The ten offenses in chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra must be given up to achieve success in the chanting process. They are described in the Padma Purana, Brahma Khanda 25.15-18
satam ninda namnah paramam aparadham vitanute yatah khyatim yatam katham u sahate tad-vigarham |
"To blaspheme the great saintly persons who are engaged in preaching the glories of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra is the worse offense at the lotus feet of the Holy Name. One should not criticize a preacher of the glories of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. If one does so, he is an offender. The Nama-prabhu, who is identical with Krishna, will never tolerate such blasphemous activities, even from one who passes as a great devotee.
The second nama-aparadha (offense to the Holy Name) is described as follows:
sivasya sri-visnor ya iha guna-namadi-sakalam dhiya bhinnam pasyet sa khalu hari-namahita-karah |
"In this material world, the Holy Name of Vishnu is all-auspicious. Vishnu's Name, Form, Qualities, and Pastimes are all transcendental absolute knowledge. Therefore, if one tries to separate the Absolute Personality of Godhead from His Holy Name or His Transcendental Form, Qualities and Pastimes, thinking Them to be material, that is offensive. Similarly, to think the names of the demigods such as Lord Siva to be as good as the Name of Lord Vishnu---or, in other words, to think Lord Siva and other demigods to be other forms of God and therefore equal to Vishnu---is also blasphemous. This is the second offense at the lotus feet of the Lord. Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all the Vishnu tattvas, avataras, demigods and sages. Lord Krishna has sixty-four (64) Transcendental Qualities in an unlimited quantity. Lord Vishnu has sixty (60) qualities completely. Lord Siva has fifty-five (55) qualities to a large extent but not fully like Vishnu. And Brahma, the best of all living entities possess fifty (50) qualities to some extent. Thus Lord Krishna remains the Supreme Personality of Godhead by the dent of His superior position.
guror avajna sruti-sastra-nindanam tathartha-vadah hari-namni kalpanam |
The third offense at the lotus feet of the Maha-mantra is to consider the Spiritual Master (who gives the pure Maha-mantra) to be material and therefore envy his exalted position.
One should have unwavering devotion to the Spiritual Master who gives one the Maha-mantra, for the Maha-mantra is the highest of all spiritual activities. A person who disrespects the Spiritual Master who gives the Holy Name, a person who thinks that although his Spiritual Master may be learned in the scriptures describing the Holy Name, he is not learned in Vedanta and other philosophies, a person who then thinks he knows more about philosophy than his Spiritual Master, commits an offense to the Holy Name. No teacher is superior to the Spiritual Master who knows the truth of the Holy Name. Therefore to think lightly of him is an offense to the Holy Name.
One should have unwavering devotion to the Spiritual Master who gives one the Maha-mantra, for the Maha-mantra is the highest of all spiritual activities. A person who disrespects the Spiritual Master who gives the Holy Name, a person who thinks that although his Spiritual Master may be learned in the scriptures describing the Holy Name, he is not learned in Vedanta and other philosophies, a person who then thinks he knows more about philosophy than his Spiritual Master, commits an offense to the Holy Name. No teacher is superior to the Spiritual Master who knows the truth of the Holy Name. Therefore to think lightly of him is an offense to the Holy Name.
The fourth offense is to blaspheme the Vedic literatures, such as the four Vedas and the Puranas. It is seen that all the Vedas and all the Upanishads chant the glories of the Holy Name. To blaspheme all these scriptures is an offense to the Holy Name. If one honors the scriptures but blasphemes the parts of the scriptures that teach the glories of the Holy Name, one commits an offense to the Holy Name. Because of this offense one will not feel attracted to the Holy Names. Fully aware that the Holy Name is the crest-jewel of all the Vedas, one should respectfully chant the Holy Name.
The fifth offense is to consider the glories of the Holy Name to be exaggerations. In the Jamini-samhita it is said: "Persons who give the interpretation that the glories of the Holy Name as described in the Sruti, Smrti, and Puranas are exaggerations, live always in hell." In the Brahma-samhita, the Supreme Personality of Godhead explains to Bodhayana: "Any person who, after hearing the descriptions of the various benefits obtained by chanting the Holy Name thinks these benefits are exaggerations, I throw into a host of sufferings and torture in many horrible ways."
Similarly, the sixth offense is to consider the Holy Names of the Lord to be imaginary. The descriptions of the Maha-mantra glories in the scriptures are all completely true. However, when they hear these descriptions, persons who earn their livelihood by performing the rituals of karma or teaching the impersonal speculations of jnana, in order to protect their livelihood, say these descriptions are all exaggerations. Their interpretation is this: "The scriptures' descriptions of the glories of the Holy Names are not really true. Exaggerated descriptions of the benefits brought by chanting are given so that the mind may be attracted to the Maha-mantra." Persons who commit this offense do not attain attraction to the Maha-mantra. Therefore, with full faith in the words of scripture, you should chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. But you should avoid the company of people who give the interpretation that the glories of the Maha-mantra are exaggerated. If somehow you see such a person, you should at once bathe while still wearing your clothing. That teaching Lord Gauranga has given.
The seventh offense is described as follows:
The fifth offense is to consider the glories of the Holy Name to be exaggerations. In the Jamini-samhita it is said: "Persons who give the interpretation that the glories of the Holy Name as described in the Sruti, Smrti, and Puranas are exaggerations, live always in hell." In the Brahma-samhita, the Supreme Personality of Godhead explains to Bodhayana: "Any person who, after hearing the descriptions of the various benefits obtained by chanting the Holy Name thinks these benefits are exaggerations, I throw into a host of sufferings and torture in many horrible ways."
Similarly, the sixth offense is to consider the Holy Names of the Lord to be imaginary. The descriptions of the Maha-mantra glories in the scriptures are all completely true. However, when they hear these descriptions, persons who earn their livelihood by performing the rituals of karma or teaching the impersonal speculations of jnana, in order to protect their livelihood, say these descriptions are all exaggerations. Their interpretation is this: "The scriptures' descriptions of the glories of the Holy Names are not really true. Exaggerated descriptions of the benefits brought by chanting are given so that the mind may be attracted to the Maha-mantra." Persons who commit this offense do not attain attraction to the Maha-mantra. Therefore, with full faith in the words of scripture, you should chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. But you should avoid the company of people who give the interpretation that the glories of the Maha-mantra are exaggerated. If somehow you see such a person, you should at once bathe while still wearing your clothing. That teaching Lord Gauranga has given.
The seventh offense is described as follows:
namno balad yasya hi papa-buddhir na vidyate tasya yamair hi suddhih |
To think that since the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra can counteract all sinful reactions, one may therefore go on with his sinful activities and at the same time chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra to neutralize them is the greatest offense at the lotus feet of hare-nama. On the day when a living entity purely takes shelter of the Maha-mantra, from that day forward all his sinful reactions either prarabdha (that have already begun to bring sufferings) or aprarabdha (that will bring suffering in the future), are at once destroyed. Eventually the Maha-mantra give him prema (pure love of God). A person who purely takes shelter of the Maha-mantra throws sinful desires far away. He does not even desire the benefits attained by performing material pious deeds. He throws talk of material piety and sin far away. Neither is he attracted to impersonal liberation. Thus a person who purely chants the Maha-mantra does not commit sins. However, if a person commits offenses while he chants the Maha-mantra, his chanting is namabhasa (a reflection of the Holy Name). It is not pure chanting of the Holy Name. In the stage of namabhasa, the chanter's past sins are all destroyed and at present he is not attracted to sinning. However, some remnant of past sinful habits remains and only gradually is destroyed. It is because of past habits the chanter accidentally commits some sins, the namabhasa throws that sin far away. However, if the person who takes shelter of the Holy Names thinks, "The chanting of the Maha-mantra destroys all sins. If I commit a sin, then the Maha-mantra will then destroy that sin." And if he then deliberately commits sins expecting to be forgiven, his sinful action is the seventh offense to the Maha-mantra.
The eighth offense is stated thus:
The eighth offense is stated thus:
dharma-vrata-tyaga-hutadi-sarva- subha-kriya-samyam api pramadah |
It is offensive to consider the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra to be a religious ritualistic ceremony. Performing religious ceremonies, following vows, practicing renunciation and sacrifice are all materialistic auspicious activities. The chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra must not be compared to such materialistic religiosity. This is an offense at the lotus feet of the Lord. It is a great offense to consider the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra to be equal to following the varnashrama-dharma, giving charity, performing religious ceremonies, following austere vows, practicing renunciation and performing fire sacrifices, ashtanga-yoga and other like deeds which are all materialistic auspicious activities. These and other like deeds described in the scriptures are all material activities. However, the Holy Name of the Lord is beyond the world of matter. The pious activities described here are all means to attain certain goals. The final goal is spiritual in nature. All these pious deeds are means. They are not goals. However, the Holy Name of Hari is a means during the period of sadhana-bhakti, and a final goal when the devotee reaps the fruit of his spiritual activities. Therefore, ordinary material pious activities are not equal to chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. A person who thinks ordinary material pious activities are equal to chanting the Maha-mantra commits an offense to the Holy Name. Material pious deeds bring only very small and pathetic benefits. A person who prays that the Maha-mantra grant him these pathetic material benefits commits an offense to the Holy Name. Such a person thinks material pious deeds are equal to chanting the Holy Name. A person who knows that material pious deeds bring only small and pathetic results and who understands that the Maha-mantra is perfectly spiritual has the knowledge called 'abhidheya-jnana' (knowledge of how one makes spiritual advancement by engaging in devotional service).
The ninth offense is described as follows:
The ninth offense is described as follows:
asraddadhane vimukhe 'py asrnvati yas copadesah siva-namaparadhah |
It is an offense to preach the glories of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra among persons who have no faith in the subject matter. Such people should be given the chance to hear the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, but in the beginning they should not be instructed about the glories of the Holy Name or given diksha in the chanting of the Maha-mantra. By constantly hearing of the Maha-mantra, their hearts will be purified, and then they will be able to understand the transcendental glories of the mantra. Without first seeing that the recipient is properly qualified (has firm faith in the glories of the Maha-mantra), one should not give initiation into the chanting of the Holy Name. When you become a parama-bhagavata (topmost devotee of the Lord, then you will have transcendental potency. By the Lord's mercy you will have the power to give people faith in the Holy Name. To such persons you may teach the truth about the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. As long as you remain a madhyama-vaishnava (intermediate stage of devotion you should avoid the faithless, the non-devotees and the persons who hate the Lord. Many spiritual masters pushed by greed for fame and money initiate unqualified persons in the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. They are offenders to the Holy Name and have to go to hell for committing this ninth offense.
The tenth offense is as follows:
The tenth offense is as follows:
srute 'pi nama-mahatmye yah priti-rahito narah aham-mamadi-paramo namni so 'py aparadha-krt |
If one has heard the glories of the transcendental Holy Name of the Lord but nevertheless continues in a materialistic concept of life, thinking, "I am this body and everything belonging to this body is mine (aham mameti)", and does not show respect and love for the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, that is an offense. A resident of the material world who is intoxicated with the idea, "I am wealthy and glorious. I have many servants and followers", and who on some rare occasions thinks favorably about renunciation or has a glimpse of spiritual understanding, or hears the glories of the Holy Name from panditas, but does not earnestly love the Holy Name as he should, commits the tenth offense to the Holy Name.
Please sincerely try to give up these ten offenses and chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra with intelligence.
Please sincerely try to give up these ten offenses and chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra with intelligence.