Once again, a group of us walkers moved along River Road with one foot forward and then the alternate one by the oxidized flow of H2O and after a snow storm that broke away at the sun’s insistence. A lovely elderly woman from the UK and resident of the town who walks this route regularly was oh so curious about the monk’s clothes. But it was Vyasacharya who hyped her up about the marathon walker. We certainly ended up encouraging each other in the walking culture and to, as far as possible, do so in a pristine setting like where we were at Muskoka River. The atmosphere represents the mind of a clean devotee.
The drive back to the big city was awesome in that blue skies were shining on us. Everything in the air was there to tell us that life is worth going through.
A final mention about our short film, The Embassy – it is definitely worth viewing. It achieved some awards, including the Crown Wood International Film Festival Award and the Chambal International Film Festival – Season 7 Award. It achieved the status of quarter finalist at the Canada Shorts – Canadian & International Short Film Festival, and was a nominee at The Black Panther International Short Film Festival.
The compelling dialogue is an interesting character study of Krishna verses Duryodhan in a verbal arm wrestle. No blood and no physical conflict, just a good old battle of the minds in an eloquent classic English. The Embassy will be available soon, so please enjoy a sneak peak of what’s coming in its official trailer found at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9EI4azfkBw&t=1s .
We’ll keep you posted of its official release!
I hope you’ll enjoy the production which was assembled during the height of the pandemic.
Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2023/01/the-river-again-thursday-january-26th.html