
The Solution to All Our Modern Day Problems

 The problems in the World today are: Drugs, alcoholism, terrorism, violence, cancer, poverty, divorce, AIDS, conservation, global warming, droughts, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and financial ruin.

A Krishna conscious person follows the following principles; Krishna consciousness, No Intoxication, No Meat eating, No elicit sex, No gambling, Accepting the law of karma and reincarnation:

1. Krishna (God) consciousness.

Do you follow a God with no name, unknown address, unknown description, and unknown history, not seen, or not proven?

In the Vedic religion (Hinduism) God is a real person with a name, address, description, and history dating back to the beginning of creation (billions of years), seen by millions of humans (the forefathers of all of us), and proven. Lord Krishna is the Supreme Being (God) who last appeared in his original form, only 5000 years ago. He declared himself and proved that he was the Supreme Being, God, to millions of humans.

The life of a Krishna conscious person (a devotee) is centered on God (Krishna), which results in liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and re-birth after this life. The life of non-devotees is centered on materialism, lust, attachments, greed, or illusion. Which only result in bondage to material life for countless lifetimes. Material life is conditioned with misery, old age, disease, and death. There are 8.4 million bodies in which the soul keeps circulating. Out of these, only 400,000 are human species in various conditions of life. Not all the species are present on this planet. Thus human birth is rare, and one should utilize the higher consciousness to the fullest potential to break free from the wheel of birth, death, and re-birth, by becoming Krishna conscious.

When ones life is not centered on God, then it becomes centered on lust and materialism, which leads to anger and hatred as desires are unlimited and thus can never be satisfied. Couples should first love God, which will automatically lead to love for one another. If they just center their life around each other then their desires will never be satisfied and their relationship will end in misery, divorce.

Krishna consciousness people are totally non-violent (vegetarian), not materialist (simple), don’t behave like dogs on the street (no elicit sex), drug free (no intoxications), and don’t gamble with their life. The result of which is no mentality of violence, no AIDS, no druggies, and no financial ruin.

If you are serious about stopping terrorism, drugs, and AIDS. Then become Krishna conscious now

2. No intoxications.

Drugs are the biggest worry for parents of children. In the US alone, millions of people are addicted to drugs.

Millions of people are addicted to alcohol. Alcohol causes health problems and human suffering due to un-controlled consciousness.

Cigarettes cause diseases like cancer and lung disorders.

Tea and Coffee are intoxicants, which are addictive and can affect the consciousness in a negative way.

3. No Meat Eating.

A man works all his life and gets a pension to live out his remaining days. The cow gives milk all her life, and then people kill and eat her. It’s wrong. Man does not need to kill to live but he kills by the millions each day.

Animal killing, destruction of forests, and pollution is killing nature, which takes revenge in the form of droughts, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. In this age (Kali Yuga) things will only get worse by the day.

Scientific research has shown that eating meat can seriously damage your health. Meat eaters are much more likely to suffer from cancer, heart disease, and other diseases than vegetarians.

Killing animals is inhumane and uncivilized. They too are God’s creatures.

Meat eaters have a mentality of violence, a person who kills animals is much more likely to kill people too. Than a person who is a vegetarian. The most violent humans on Earth are animal killers. In this time of terrorism, it is important to know that all terrorists are meat eaters. It would be extremely rare to find a vegetarian terrorist. If everyone in the world were a vegetarian, there would be no terrorism.

It makes no economic sense to produce meat for human consumption. It takes at least 16 lbs of grain and many gallons of water to produce just 1 lb of meat. The 16 lbs of grain can feed at least 16 people while the 1 lb of meat can only feed 1 person. If everyone in the world were a vegetarian, there would be enough grain to feed twice the number of people in the world; there would be no poverty.

The forests of the world are being decimated by conversion to grazing lands, ruining the lungs of mother earth- that convert the carbon- di-oxide in the air back to oxygen. Global warming would be reduced considerably if there were no meat consumption. The contribution to global warming by automobiles is insignificant compared to the damage caused by breeding animals for meat consumption.

4. No Illicit Sex.

Millions of people around the world are dying from sexually transmitted disease like AIDS. Which is caused by humans behaving like dogs on the street.

In this age, relationships and marriages are often based on sex impulses only. This can be proven by the fact that most marriages end in a divorce. It is the children that suffer the most, all due to the lusty parents. Marriage often end due to one or both the partners wanting to move onto another mate. Just like the dogs on the street.

If there was no sex before marriage, and if humans did not behave like dogs on the street then the number of divorces and thus single parent families would dramatically reduce. Sexual lust only leads to misery.

Marriage beak-ups are costly in terms of human suffering and financially to both the partners.

5. No Gambling.

Millions of people gamble in various ways. Often most are losers. Gambling destroys the financial well being of many families and causes suffering. Mostly to women and children.

The gamblers don’t realize that it’s the bookies who win and not them.

6. Accepting the law of karma and reincarnation.

If a person kills and soon after dies himself. How can be punished unless he takes birth again? If a sinner is sent to hell forever then how can God be merciful unless he is given another chance? Reincarnation and karma explain why some people are born into misery and others into good fortune. Why some are born healthy and some diseased and so on.

By knowing that we are responsible for all our actions, one does not take actions, which causes suffering to others. This makes one very compassionate to all living beings. The law of karma makes one realize that by engaging in violence against other living beings will result in punishment, in equal proportion to the action.

Giving charity now will result in receiving charity in the future. If you give today to the needy, then in the future when you are in need, you will receive.

At death, all our actions taken during in life are taken into account to determine our next body (human or animal) and it’s conditions of life (rich, poor, healthy, diseased).

If all humans accepted that this life isn’t the only one and that for every action there will be a reaction, there would be no terrorism, violence, and criminals in the world. Also, if all humans were charitable and shared their wealth (take pious actions), there would be no poverty in the world.

People say “I want peace’. If you remove the ‘I’ (ego) and the ‘want’ (desires), you will be left with peace. Men and women must give up false ego, attachment to material objects, desires, and lust. This will result in everlasting peace and happiness.

Reincarnation and Karma are scientific facts.

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