Posted on July 22, 2010Filed under BVKS SangaThere is a little story, very interesting. So one poor boy, he was studentin a school, and the teacher’s annual ceremony of father’s death would beheld. So he requested all his student, “What you will give me,contribution?” Formerly the teacher was not taking any salary. But whateverhe wanted, the students will bring either from parents’ house or by begging.That was the system. The teacher would not charge anything. A brahmanacannot be…, charge anything.So this teacher, the original story, the teacher asked the student for…Somebody said, “I will contribute this cloth,” somebody said, “I’ll rice,”somebody said something, something, something. There was one poor student,he had no means. He was very poor. So when he was asked, so he replied that“I cannot say anything without asking my mother.” “All right, you ask yourmother and tell me tomorrow.” So he asked, “My dear mother, all my classfriend has promised the teacher to contribute this, that, this, that. So myturn is there. What shall I promise?” The mother said, “My dear son, we areso poor, we cannot give anything. But if Krsna gives, He is dina-bandhu, thefriend of the poor. So if He gives something to you, you can promise.” “Oh,where is Krsna? What is His name?” “Now, His name is Dinabandhu, friend ofthe poor.” “Where He is?” “I understand that He is in the forest.” So hewent to the forest and called, “Dinabandhu brother, Dinabandhu brother,where You?” He began to cry. So Krsna came. When a devotee is very mucheager to see Him, Krsna comes. He very is kind. So “Why you are asking?” “Mymother… You are Dinabandhu?” “Yes.” “So this is my condition, sir. Whatcan I promise?” So He said that “You promise that you will supply yogurt,dahi. You will supply dahi.” So he was very much satisfied. And he came tothe teacher that “My Dinabandhu brother, dada, He will supply dahi, oryogurt, for whatever you require.” “Oh, that’s nice. Very good.”So on the day of ceremony, so he went to the forest again and calledDinabandhu dada, and He gave him a small pot of dahi, yogurt, a small pot.Oh, he was a child. He did not know. And the…, he brought it to theteacher, “Now, this is my contribution. My Dinabandhu brother has given. Soyou take.” “The hundreds and thousands of people will be given foodstuff andthis much dahi?” He became very angry. He became angry, he did not care, andthe pot fell down, and the yogurt also fell down. But after some time, whenhe came, he saw that although the yogurt has fallen down, the pot is full.Then he again dropped it; again it is full. He dropped it; again it is full.Then he could understand it is spiritual. Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evaavasisyate [Iso Invocation]. You take the whole thing; still, the wholething is there. That is Krsna. Not that because you have taken something,one minus one equal to zero. No. In the spiritual world, one minus one equalto one. And one plus one equal to one. That is called advaya-jnana. There isno duality. Plus and minus, they are two things. But in the spiritual world,either plus or minus, the same. That is to be understood. That is calledAbsolute, advaya-jnana.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.25.38 — Bombay, December 7, 1974