It used to take a clear six hours drive to Montreal from Toronto, then add a half-hour for a refreshment/bio break. These days you can knock off one hour because the standard motorist moves at 110 to 120 km per hour up the Highway, known by commuters as the 401.
Gabriel was kind to use his fire-engine red car to take me to Pie IX Boulevard and the temple for ISKCON Montreal. It was a real pleasant cruise, so time flew by. We even managed to get a full hour Gita Chat in with host Vaishnavi from Gainesville, Florida; our weekly discussion coordinated by yours truly. Just that lively hour alone sped up time like anything.
The verse with purport was 11.54, and it addresses how Krishna becomes the swift deliverer for those who give undivided attention to His love. I found it interesting that He is understood through service, which allows the participant to enter into the mysteries of Krishna Himself. At this point in the Gita’s conversation, the Lord revealed His extraordinary Cosmic Self, then His Vishnu form, and then finally His human-like self – all adjustments within a matter of minutes. That in itself is mystical.
One who is devotional is content to dwell on Krishna’s original form and does not need to dwell on alternative forms. That was one of the take-aways from our Chat session. Try to put yourself into Arjuna’s shoes and see the firm stance of Krishna before him as He offers His love.