
By Khusboo Basan

Vasis Studio Music Concepts was born in Sri Mayapur Dham around 2 years ago with the proposal of offering a comprehensive, straightforward method for anyone to learn kirtan music with instruments from scratch.

Initially, they were a kirtan band traveling the whole India and other countries (more than 20) doing Stage programs which were forbidden because of COVID restrictions. They raised funds with friends and followers for almost 10 years and finally established a music studio where they recorded an album, made videos for their Youtube channel and created The Definitive Harmonium Course, which today is their main activity.HH Sri Krishna Caitanya Swami Maharaj from the ISKCON Kirtan Ministry in his appraisal said,”Vasis Studio has set a new standard in Vaishnava Harmonium tuition, with a well designed course, modern teaching facilities, and inspiring devotee sanga. All this in three languages which makes The Definitive Harmonium Course highly recommended.”

Read more: https://iskconnews.org/vasis-studio-music-concepts-presents-the-definitive-harmonium/

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