Trekking and Meeting by Bhaktimarga Swami


There was the cry of a loon, which enthused Krsnadas and I to walk to its source, Sand Lake. Once we reached there, the loon was hard to spot. We did witness an osprey with deliberate determination to get breakfast. It sailed in the air, then dove like a dart for a catch. Looks like it caught something in its beak. Its speed restricted us from picking up all the details.

I did spot a group of sandhill cranes in flight at noon. That was majestic. Too bad it rains quite a lot. Sudevi tells us that August is the monsoon season. This means we spend substantial time indoors. That was not all that bad when you consider it allows us to spend quality time with Karly, who is an avid listener to the podcast “Wisdom of the Sages,” which has a big draw.

The moist weather also made it conducive to make a home visit to Jagatikandha. She’s originally from New Orleans. She and her husband, Amsu (now deceased, great soul), were assigned to the Toronto temple back in ’72/’73, so I remember her from then. What a pleasure this was to chat with her and her grandson, Max, along with our host, Ryan and Sudevi. Chanting is always purifying. Another plus point here is that we are meeting people of bhakti or devotional orientation.

A final short walk was back to Kincaid Park. A side trail allured Krishnadas and I. Not to worry about grizzlies. We did see bear scat, which comes in different colors. We joked that bears may discharge scat based on their color. In that regard, polar bears may excrete white poop. That gave us a laugh.


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