Wet! Wet! Wet! by Bhaktimarga Swami

Without hesitation, a group of local enthusiasts for walking met at 10:00 AM with the intention to go as far as possible for a trek to the ‘0 MILES’ Monument in downtown St. John's, which is a mere 13 kilometres (somewhere in that neighbourhood).

We began the walk from the major parking lot, and from the start, high winds and drizzle were enough to detour anyone. But, NO! This crew is a bunch of troopers, and not poopers. By the time we headed West into the tree zone and away from barren boulders, we felt cut from the wind, but rain picked up.

11790514291?profile=RESIZE_400x Andrew was amongst the walkers. He first met Krishna monks in Halifax and keeps in touch with kirtans via media. But really, the group of us all kept on talking while moving in stride, battling the elements. We moved at different paces, so we ended up more as clusters. How many? About fifteen.

11790521696?profile=RESIZE_400xI spent a long time with Daphna, chatting. Like most folks who meet me, Daphna asked about life as a monk, among other subjects. By the 10th kilometre, we all decided to terminate. We were drenched, but we came off the road a little stronger in character.

In the evening, we had another session at the Lotus Centre, unleashing mantras, poetry, philosophy, and get this, dancing and snapping our fingers to the rhythm of “The Pink Panther” theme music first, and then to a jazzy maha mantra tune.

11790543255?profile=RESIZE_400xThe day was full, from the drenching of rain to the warm and dry yoga studio.

Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/wet-wet-wet

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