
The Meaning of The Hare Krishna Maha-mantra

Srila Prabhupada in Teachings of Lord Kapila, the Son of Devahuti, Chapter 14:

"Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us that we should only beg God for His service life after life.  This is the  actual meaning of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra.  When we are chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,  Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, we are actually addressing God and His energy, Hara.  Hara is Krishna's internal potency, Srimati Radharani or Lakshmi.  Jaya Radhe!  This is 
daivi prakrti, and the devotees take shelter of the daivi prakrti, Srimati Radharani.  Thus the Vaishnavas worship Radha-Krishna, Lakshmi-Narayana and Sita-Rama.  In the beginning of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra we first address the internal energy of Krishna, Hare.  Thus we say, "O Radharani!  O Hare!  O energy of the Lord!"  When we address someone in this way, he usually says, "Yes, what do you want?"  The answer is, "Please engage me in Your service."  This should be our prayer.  We should not say, "O energy of the Lord, O Krishna, please give me money.  Please give me a beautiful wife.  Please give me many followers.  Please give me some prestigious position.  Please give me the Presidency."  These are all material hankerings, which should be avoided."

Srila Prabhupada in the 
Science of Self-Realization:

"The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His energy, to give protection to the conditioned soul.  This chanting is exactly like the genuine cry of a child for its Mother's presence.  Mother Hara helps the devotee achieve the Lord Father's grace, and the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee who chants this mantra sincerely."
Explanation of the Maha-mantra from Srila Gopala Guru Gosvami's Svarupa-siddhanta-vakyam, etc.
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare;
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
(1)  The meaning of the word 'Hare":

'Hare' is the vocative for both "Hari' and 'Hara".
harati tri-vidham tapam janma-koti-satodbhavam
papam ca smaratam yasmat tasmad harir iti smrtah
"The Lord is known as Hari because He takes away the sins and three types of  suffering [adhyatmika (bodily or mental), adhibhautika (offered by living creatures),  and adhidaivika (due to supernatural disturbances)] accumulated over millions of births, of those who remember Him."
vijnapya bhagavat-tattvam cid-ghanananda-vigraham
haraty avidyam tat-karyam ato harir iti smrtah
"The Lord is known as Hari because He eradicates the ignorance of His devotees by  revealing to them the philosophical truths about Himself and His own personal  spiritual form which is full of eternity and condensed bliss."
harati krsna-manah krsnahlada-svarupini
ato harety anenaiva sri-radha parikirtita
"Because She steals Krishna's mind and because She is the personification of Krishna  pleasure potency, Sri Radha is also known by the Name 'Hara'.
(2)  The meaning of the word 'Krishna'.

The Mahabharata (Udyoga-parva) 71.4 states:
krsir bhu-vacakah sadbo, nas ca nirvrti-vacakah
tayor aikyam param brahma, krsna ity abhidhiyate
"The word 'krs' is the attractive feature of the Lord's existence, and 'na' means  spiritual pleasure.  When the verb 'krs' is added to the affix 'na', it becomes 'Krishna',  which indicates the Supreme Absolute Truth."
anandaika-sukha-svami syamah kamala-locanah
gokulanandano nanda-nandanah krsna iryate
"The dark, lotus eyed Lord, the only Master of the highest joy, Who brings pleasure to  Gokula and is the Son of Nanda, is known as 'Krishna'".
(3) The meaning of the word "Rama".

The Rama-tapaniyopanisad 1.6 states:
ramante yogino 'nante, satyanande cid-atmani
iti rama-padenasau, param brahmabhidhiyate
"The yogis take pleasure in the unlimited Supreme Lord Who is existence,  knowledge, and bliss absolute.  Therefore He is known as the Param Brahman and is  also called Rama."
vaidagdhya-sara-sarvasvam murta-liladhidaivatam
sri-radham ramayan nityam rama ity abhidhiyate
"Krishna is also known as 'Rama' because the bliss of the conjugal mellow of pure  love is the very essence of His being, because He is the titularly Deity of loving  sports incarnate, and because He brings pleasure to His eternal consort Srimati Radharani."
ramayaty anisam rupa-lavanyair vraja-yositam
manah-pancendriyaniha ramas tasmat parikirtitah
"Krishna is glorified by the Nama 'Rama' because He constantly causes the Vraja  cowherd women's minds and senses to enjoy the charms of His form and beauty."
Thakura Bhaktivinoda in Sri Bhajana-Rahasya:
adi 'hare krsna'---artha avidya-damana
sradddhara sahita krsna-nama-sankirtana
"The meaning of the first 'Hare Krishna' is that the chanting of the Maha-mantra with  faith destroys all ignorance."
ara 'hare krsna'---nama krsna sarva sakti
sadhu-sange namasraye bhajananurakti
"The meaning of the second 'Hare Krishna' is that all of Krishna's potencies are  present in the Maha-mantra.  One should develop attachment to the process of  accepting full shelter of the Maha-mantra in the association of pure devotees."
seita bhajana-krame sarvanartha nasa
anarthapagame name nisthara vikasa
"By following this process all the unwanted things in our hearts will be destroyed.   Then strong faith will awaken in the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra."
trtiye visuddha-bhakta caritrera saha
'krsna krsna' name nistha kare aharaha
"By the third chanting of 'Krishna Krishna', please develop this faith in chanting  further by taking shelter of the transcendental qualities of the pure devotees."
caturthe ahaituki bhakti-uddipana
ruci saha 'hare hare' nama-sankirtana
"By the fourth chanting of  'Hare Hare', please cultivate the taste for chanting.  This  stage marks the manifestation of unmotivated desire to render devotional service to  Lord Krishna."
pancamete suddha-dasya rucira sahita
'hare rama'---sankirtana smarana vihita
"By the fifth remembrance of 'Hare Rama' arises the stage of rendering bhakti with  the mood of pure servitude and strong attachment."
sastha bhavankura 'hare rameti' kirtana
samsare aruci krsne ruci samarpana
"By the chanting of the sixth 'Hare Rama', one arouses one's bhava (ecstasy or  emotion) for Lord Krishna.  He then develops distaste for this material world and  strong attraction to surrender everything to Lord Krishna."
saptama madhurasakti radha padasraya
vipralambha 'rama rama'---namera udaya
"The seventh chanting of 'Rama Rama' arouses strong attachment to the sweetest  feature of the Absolute Truth and ultimately the desire to take shelter of the lotus feet  of Srimati Radharani in the mood of separation."
astama vrajete asta-kala gopi-bhava
radha-krsna-prema-seva prayojana labha
"While chanting the final 'Hare Hare', the sadhaka will achieve the ultimate goal  (prayojana) of rendering pure loving devotional service in the pastimes of Sri Sri  Radha and Krishna in Vrindavana in one's original spiritual body, in the mood of the  gopis during the eight periods of the day."
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