waking Up From A Dream...(part-2)

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura movingly describes the precariousness such person experiences:

"alas, how unfortunate i am. having ffallen into this insurmountable ocean of material existence, i am being thrown here and there by the violent waves of my wicked desires.... i cry miserably at my helpless condition.

but i do not see any hope of being saved. what should i do? how will i be delivered? i do not see any solution to my dilemma. oh Lord, take me to You. take me up to the shade of the cool dust of Your lotus feet. have mercy on this wretched self!"

from these lines, an intense mood springs forth and enters the devotee's heart. there, these words create a streamlike pressure that powerfully moves the devotee forward to the bridge between the material and the spiritual planes of existence. he or she can then enter the spirit of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's fifth prayer, which is.....


"O son of Nanda, Krishna, king of the country of love, i appeal for Your affection. i am Your servant. i feel deep within my self that i have some connection to You. i am subordinate to You, but somehow i am now in adverse circumstances. there are so many enemies within me trying take me away from You. therefore i cannot give my full attension to You and Your name.

 at the same time i feel, from the deepest place in my heart, that You are my master You are all and everything to me. my heart will never be staisfied without Your companionship, so i appeal to You. i am under unfavorable circumstances and i am suffering. and without Your grace i do not find any relief from my present imprisoned condition."


the sincere crying of such an honest person quickly reaches the Lord's ears. to the ears of a wordly man this crying may sound like a shameful admission of one's complete failure as a human being, but to the Lord's ears such crying is a sublime vibration, a sound that He has been anxiously waiting for a long time. this sound pierces the strong prison walls of the material universe and moves to the Lord's heart.

He then begins making concrete plans of how to assist in the awakening of such a devotee.


the first phase of the Lord's divine rescue plan is to send devotees onto the fortunate soul's path. as such persons stand at the crossroads of material and spiritual life without knowing which way to turn. they meet devotees sent by the Lord and if they are humble enough.they become willing to learn how they can be delivered. through the words and actions of His dear devotees Krsna implants faith in His holy name.....


(from NAMA RAHASYA... The Confidential Screts In Chanting The Holy Names

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