The Spiritual Navigator

Sitting by the beach this morning, after I finished my power-chanting, marvelled by the Lord's incredible natural creations, I decided to spend some more time relishing nectarean kirtans as the beautiful, glowing sun rose slowly over me, bringing a gleaming light to the beautiful white sand and blue sea. Its glittering, golden rays  felt like Lord's soft touch on my head. The cool coast breeze and the tiny droplets of water splashing against the rocks, which brushed my face felt like God's divine shower of mercy. Suddenly a rainbow appeared in splendid display of colours, shades of red, orange and yellow shone brightly into the gentle gust of fresh air which blew around me. Astonished by this exquisite exhibition of the Lord's miraculous beauty while thanking Him for His abundant blessings and meditating on His holy name, my eyes apparently caught sight of the silhouette of a ship in the distance. That's when waves of deep realisations splashed over. 
It dawned upon me that our life is like the ocean, where the waves of joy, sorrow, happiness, distress bounce up and down, which are the results of our endeavour, actions and consciousness.
We, like the helmsman, must take charge of the ship of our life. For this we need to develop spiritual consciousness and foster its gradual progress. We should be able to navigate this ship of life by adjusting to the spiritual principles. Do not let the winds of time, place and circumstance blow away the sails of love and devotion for our Supreme Father.  
An ideal person knows perfectly well how to adapt spiritual principles in terms of time and place. All the great achaaryas or religious preachers or reformers of the world executed their mission by adjustment of religious principles in terms of time and place. There are different climates and situations in different parts of the world, and if one has to discharge his duties to preach the message of the Lord, he must be expert in adjusting things in terms of the time and place. Bhishmadeva was one of the twelve great authorities in preaching this cult of devotional service, and therefore he could receive and welcome all the powerful sages assembled there at his deathbed from all parts of the universe. He was certainly unable at that time to welcome and receive them physically because he was neither at his home nor in a normal healthy condition. But he was quite fit by the activities of his sound mind, and therefore he could utter sweet wise words with hearty expressions, and all of them were well received. One can perform one's duty by physical work, by mind and by words. And he knew well how to utilize them in the proper place, and therefore there was no difficulty for him to receive them, although physically unfit.
Therefore, by establishing and developing firm conviction in Lord's arrangement, maintaining and regularly practicing spiritual principles, being self-satisfied with the present conditions accepting it to be the Lord's kindness on us, we can become the perfect spiritual navigator.
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