
The most important thing.

There are many, many millions and trillions of living entities within
this universe. And they are rotating in different species of life,
8,400,000 -- in this way, unfortunate. Simply repetition, birth and
death, birth and death.

Out of them, if one is the greatest fortunate, he is given the chance,
guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija. By the mercy of guru and
Krsna, he gets the seed of devotional service. And if he's
intelligent, unless he is intelligent, otherwise how he gets the seed?
That is initiation. Just like if you get a nice seed, you have to sow
it and pour little, little water. Then it will grow.

Similarly, anyone who by great fortune has come into Krsna
consciousness, the seed of devotional service, he should water it. And
what is the water? Sravana-kirtana-jale karaye secana. This is
watering. This hearing and chanting about Krsna. This is watering.
Don't be absent from the class. This hearing and chanting is watering
the seed of devotional service.This is most important thing. Sravanam
kirtanam visnoh [SB 7.5.23]. This is most important thing. To hear.
Sravanam kirtanam Visnu.

- Srila Prabhupad
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