The World Peace Formula!

My friends, if we look in the world today, we see that, what do we need most of all but... PEACE! We see that in Bosnia, we see in so many parts as Somalia. People all over the world are killing each other based on what? Some people blame it on religion, some people are blaming it on race.But the real thing that is actually responsible is a lack of higher spiritual consciousness. People are in bodily consciousness, they think they're the body. If we are born in a particular family, or born in a particular religion, and if we think, and we identify 'this is my body's identity'.We have to get beyond body consciousness. We have come to the transcendental vision, 'we are the living force in the body, we are all parts of ONE Supreme Godhead'. There may be different ways that people worship this Supreme Godhead. We should respect those different paths. But there is only ONE Supreme Lord.Just like, one time I was in Bangladesh with a group of devotees from about all the six continents, and I asked each of the different people, about 17 nations, to name the word "water" in their country. And then different people they said, 'Whata'...'Agua'..'Aqua', and so many different words for water... 'pani pani' and so on.And then I said, now you say the name of God in your respective language. And then someone from Arabia said, 'Allah'...and some in English said 'God'...and someone in German said 'Gaut'... and then somebody in Spanish said 'Deus', and they went around the room and they had all the different words...and then someone from India said 'Krishna'.So the point is that there may be so many different words but the personality of Godhead is ONE. There is only one Godhead, and we are all part of His transcendental family, we are all His children, we are all His devotees.And in this way the whole world...if we have the SPIRITUAL VISION which comes about naturally by chanting the names of God- "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare", then we can actually have the World Peace that people are looking for."
HH Jayapataka Swami
Ratha Yatra Lecture
28th December 1994
Byron Bay, Australia
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