. You pay by appreciation.

So, here are some of the items we came in contact with that mounted our gratefulness as we trekked through the ravine near Mud Creek. First of all, we enjoyed each others connection. We shared 'wows' together.


Because there's been plentiful showers of rain and sun, vegetation looks good. The golden rod, chicory, queen ann's lace, and jewel weed are awesome. In fact, the spotted forget-me-nots with their orange radiance, the colour of a monk's attire, is another name of the jewel weed. This plant is an antidote for the notorious poison ivy.

We also spotted a white bird with a long beak. It's the first I've seen in these parts. It's not an egret. Can anyone identify?

While all these wonders and more were captured by our sense perception, I couldn't help but think how in despair much wildlife and humans are with all the disasters imposed on by nature. Let's pray!


Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/what-we-saw

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