By Mathura Lilesvari Devi Dasi

Devotees around the world took to various austerities in last month as an offering of love to our beloved Lord on the most auspicious Purusottama month.I must say that the power of social media surfaced in a positive way as more and more devotees share realisations and the many devotional services they performed in this month. It worked as a motivational tool. Meanwhile, some even vowed to stay away from facebook and other social media platforms for a month.

At Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur, the temple president, HG Kripa Sindhu Krishna Prabhu encouraged the congregation members to increase their preaching activities during this auspicious month. This was done as an offering of love to Their Lordships Sri Sri Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra and Sri Nitai Sundar Gaura Hari. It is also a plea to Their Lordships to protect the devotees from all calamities and to let them continue serving ISKCON.

We have all heard enough that the most important thing to do in this age of quarrel and hypocrisy,Kaliyuga is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way, no other way,no other way!

The Harinam department of Sri Jagannatha Mandir successfully organised three large harinams in this month. The first harinam was held in New Garden Park,Rawang. HG Baladev Prabhu (TKG) from Philipines who is a frequent vising devotee to Malaysia lead the harinam and mesmerized the onlookers with his melodious kirtan tunes.The devotees managed to distribute Srila Prabhupada books and chanting beads to 26 people in the park.

Next,another harinam was organised at Taman Garing Permai also in Rawang. Close to 20 Bhavagad Gitas were distributed alongside other Prabhupada books and 35 chanting beads were given to those who expressed interest in starting to chant. In this harinam that is done in a caroling style, devotees approached 100 houses of residents in the area. Devotees spoke on the glories of worshiping Tulasi Maharani to the householders and encouraged them to start worshiping her and they were also taught how to chant the holy names with beads. Most Indian households in Malaysia know the glories of Tulasi Maharani and they grow Tulasi in their gardens but hardly have any idea on how to worship her. This was a good endeavour by the devotees to educate them on how to do a proper worship.

The third harinam was held at Carey Island. Carey Island is a settlement for rubber plantation workers. HG Krishna Chandra Das,a senior member of Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur have been actively preaching to the people of this island for the past one year. Most of the residents are of Indian origin and has been very receptive to the preaching activities by ISKCON. Devotees and interested residents gathered at a local temple at the end of the harinama and HG Kamalanathan prabhu who organised this harinam delivered the lecture to the residents on the glories of Purusottama month and the holy names. The guests were also served prasadam.

Besides this, the youths of Sri Jagannatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur organised two 12-hour kirtan on both the ekadasis that fell on Purusottama month. The kirtan was done as a prayer for HH Jayapataka Swami’s well-being and the well being of all other vaisnavas in ISKCON.

We hope that these activities will only increase our taste for the holy name and help spread the joy of chanting to more and more souls out there. Harinam Sankirtan ki Jai!

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