I stepped out of the door when my face was embraced by a fresh hit of a cool breeze. This afternoon was layered by a new snowfall. I quickly judged the shoveling job of our boys. Hmmm. 90% okay. Not thorough but doable. The neighbours and pilgrims that come to visit should be content enough to step their way through without kicking off from their footwear the white fallen flakes.
I had been quite pinned down indoors with classes, both zoom and live, within the warmth of furnace power, the lessons of which encourage the practice of bhakti. Now it was time to meet Krishna of the out-of-doors and get some japa meditation in.
My destination was Dundas Square by way of Yonge St. the same trail of Jagannatha in July, the Chariot Fest.
Now it's different in winter, but pedestrians appear happy, 95% are young, 60% Asian Korean and Chinese. At some intersection the invisible marijuana floats. And being Thursday which is close enough to the weekend, spirits set up. Shopping hours are extended.
By the time I reached the Square, 3 kilometres later, I was happy to have made it, when I dodged snow balls volleyed in the air meany for mutual 20-year-olds. I just happened to be in their path. No bad intention meant. I was glad for them. They demonstrated some good mode of passion. Snowballs in flight invoke smiles.
In a casual about face I returned, now with Yonge St. quieter than when I first left. Again it was rare to see anyone my age, in the vicinity of age 71. It was rarer still to see anyone chanting japa, which to some degree makes me feel special. In the future I hope to see more folks with a set of beads in hand.
Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/to-the-square-and-back