
The way I make peace with the previous day is through journaling. What happened yesterday is documented today. It feels good. I have put May 8th to rest by rolling out of my pen on this day, the following next morning.

Yes, I’m still a pen and paper person. I love the flow of writing over punching letters. I guess I enjoy laying out the contents of a 24-hour stretch as much as I find satisfaction in walking.

These are two most natural undertakings – taking stock of life’s activities and being mobile. One activity is sedentary, the other – active.

On the evening of the 8th, Uday came to join me, then Jyot, then Vallabh, to go for a walk through Rosedale. And one of our destinations was 5 Beaumont, the former home of folk singer, Gordon Lightfoot, who just passed away. His house, a Victorian style home overlooking an impressive ravine, is located in the heart of Rosedale.

The three guys next to me haven’t heard of this accomplished musical master who churned out these lyrics that came out like ballads. Among his hits were “Black Day in July,” “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” – historical events. And then there were love songs.

And so, I pointed out to the guys his former home, just minutes from the temple, and took the stroll as a walk in homage to someone who is an icon in Canada and someone who put out good music.


Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/the-two-best-things-and-gordon

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