By Lord’s Grace, we put in the association of Guru Maharaja and the twin Vaisnava brothers in Sri Mayapur dhama! Of course, the Mayapur won’t be the same without Pankajanghri Prabhu!
After Mangala arati, after performing the abhiseka inside Narasimhadeva altar, Pankajanghri Prabhu comes out and devotees sprinkle the tirtha on devotees, whoever come forward! Then he chants his japa, many kids are found of him, they just go behind him, he plays with them! But Jananivasa Prabhu is very grave and not playful! Then 7am exactly, his conch blow for Lord Narasimhadeva’s darsana arati, the style of Pankajanghri Prabhu is amazing, he just spin the conch and catch, and wash it, and blow it with so much or absorption. Then arati to Lord Narasimhadeva, and he will wait for Srila Prabhupada to come, and he give Cadari to Srila Prabhupada! And then all the devotees receive Cadari from his hand! We will miss all these!
We will miss you in Candana yatra!
We will miss you in Narasimha Caturdasi!
We see always and discuss among us, how is having a guts to put water inside Lord Narasimahdeva and putting the hand inside and clean and do abhishek?
We will miss you in Jhulan Yatra!
When the Lord goes in the palanquin, you dance in front to make the way beautiful for Radha Madhava!
We will miss you in Boat Festival!
You be there in the boat with Jananivasa Prabhu! And it is a wonderful scene to watch you both with Radha Madhava in the boat! And when devotees doesn’t leave the ropes, you show as if beating with a smaller rope gently to make the devotees to leave the rope and give opportunity to the next batch!
We will miss you in Sri Sri Radha Madhava Elephant Procession!
Some years, you were on top of the Elephant, Gulab-Kali, and sometimes you walk with the Lord and perform offerings and aratis! You hold sometime, just a cloth with Gurukula boys, while offering! You see the rangolis, you bless us with a smile!
We will miss you in Parikramas!
The Panca-krosa and Asta-krosa parikrama started by Guru Maharaja and Jananivasa Prabhu and Pankajanghri Prabhu’s inspiration! The whole parikrama, with out any tiredness, you walk and dance and speak!
We will miss your Jagannatha Katha!
Who can narrate all the pastimes of Lord Jagannatha wonderfully! The hours will past just like that listening to you both!
We will miss you in dramas!
We will miss your wonderful dance!
We will miss you in feast!
We will miss you in your Appearance day!
The festival of your appearance day is like unannounced mela for all the Mayapur residence!
We will miss your presence in all the Abhiseka!
The future generations will miss your association, many brahmanas will miss your guidance! You expertly trained many devotees in Mayapur Academy!
Many kids will miss the wonderful annaprasana from your lotus hand!
We will miss your classes!
We will miss the Mayapur – that was in your presence!