सीतानाथ समारम्भां रामानन्दार्य मध्यमाम्।
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे श्रीगुरू परम्पराम् ।।
All Chatuh (4) Sampradaya are the most authentic Sampradaya.
Four-Vaishnava Sampradaya :
1) Śrī Saṁpradāya (Ramavat or Ramanand Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya : Bhagavati Sita Ji
2) Brahmā Sampradaya (Madhva Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya : Brahmā Ji
3) Rudra Sampradaya (Vishnu-swami Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya: Bhagavan Shankar Ji
4) Sanakadik Sampradaya (Nimbarka Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya : Sanakadik Muni
Mentions of All authentic vedic Sampradaya by Bhakti Movement saints;
1) Srimad Malook Das Ji Maharaj
जानहु श्री सनकादि अरु ब्रह्मा रुद्र उदार ।
कह 'मलूक' वैदिक यही सम्प्रदाय हैं चार ॥95॥
रामानन्दाचार्यजी श्रीके शुभ आचार्य ।
कह 'मलूक' सनकादिके श्रीनिम्बार्काचार्य ॥96॥
कह 'मलूक' श्रीब्रह्मके हैं श्रीमध्वाचार्य ।
विष्णुस्वामि श्रीरुद्रके सम्प्रदाय आचार्य ॥97॥
Sri Malook Das says, “I know only these four Vedic Vaishnav Sampradaya as Sri, Sankadik, Brahm and Rudra". (95)
Sri Malook Das says, “Ramanandacharya is auspicious Acharya of Sri Sampraday and Nimbarkacharya is of Sankadik". (96)
Sri Malook Das says, “Madhavacharya is Acharya of Brahm Sampraday and Vishnuswami is of Rudra". (97)
(-Sri Malook Shatak 95-97)
2) Srimad Nabha Das Ji Maharaj
रामानंद उदार सुधानिधि अवनि कल्पतरु।
विष्णुस्वामी बोहित्थ सिन्धु संसार पार करु॥
मध्वाचारज मेघ भक्ति सर ऊसर भरिया।
निम्बादित्य आदित्य कुहर अज्ञान जु हरिया॥
जनम करम भागवत धरम संप्रदाय थापी अघट।
चौबीस प्रथम हरि बपु धरे त्यों चतुर्व्यूह कलिजुग प्रगट॥
Just as in the previous three ages (yugas), God assumed twenty-four avatars, in the same way, in the current age of Kali, a quadruple manifestation of Acharyas (spiritual leaders) has appeared. One such great soul was Sri Ramānandacharya, the propagator of the Sri Sampradaya. He was extremely magnanimous, with an expansive vision to embrace surrendered souls. He was an ocean of love and knowledge, and on this Earth, he was like a wish-fulfilling tree for the devotees, fulfilling their desires.
The successor Acharya of the Rudra Sampradaya, Sri Vishnuswami Ji, was like a boat in the ocean of material existence, helping the drowning souls to cross over. The propagator of the Brahma Sampradaya, Sri Madhvacharya Ji, was like clouds showering the rain of devotion upon the hearts of those who were devoid of devotion (Saras) and those with dry hearts (Niras), filling them with complete devotion.
The successor Acharya of the Sanakaadi Sampradaya, Sri Nimbarkacharya Ji, was like the sun, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and illuminating the path of knowledge and devotion. By taking birth and personally practicing virtuous deeds, he firmly established the Vaishnava traditions in an everlasting and strong manner.
(-Sri Bhaktamal Chappay 28)
Ramanuja Sampradaya is an offshoot of Sri Sampradaya (Ramananda) as Sripad Ramanujacharya has used the philosophy of Sri Sampradaya (Ramanand) to write his Brahma Sutra Commentary. He says in his Brahma Sutra;
भगवद्बोधायनकृतां विस्तीर्णा ब्रह्मसूत्रवृतिं पूर्वाचार्या संचिक्षिपुः तन्मतानुसारेण सूत्राक्षराणि व्याख्यास्यन्ते
Bhagavan Bodhayana wrote an elaborate commentary on the Brahma Sutras, which was later condensed by the earlier acharyas. According to his viewpoint, "I am expounding the meaning of the sutras."
And Bhagvan Bodhayan (~800 BC) is 9th Acharya of Sri Sampradaya (Ramananda).
Bhagvan Bodhayan has himself mentioned what mantra He chants? in His Purushottam Prapattishatkam verse 1;
रामिति बीजवान् नाथ मन्त्रराजो हि तारकः ।
तं जपामि तब प्रीत्यै पाहि मां पुरुषोत्तम ॥ 1 ॥
As Sri Ram mantraraj mantra in given to those who gets initiate, which clears that Maharishi Bodhayan was initiated with Sri Rama mantra and falls in Sri Sampraday (also Know as Ramananda Sampradaya).
And also in His Veda Rahashyam verse 1 he has said about his lineage;
श्रीरामं परमं ब्रह्म व्यासं च परमं गुरुम्
श्रीशुकं च गुरुं नत्त्वा वच्मि वेदरहस्यकम् ॥1॥
That's why Sri Ramanuj Sampradaya originally doesn't comes in 4 Vaishnav Sampradaya. And according to Galata Conference of 1721 also Sri Ramanuja Sampradaya doesn't belongs to Chatuh Sampradaya, however they have separate independence which is respectable.
First of all 4 Vaishnav Sampradaya are themselves most authentic but if I go precisely than Sri Sampradaya who lineage starts from Sri SitaRam has much more mentions in scriptures than others;
The origin of the Sri Sampradaya is derived from the Vedas. It is not a man-made sect created in any particular century, but rather a timeless and ancient tradition that has been passed down through the ages. As said in Vedas;
श्रीश्च॑ ते ल॒क्ष्मीश्च॒ पत्न्या॑वहोरा॒त्रे पा॒र्श्वे नक्ष॑त्राणि रू॒पम॒श्विनौ॒ व्यात्त॑म् ।
O Param Purusha! You have two wives, Sri Devi and Lakṣmī Devi.
(-Yajurveda 31.22)
From Sri Devi started a sect called Sri Sampradaya in which core Deity were Sri SitaRam. As said in smriti Shastra that alone Sri Ram is capable to delight Sri Devi;
शक्तिः श्रीरुच्यते राजन् सर्व्वाभीष्टफलप्रदा ।
श्रियो मनोरमो योऽसौ स राम इति विश्रुतः ॥
"Parashakti is called 'Shri' (Śrī), she is the bestower of all desired fruits! The Supreme-Person who attracts and delights the heart of that Sri Devi, he is renowned by the (divine) name 'Rama'!"
(Brihd Hārit Smriti 3.243)
Sri Sampradaya is a lineage of Virakt Vairaagi Sanyasis who are detached from the world, wander all way, who finds shelter only in the feet of Sri SitaRam, they leave world and it's pleasure for their Lord. Their mentions is clear in Vedas;
कुण्डिकोपनिषत्ख्यातपरिव्राजकसंततिः ।
यत्र विश्रान्तिमगमत्तद्रामपदमाश्रये ॥
“The community (Sri Sampradaya) of wandering Ascetics , well-known for their practice of renunciation, attained their ultimate repose by taking refuge in the feet of Lord Rama."
(Samveda Kundika Upanishad 1.1)
The Vedas explicitly talk about such detached ascetics who have unwavering focus and devotion solely towards the divine feet of Lord Shri Rama. This group of detached ascetics is not associated with any other sect but rather belongs to the Shri Sampradaya. These Vedic verses make it clear that the Shri Sampradaya, also known as the Shri Ramanandi Sampradaya, has a long-standing tradition of ascetics or sannyasis dating back to ancient times.
Lineage Of Sri Sampradaya As Mentioned In “International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology”.
इममेव मर्नु पूर्वं साकेतपतिमवोचत्। अहं हनुमते मम प्रियाय प्रियतराय । सवेद वेदिने ब्रह्मणे । स वशिष्ठाय। स पराशराय। स व्यासाय । स शुकाय । इत्येषोपनिषत् इत्येषा ब्रह्मविद्या ।
That is, the lineage of the Sri Sampradaya is as follows:
- Sri Rama
- Sri Sita
- Sri Hanuman
- Sri Brahma
- Sri Vashishta
- Sri Parashara
- Sri Vyasa
- Sri Shukdeva
(-Atharvaveda Maithili Maha Upaniṣad-5)
-Quoted from International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X.
Article Info:— May-June-2012 Page Number: 419-437 Publication Issue Volume IV, Issue II Article History Accepted: 01 May 2012 Published: 28 May 2012
Also these following Shloka-s are also mentioned in that Same Journal:—
श्रुणु वदामिते वत्स मन्त्रराज परम्पराम्।
यस्याश्च वन्दनात् रामश्चात्यन्तं हि प्रसीदति ॥
सृष्ट्यादौ च सिसृक्षुः श्री रामो विधिं विधाय हि ।
सृष्टये प्रेषयामास वेदं ज्ञानमहानिधिम्।
तथाप्यर्थावबोधस्या भावाद्विधिः ससर्ज न ।
जातायामीशभक्तौ च गुरुभक्तिर्यतो न हि ॥
भक्तिद्वये यतश्चास्ति तत्वप्रकाशहेतुता ।
ततो वेदार्थबोधो न गुरोर्भक्तेरभावतः ॥
ततो रामस्य खेदं हि समुद्वीक्ष्य च मैथिली ।
गृहीत्वा विधिवद् रामान्मन्त्रराजं षडक्षरम् ॥
हनुमते च दत्त्वा तं राममन्त्रं षडक्षरम् ।
विधये मन्त्र दानाय प्रेरयामास मारुतिम् ॥
(—Sri Vashistha Samhita, Lineage of Sri Sampraday, Quoted from International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X)
ब्रह्मा ददौ वशिष्ठाय स्वसुताय मनुं ततः ।
वशिष्ठोऽपि स्वपीत्राय दत्तवान् मन्त्रमुत्तमम् ॥
पराशराय रामस्य मन्त्रं मुक्तिप्रदायकम् ।
स वेदव्यासमुनये ददावित्थं गुरुक्रमः ॥
वेदव्यास मुखेनात्र मन्त्रो भूमौ प्रकाशितः ।
वेदव्यासो महातेजा शिष्येभ्यः समुपादिशत्॥
(—Sri Agastya Samhita, Lineage of Sri Sampraday, Quoted from International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X)
इदं तु परमं तत्वं देवानामप्यगोचरम्।
पृष्टं युष्माभिरनद्यं कथ्यते श्रृणुतर्षयः ॥
भगवान् रामचन्द्रो वै परं ब्रह्म श्रुतिश्रुतः ।
दयालुः शरणं नित्यं दासानां दीनचेतसाम् ॥
इमां सृष्टिं समुत्पाद्य जीवानां हितकाम्यया।
आद्याशक्तिं महादेवी श्री सीतां जनकात्मजाम् ॥
तारकं मन्त्रराजं तु श्रावयामास ईश्वरः ।
जानकी तु जगन्माता हनुमन्तं गुणाकरम् ॥
श्रावयामास नूनं स ब्रह्माणं सुधियांवरम्।
तस्माल्लेभे वशिर्षिः क्रमादस्मादवातरम्।
भूमौ हि राममन्त्रोऽयं योगिनां सुखदः शिवः ।
एवं क्रम समासाद्य मन्त्रराज परम्परा ॥
(—Sri Valmiki Samhita, Lineage of Sri Sampraday, Quoted from International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X)
श्री राम जनकात्मजामनिलयं वेद्यो वशिष्ठावृषी ।
योगीशं च पराशरं श्रुतिविदं व्यासं जिताक्षं शुकम्॥
श्रीमन्तं पुरुषोत्तमं गुणनिधिं गङ्गाधराछान्यतीन्।
श्री मद्राघवदेशिकं च वरदं स्वाचार्यवयं श्रये।
(—Gita Anand Bhashya, Lineage of Sri Sampraday, Quoted from International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X)
And The Final Order of Lineage Published By International Journal (exactly Quoting in English);
❝By investigating the entire lineage, a specific order is obtained in which there are twenty-two acharyas who are either the founders or protectors of the tradition. The names are listed below in order:
- Bhagavan Sri Rama
- Bhagavati Sri Sita
- Sri Hanuman
- Sri Brahma
- Sri Vashishta
- Sri Parashara
- Sri Vyasa
- Sri Shukadeva
- Sri Purushottamacharya (Mahārishi Baudhāyan)
- Sri Gangadharacharya
- Sri Sadaanandacharya
- Sri Rameshwaranandacharya (First)
- Sri Dwaranandacharya
- Sri Devanandacharya
- Sri Shyamanandacharya
- Sri Shrutanandacharya
- Sri Chidanandacharya
- Sri Purnanandacharya
- Sri Shriyanandacharya
- Sri Haryanandacharya
- Sri Raghavanandacharya
- Jagadguru Ramanandacharya, author of Anandabhashya.❞
Vedant also speaks about same Wandering Ascetics
परब्रह्मोपनिषदि वेद्याखण्डसुखाकृति ।
परिव्राजकहृद्गेयं परितस्त्रैपदं भजे ॥
"I worship the state of transcendence, which is revealed in the Upanishads as the indivisible, eternal source of bliss. It is the ultimate reality which is revealed in the heart wandering ascetics (वैरागी संत). Let us devote ourselves to that three-fold state of consciousness, which is the abode of supreme truth and bliss."
(Atharva Veda Parabrahma Upanishad 1.1)
Now question may arise why this Upaniṣad is Par-Brahma Upanishad is not in the direct name of Sri Rama, so answer is:— Para Brahma is another Name of Lord Sri Rama as said in Padma Puran;
योऽसावयोध्याधिपतिः सपरब्रह्मशब्दितः। तस्ययाजानकीदेवीसाक्षात्साचिन्मयीस्मृता ।।
The one who is Lord of Ayodhya Puri Maharaj Shri Ramchandra ji, his name is Para Brahma and the one who is his wife Janakishori Bhagwati Srisita ji, she is considered to be the visible power of Lord Shri Ram.
(Shri Padma Mahapuran 5/28/59)
Also Vedas ITSELF says so;
राम एव परं ब्रह्म राम एव परं तपः ।
राम एव परं तत्त्वं श्रीरामो ब्रह्म तारकम्।।
Śrī Rāma is alone Para Brahma, Śrī Rāma is alone highest Tapa, Śrī Rām is alone highest Tattva, He is the Tārak Brahma.
(Atharvavedā Ram Rahasya Upanishad Chapter 3/Canto 1, Shloka 6)
Another Upaniṣad which says about Great Ascetics of Sri Samprādaya is Katha Shruti Upanishad, it says as:—
परिव्रज्याधर्मपूगालंकारा यत्पदं ययुः ।
तदहं कठविद्यार्थं रामचन्द्रपदं भजे ॥
“The Great Ascetics (of Sri Sampradaya), by adopting the path of renunciation, attained that high spiritual state, where I too aspire to attain. I worship the lotus feet of Lord Rama, in order to attain the knowledge of the Katha Upanishad to attain that Pada."
(Yajurveda Katha Shruti Upanishad 1.1)
—This Katha Shruti Upaniṣad signify that eternity of Sri Sampraday. This also proves that since Vedas are in existence people are aspiring in Sri Sampraday.
In next Vedant it has been told about the Final Goal of Ascetics:—
आरुणिकाख्योपनिषत्ख्यातसंन्यासिनोऽमलाः । यत्प्रबोधाद्यान्ति मुक्तिं तद्रामब्रह्म मे गतिः ॥
"Those pure Ascetics (of Sri Sampradaya) who are well-versed in the Arunika Upanishad, their path is the knowledge that leads to liberation. My goal is the divine Brahman, Sri Rama that is attained through such enlightenment."
(Sama Veda Arunika Upanishad 1.1)
The Vedas explicitly talk about such detached ascetics who have unwavering focus and devotion solely towards the divine feet of Lord Shri Rama. This group of detached ascetics is not associated with any other sect but rather belongs to the Sri Sampradaya. These Vedic verses make it clear that the Shri Sampradaya, also known as the Sri Ramanandi Sampradaya, has a long-standing tradition of ascetics or sannyasis dating back to ancient times.
And when Lord Sri Rama Himself appeared as 22nd Acharya of this Vedic Sri Sampraday, “rāmānandaḥ svayaṃ rāmaḥ prādurbhūto mahītale-Agastya Saṃhitā". Than from that time onwards followers of Sri Sampraday are also called as “Rāmanandi", indicating their Pravartak Ācharya. For that reason this Sampradaya is sometimes called as Sri Ramananda Sampradaya. But Originally according to scripture it is called as Sri Sampradaya in which Sri Jagadguru Ramanandacharya appeared as 22nd Acharya;
रामानन्द इति ख्यातो लोकोद्धरणकारणः।
आचार्यलक्षणैर्युक्तं वेदवेदान्तपरागम् ॥
श्रीसंप्रदायश्रेष्ठञ्च जनोद्धारपरं सदा ।
विज्ञाय राघवानन्दं लब्ध्वा तस्मात् षडक्षरम् ॥
Sri Ramananda is known as the cause of lifting the world. He is endowed with the characteristics of acharya and is well versed in the Vedas and Vedanta. He is the great (acharya) of Sri Sampraday and is always devoted to the upliftment of the people. He got Shadakshar Mantra from his Guru Raghavananadacharya Ji.
(Agastya Samhitā Chapter 132, Shloka 13, 17)
How Did Lineage Of Sri Sampradaya Spread On Earth? —
Rishis asked Maharishi Valmiki:
पूर्वं तु राममन्त्रोऽयमासीत् स्वग्र्येषु केवलम् ।
पृथिव्यां कथमायातस्तन्नो ब्रूहि दयानिधे ! ||३०||
Earlier, the Shadakshar Sri Ram mantra was limited to the celestial gods in heaven. How did it come to Earth? Oh compassionate one! Please enlighten us.
Maharishi Valmiki said:
इदं तु परमं तत्त्वं देवानामप्यगोचरम् ।
पृष्टं युष्माभिरनधं कथ्यते श्रृणुतर्षयः ! ||३१||
This supreme essence is even beyond the perception of the celestial gods. You have asked about this divine entity, free from sins, due to your affectionate inquiry. Therefore, I shall explain it to you.
भगवान् रामचन्द्रो वै परं ब्रह्म श्रुतिश्रुतः ।
दयालुः शरणं नित्यं दासानां दीनचेतसाम् ||३२||
Lord Sri Ram is indeed the supreme Brahman, as proclaimed by the Vedas. He is supremely merciful, always offering refuge, and remains ever attentive to His servants and the needy.
इमां सृष्टिं समुत्पाद्य जीवानां हितकाम्यया ।
आद्यां शक्तिं महादेवीं श्रीसीतां जनकात्मजाम् ॥ ३३॥
Lord Sri Ram, after creating this universe for the welfare and desires of people, imparted the supreme mantra called the Shadakshara Taraka Mantra to Mahadevi Goddess Sita, who is the primeval energy.
तारकं मन्त्रराजं तु श्रावयामास ईश्वरः ।
जानकी तु जगन्माता हनूमन्तं गुणगारकम् ॥३४॥
After hearing the Taraka Mantra from Lord Shri Ram, Mother Janaki, who is the mother of the universe, recited it to Hanumanji, who is an ocean of virtues.
श्रावयामास नूनं स ब्रह्माणं सुधियां वरम् ।
तस्माल्लेभे वसिष्ठर्षिः क्रमादस्मादवातरत ॥३५॥
By hearing the Taraka Mantra, Hanumanji, with his pure intellect, disseminated it to Sri Brahmā. Consequently, Sage Vasishta, through the course of events, received the mantra from Sri Brahmā.
भूमौ हि राममन्त्रोऽयं योगिनां सुखदः शिवः ।
एवं क्रमं समादाय मन्त्रराजपरम्परा ॥३६॥
Indeed, this sacred mantra of Lord Rama is a bestower of happiness to the yogis in this world. Thus, following this sequence, the lineage of the supreme mantra is established.
(-Narad Panchratra Valmiki Saṃhitā Chapter 2 Verse 30-36)
Infact Bhagvan Bodhayan also says about Sri Sampradaya in his work;
विधेस्तथा च वेदानां सृष्ट्यादौ संविधायकः ।
ब्रह्मणे वेददाता श्रीसम्प्रदायप्रवर्त्तकः ॥
Lord Sri Ram is considered to be the creator of the universe, Brahma, and the source of the Vedas. He is also considered to have bestowed the Vedas upon Lord Brahma and is regarded as the initiator of the Sri Sampradaya through the divine consort, Goddess Sita.
(-Sri Rama Naam Mala, Verse 10, Maharishi Bodhayana)
Sri Sampraday is a spritual lineage which started from Lord Sri SitaRam as 13th Acharya of Sri Sampraday Jagadguru Sri Dvaranandacharya who appeared in 139-319 CE mentions in His work Prashnottara Vali;
वैदिकः सम्प्रदायः कः कश्च तस्य प्रवर्त्तकः ।
श्रौतः श्रीसम्प्रदायः स रामसीताप्रवर्त्तितः ॥३९॥
Who were the Pravartak of the Vedic Sampradaya? Lord Shri Sitaram were the Pravartak of the Vedic Sri Sampraday.
(-Prashnottara Vali 1.39)
"श्रीसम्प्रदायमूलौ च सीतारामौ जगदगुरू ।
नमस्ताभ्यां नमस्ताभ्यां नमस्ताभ्यां नमो मनः ॥”
Shri Sitarāmavimshati Jagadguru Haryanandacharya
"या श्रियः श्रीस्वरूपा श्रीसम्प्रदायप्रवर्त्तिका ।
गुरुणां गुरुवे तस्यै श्रीसीतायै सुमङ्गलम् ॥”
Sri Sita Mangal Mala By Jagadguru Raghavanandacharya
Click Here To Get Historical Fact.
And many more mentions of Sri Sampradaya are present which stamps it to be the Vedic Sampradaya whose Lineage is deep rooted in Vedas and other scriptures.
(-Goswami Tulsidas, 26th Acharya of Sri Sampradaya, of a specific parampara)
Lineage of Sri Sampraday:-
Sri Rama—
Srimati Sita—
Sri Hanuman—
Sri Brahma—
Sri Vasishta—
Sri Parashara—
Sri Veda Vyasa—
Sri Sukadevacharya—
Sri Bodhayan— (Bodhāyan Vrittikar)
Sri Gangadharacharya—
Sri Sadaanandacharya—
Sri Rameshwaranandacharya—
Sri Dvaranandacharya—
Sri Devanandacharya—
Sri Shyamanandacharya—
Sri Shrutanandacharya—
Sri Chidanandacharya—
Sri Purnanandacharya—
Sri Shriyanandacharya—
Sri Haryanandacharya—
Sri Raghavananadacharya—
Sri Ramanandacharya (Anand Bhashyakar)
Thank You For Reading 🪷🪷
Please Chant SitaRam SitaRam SitaRam
All Glory to Srímad Goswami Tulsidas Ji
All Glory to Anand Bhashyakar Srimad Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Ji