What is Sadhana

“My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain Me.” (Bg. 12.9)

Good sadhana is the basis of steady advancement in Krishna consciousness. Brahmacari life is traditionally centered around sadhana: chanting mantras, studying the scriptures, and worship.

Shrila Prabhupada gave us a standard morning program of mangala-arati, tulasi-arati, Deity greeting, guru-puja, and Shrimad-Bhagavatam class; and an evening program of tulasi-arati, sandhya-arati, and Bhagavad-gita class—plus of course chanting at least sixteen rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. If we strictly follow this schedule with faith and enthusiasm, we will always remain enlivened in Krishna consciousness.

So devotees should get off the mental platform and get right into the program. Don’t just stand around in kirtana—dance nicely for the pleasure of the Lord. Don't slur sixteen rounds—pray to the Holy Name. Tune into class with mind and ears open. There is so much nectar in hearing and chanting about Krishna that Krishna Himself comes as Lord Chaitanya to relish that rasa. But we have to apply ourselves to become eligible to get that taste. We have to actually take that one step, and then Krishna will take His hundred towards us.

Good sadhana means to attend the whole morning program every single day without fail, rising by 4:00 a.m. at the latest, being present at every function (guru-puja, class, etc.) from the beginning to the end (not wandering in late or wandering out early), to chant all or most of one’s prescribed rounds during the morning program, and to be enthusiastic and attentive throughout. A good morning program gives us spiritual strength to carry out our Krishna conscious duties throughout the day.

Devotees who are conscientious about the morning program gradually develop strength and depth in Krishna consciousness; but those who, for whatever reason, decrease their inclination towards early morning hearing and chanting, gradually become weakened and susceptible to maya’s attack. Certainly, those not committed to rising early and strong sadhana cannot remain as brahmacaris, nor should such persons be allowed to live in the brahmacari-ashrama.

Shrila Prabhupada also wanted devotees to attend the evening program, or to utilize the evening hours for preaching engagements.

Some adjustments may be necessary for pujaris, cooks, and traveling preachers, but we must be careful not to become lax in, or get insufficient, hearing and chanting. If we are obliged to miss a part of the morning or evening sadhana programs, we must set some time aside at another time of the day to make up. Best for cooks and pujaris is to rise very early and chant japa before mangala-arati.

If devotees feel weak in Krishna consciousness, with decreased enthusiasm for devotional service and an increase in material desires, the root cause is usually poor hearing and chanting. How to get the enthusiasm back? Just by acting enthusiastically, enthusiasm comes. Just try jumping in kirtana, even mechanically, and see if you can stay morose. Shrila Prabhupada: “Dance. Even if there is no ecstasy, dance and it will come.” (-From ISKCON in the 70’s by Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami; Vol.1, p. 40)

Reading and attentive japa are extremely important. Japa should be chanted clearly and properly heard. And brahmacaris must find time to read. Bhagavad-gita (16.1) states that svadhyaya, study of the scriptures, is especially meant for brahmacaris. Therefore brahmacaris should assiduously study Shrila Prabhupada’s books and other authorized Krishna conscious literature, and avoid reading useless karmi or Mayavadi rubbish. Reading Prabhupada’s books helps attach us to Krishna and free us from maya.

Maya is always trying to take away our enthusiasm, and often attacks devotees in the form of doubt. Doubt is a disease which can culminate in spiritual death. (Bg. 9.3) Many devotees, especially new devotees, despite going on with the Krishna conscious process, are not fully convinced of what they are doing. For them Krishna recommends: “The doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed with the weapon of knowledge.” (Bg. 4.42) Hearing krishna-katha is bhavaushadhi, the medicine for the disease of material life. (SB 10.1.4)

Without reading Prabhupada’s books, how will we maintain the firm conviction needed to voluntarily undertake the austerities necessary for self-realization? “All the devotees connected with the Krishna consciousness movement must read all the books that have been translated; otherwise they will simply eat, sleep, and fall down from their position. Thus they will miss the opportunity to attain an eternal blissful life of transcendental pleasure.”(Cc. Madhya 25.278)

Shrila Prabhupada recommended that those who want to be gosvamis (masters of the senses) should carefully study the Nectar of Instruction; therefore brahmacaris can obviously benefit from the advice given therein.

About japa Shrila Prabhupada has written: “Of all the regulative principles, the spiritual master’s order to chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential.” (Cc. Madhya 22.113) Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami has compiled a Japa Reform Notebook and Reading Reform Notebook to help devotees develop good japa and reading habits.

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