Walking instead of Boxing by Bhaktimarga Swami

13378091678?profile=RESIZE_400xHundreds of years ago, December 25th was the kickoff for a twelve-day celebration.  There was no such thing as Boxing Day right after Christmas.  Remember the song, “12 Days of Christmas?”  Quite sweet!

To avoid the agitation of Boxing Day, Chirag and I took to a walk in a quiet corner, the region of Casa Loma, the much-visited castle in Toronto.  We first ventured to the nearby Spadina Museum.  There was a crowd there, but security checked us at the front.

“This is for paid tickets only!” said the incognito guard.  I was also the incognito monk.  I dare not wear my dhoti (lower garment) in the wintry slush.  The fellow was rather blunt.  I had second thoughts, a regret maybe, about my attire.  Most people treat me with some gentleness when I’m in my sannyas clothes. 

What is our identity?  We are spirit souls that carry some baggage – karma.  Before this life we were up to something accumulating merit and demerit points.  Based on our behaviour we get judged.  We are witnessed by many entities.

It was night when Chirag and I were gazing at the castle.  Up in the skies were stars and a moon.  In the day the sun is witnessing, as are the heavenly bodies at night.  And within, we have an inner superlative soul watching us.  That entity is called Supersoul.  You might call it neighbourhood watch.  I usually don’t have much to do with Boxing Day, but I do hear that shoppers’ behaviours aren’t that great.  Let’s go back to the 12 days.




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