The passing of Gandharvika devi in Miami

By Nartaka Gopala dasi

Srimati Gandharvika devi (Sonia Lerner) passed away Saturday September 21, 2024 in Miami Florida from complications of the liver. She was 80 years old and had joined the International Society for Krsna Consciousness in 1988 in Miami Beach, Florida. She was born in Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America, and also lived several years in Brazil. Her mother was from Guatemala and she was mostly raised by her Jewish stepfather. She had two children, her son Juan and daughter Cynthia, who both live in Miami, and each have one child.

For the last 36 years of Gandharvika’s life since 1988, besides her family, her main devotional service has been serving Tulasi Maharani nicely, and getting others to help her serve Tulasi Devi. She took care of ISKCON Miami’s Tulasi plants full time until 2015. And Tulasi usually grows really big and well in Miami’s climate. For example, Srila Prabhupada personally came to Miami temple in 1975, at that time it was also in Coconut Grove, but about one mile from where it is now. The entry way to the temple room was through a small screened Tulasi room. As Prabhupada walked past the huge Tulasi plants his eyes grew very big in amazement at their size. So Gandharvika always had abundant and flourishing Tulasis to deal with, as that is how they grow in Miami.

A little before she joined ISKCON she had donated one of her kidneys to her son. After that time her health was always fragile and she had to be very careful about her diet.

Gandharvika was a remarkable and special devotee, and a beautiful soul. Several of her friends are sharing below what she meant to them:

The following is from Dharma dasa and Mantra Murti devi dasi:

Since around the year 1989, when ISKCON Miami moved to Coconut Grove, Mother Garndharvika devi dasi was fixed in her service to Srimati Tulasidevi. She continued that service until 2015. I am sure that Srila Prabhupada would have been very pleased with her for her constant devotional service to Srimati Tulasidevi. We have all experienced that many times during the course of our spiritual lives, there are many challenges and difficulties that we must face just to continue on the spiritual path, what to speak of continuing the same service for many years. Srila Prabhupada did not like that devotees whimsically jumped from one temple to another or one service to another to find a happy situation. He was pleased when we tolerated all difficulties and remained fixed in our service to the Lord. May Lord Krishna bless Srimati Gandharvika devi dasi with continued devotional service.

Prasanna Ceta das (along with his wife Maria):

I heard about the news of Gandharvika leaving her body. I remember Mother Gandharvika as a faithful servant of Tulasi devi. She used to take care of all the plants for the Miami temple and bring new, fresh Tulasi plants every day, especially during the weekends and festivals.

My wife still remembers the first time she wanted to raise the Tulasi plant. Mother Gandharvika gave her the seeds and told her, “If she wants to manifest in your house, she will.” My wife’s first attempt at growing the Tulasi plant was not successful. Later, my wife succeeded in growing the plant. Mother Gandharvika was always available to give tips on how to take care of Tulasi.

My sister-in-law never learned to pronounce her name properly, and she always called mother Gandharvika “Mother Tulasi.”

Anytime mother Gandharvika saw me doing yard work, she would engage me in serving the Tulasi garden, helping her move plants or getting weeds out.

She will always remain in our thoughts and we pray that Krishna continues to help her on her way back home back to Godhead.

Jagatpati Gopal das (with his wife Mahodhari devi):

I met the devotees in 1999 but did not start going to the temple located in Coconut Grove until the end of 2004. I met mother Gandharvika there. It did not take long after meeting her to know what her service in the temple was. She took care of Tulasi Devi. Her devotion and focus were on attending to all the needs of Tulasi Devi. She was also very expert in engaging others in the service of Tulasi Devi. Later I learned that she had been doing this same service for more than 15 years. Considering material nature, the fickleness of the mind and the deterioration of the material body, to remain steady performing a service for that number of years it was and remains one of the most admirable aspects of Mother Gandharvika’s spiritual life. She was renounced, she lived in a small efficiency, just steps away from the temple in order to be able to take care of Tulasi Devi, when I am sure she could have had better living quarters elsewhere.

There are many coconut trees in the temple property and sometimes I would do the service of cutting them to offer to the Deities and the devotees. She would always come and ask me for some, she would always say as many as you can give me, they are good for my kidneys. I thought, man she sure does love coconuts. Later I learned that she had donated one of her kidneys to her son. Later I had the service of transferring the offering and for Lunch Prasad, she would not fail to be there on time to take her plate of Maha Prasad, regardless of who cooked or what was cooked. I and also, I am sure many other devotees in the community will remember her for her steadiness in devotional service and her love for Tulasi Devi. In the scriptures, it is clearly stated that Lord Krishna never forgets the service we offered to Him, even though due to material circumstances she stopped her service to Tulasi Maharani in the temple we can be certain that Lord Krishna will bless her with the opportunity to continue her devotional service at her next destination. I offer my humble obeisances to this wonderful personality and hope to keep being inspired in my spiritual life by the memory she left imprinted in me. Gandharvika Devi Dasi Ki Jai! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Ananda Buddhi devi:

Gandharvika was expert at engaging everyone in service. The first time I ever went to ISKCON Miami she asked me to water Srimati Tulasi devi so I did. I was happy to help her become a US citizen in about the year 2000. Toward the end of her life she asked me to please dress her after she leaves her body. I said “As Krishna arranges.” As it turned out, I was not there so Lila Murti dressed her. She was a big influence in my life and I love her very much.

Lila Murti devi:

Gandharvika took her last breath at 6:35 AM. On 9/21/24. Her daughter Cynthia, daughter-in-law Hena, Daiva Lila devi and I helped to dress her body in her favorite green silk sari, while we listened to Srila Prabhupada’s kirtan. Her son Juan and son-in-law Frank waited patiently in another room. There was a Tulasi plant in the room and the sweet fragrance of manjaris filled the whole space, even the hallway. Christopher, her grandson, was in charge of bringing fresh Tulasi and manjaris. He is taking care of her Tulasis now, following the instructions given by his grandmother.

As per Gandharvika’s wishes there in the room was a photo of Radha Vraja Bihari, along with her personal Deities. We used Ganga jal and Yamuna water, maha prasadam paraphernalia such as bindi, peacock feathers, sandalwood paste, tilak and red kumkum. Her japa bag and a beautiful braid with purple orchids was the final touch. What a bittersweet farewell this was. Good memories and knowing she is going back home, back to Godhead, but also sad because this parting is forever. Dear Mother Gandharvika, thank you for letting me serve you.

Vamsidhari Tovar: (son of Lila Murti devi and Rasesa Gaura das)

Gandharvika was like my second Grandma. She was there when I was born. Since then we were always close to each other. She lived for 20 years or so by the ISKCON Mandir in Coconut Grove. I helped her run errands and oftentimes carried Tulasi plants for artiks and Sunday feasts. She bought me many toys when I was a little boy. Thank you and all glories to my mother Gandharvika.

Rupa Manjari devi dasi:

Dear Gandharvika Mataji: Your smile and warmth lit up the lives of everyone that met you, and the memories we all shared with you will forever be cherished. Thank you for being so dedicated to the care of Tulasi and to always share your wisdom with all of us. Until we meet again. Hare Krisna.

Ishani devi (Isabelle Falconi):

Gandharvika first saw the devotees chanting on the beach when she lived on Miami Beach near the temple in 1988. At that time the temple was the GVB, Govinda’s Vaikuntha Building. She came down from her condo and followed the devotees back to the temple, where she met the devotee Maria Stella Splendore who took her up to the seventh floor temple room where she was dazzled, completely blown away by seeing the Deities for the first time. On the spot she decided never to leave Krishna. Then to top it off, Dharma Prabhu gave her a rasagula which she said was the most delicious thing she ever tasted in her life.

From that moment she kept coming to the temple, and later in 1988 she was at my initiation and met my Guru Maharaja Paramgati Swami. She liked him and always inquired to me about him. In 1990 the temple moved to Coconut Grove and I brought her to where Maharaja was staying at that time. She said her heart was about to explode and she asked him if he would accept her as his disciple. Maharaja said yes with a big smile, and later she said this was the happiest moment in her life, that he had accepted her and welcomed her with a smile. It was the first initiation ceremony of the new temple in 1990. She wore a sari that Swaha had gifted her, and the fire was high! Gandharvika asked her Gurudeva what service she should do and he told her to always take care of Tulasi Devi, which she did for the rest of her life with all enthusiasm, bhakti and love, in spite of all hurricanes, diseases and difficulties.

She had given a kidney to her son and this started her spiritual trajectory, coming to Miami, and learning the process of Krsna consciousness. We dressed the Deities together for several years. She was there for the birth of my two kids. When my daughter Ishani was born and I had to stay several days in the hospital, she brought me a Tulasi.

She was like a mother to me, and sometimes I was like her mother. Sometimes she would tell me something was not good for me, and sometimes I would have to tell her the same thing. In this way we were there for each other for 36 years. My beloved spiritual sister left this world Krishna conscious, with devotees at her side. She is being cremated in a sari and Srimati Tulasi Maharani will receive her with open arms. All glories to Srimati Gandharvika devi dasi! I had a dream at dawn that she came to me asking me to pray for her to Lord Nrsimhadeva in Mayapur for protection, and this I will do, my beloved sister.

Trayodisha devi (along with her husband Param Dham das):

Gandharvika was an amazing devotee who always took such good care of Tulasi Devi. She had a great service attitude and always looked nice herself, kind of like a gopi looking good for Krsna.

Iksvaku das:

I met Gandharvika d.d. in Miami in late 80s. She was a likable person, endowed with a soft temperament, and the sort of person who always smiled. As far as I can remember, for most of her holy life, she took care of the Tulasi garden at ISKCON Miami, a service she was sincerely attached to. During the many years she served Tulasi, there was never a scarcity of leaves and manjaris for Radha-Krishna’s service. I am confident that Radha-Krishna found a special place for that noble soul. As long as we remain in this world we will miss her.

Kavi das (Jorge E. Iglesias):

I just want to say a few things about Mother Gandharvika, who was recently taken from this world to His abode by Sri Krishna. It was 2005 when we moved into an apartment on Virgina Street, across from the devotees’ temple in Coconut Grove. At that time there were about 14 devotees living in the temple. We began visiting the temple, until the devotees in charge assigned us some service. My wife Rasalila served the Deities of Lord Jagannath, Subhadra and Balarama, and also cooked every Sunday for the Sunday festival. I helped her in the various facets of her service. Coming and going to the temple, I met Mother Gandharvika and was impressed by her service to Tulasi. She was so serious and dedicated to her service that I often observed her, watching her tend to, dress and prepare Tulasi daily for her worship or for any celebration of a special day. She was very jealous of Tulasi and guarded her garden with care and caution, not letting anyone in without her prior authorization. She was very warm, loving and above all very patient. After she moved from Coconut Grove, we began to visit her frequently and we loved her special attention to us very much. Now that she has left this martyalok, we deeply feel her absence, but we are comforted to know that the Supreme Divine Couple has taken her to continue her service there. That reassures us. I offer my sincere and very respectful obeisances to her delicate and unstoppable feet and we are happy to know that she has finally arrived at her place, at our house. I will always be attentive and willing to continue my attention and service to Mother Gandharvika. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Radha Krishna, Gour Nitai and Their dedicated servant devotees, among whom is undoubtedly mother Gandharvika.

Rasa Lila devi Maharaj (wife of Kavi das):

In 2004, when I arrived at the Miami temple, I met Mother Gandharvika and was very impressed to see how consecrated and dedicated she was to serving Srimati Tulasi Devi. In each meeting with her I could see her devotion and constancy in serving Srimati Tulasi Devi. She was always willing to serve Srimati Tulasi Devi no matter the circumstances or time. Whenever she saw a Tulasi she wanted to take her to serve her. Now she will be able to offer direct service to Srimati Tulasi Devi. All glories go to Mother Gandharvika🪷


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