

Everything has its proper utility, and a man who is situated in complete knowledge knows how and where to apply a thing for its proper utility
"Violence also has its utility, and how to apply violence rests with the person in knowledge".
Although the justice of the peace awards capital punishment to a person condemned for murder, the justice of the peace cannot be blamed, because he orders violence to another person according to the codes of justice.
Nonviolence in politics may be a diplomacy, but it is never a factor or principle

Similarly, when Krsna orders fighting, it must be concluded that violence is for supreme justice, and thus Arjuna should follow the instruction, knowing well that such violence, committed in the act of fighting for Krsna, is not violence at all because, at any rate, the man, or rather the soul, cannot be killed; so for the administration of justice, so-called violence is permitted.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 2.21
 violence and war are inevitable factors in human society for keeping law and order
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 2.27
Though the soul is immortal, violence is not encouraged, but at the time of war it is not discouraged when there is actual need for it. That need must be justified in terms of the sanction of the Lord, and not capriciously. 
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 2.30
"The ksatriya's duty is to protect the citizens from all kinds of difficulties, and for that reason he has to apply violence in suitable cases for law and order. Therefore he has to conquer the soldiers of inimical kings, and thus, with religious principles, he should rule over the world."
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 2.32
Lord Krsna and Arjuna, the Lord's eternal friend, had no need to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, but they fought to teach people in general that violence is also necessary in a situation where good arguments fail. 
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 3.20
As such, for a ksatriya it is better to be vanquished following the rules of violence than to imitate a brahmana who follows the principles of nonviolence. Everyone has to cleanse his heart by a gradual process, not abruptly. 
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 3.35
The human body is meant for spiritual realization, so any movement or any commissions which do not further that end commit violence on the human body. That which furthers the future spiritual happiness of the people in general is called nonviolence.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 10.4, Bg 10.5, Bg 10.4-5
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